
bination of numbers was chosen and he  23  the lottery. That is to say, he won a great deal of  24 .
Al was so  25 . The first thing he did was to buy a new car. He showed off the one thing that he normally would not buy. Then he started spending money on  26  things. It was like he had money to  27 . He had more money than he needed and it was burning a hole in his pocket so he spent it quickly.
When we  28  for a meal at a restaurant, Al paid every time. He would always pay bills for others. He told me the money made him feel like a millionaire  29  he felt very happy.
But shortly after that my friend was  30  and out again. He had no money left. He had  31  his bottom dollar, his very last amount.
I admit I do feel  32  for my friend. He had enough money to live like a king. Instead, he is  33  to living on a shoestring ― a very low budget. Some might say he is penny  34  and pound foolish. He was wise about small things, but  35  about important things.
16. A. Yet B. Meanwhile C. Otherwise D. Instead
17. A. little B. few C. much D. small
18. A. make B. accept C. send D. produce
19. A. earned B. lent C. owed D. owned
20. A. best B. happiest C. easiest D. worst
21. A. lottery B. cinema C. flight D. ship
22. A. unsuccessfullyB. unusually C. unexpectedly D. uncertainly
23. A. lost B. beatC. missed D. won
24. A. money B. tip C. possession D. fare
25. A. unsatisfied B. excited C. anxious D. ashamed
26. A. unnecessary B. unknown C. unavoidable D. undiscovered
27. A. hold B. explode C. burn D. live
28. A. got in B. got across C. got down D. got together
29. A. in case B. so that C. because D. if
30. A. up B. off C. down D. in
31. A. spent B. spared C. split D. saved
32. A. satisfied B. sorry C. active D. afraid
33. A. on B. away C. back D. around
34. A. rude B. shy C. stupid D. wise
35. A. even B. still C. not D. ever
三、阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)
Once upon a time, there was a little weasel (鼬鼠). His name was Horace. Unlike all the other weasels, Horace was very bookish.
He had a copy of The Little Prince that he had found out behind a chicken house. The third chapter of the book was missing and the back cover was broken, but it was the only book he had, and he loved it. While all the other weasels spent their time playing, Horace would read instead. This made the other weasels surprised, but they let it go by.
Then, one day, the Earth was invaded (入侵) by space aliens. These aliens were a group of giant librarians. Because they were librarians, they had of course done their research before they began their invasion.
Meanwhile, the librarians went out to make contact with the species with whom they felt the most affinity (密切关系). They had hoped that they could find the great works of weasel literature, but they found that this was not so. The giant weasel librarian aliens were very disappointed. “Is there no weasel at all who loves books as we do?” (Naturally, they had learned to speak the weasel language.) “No,” said the weasels.
At last, they came to the town where Horace lived. Here the weasels said “Yes!” They found Horace and placed him in their libraries, where at last he got a complete edition of The Little Prince. He read it every day for the rest of his life.
36.From the text we can infer that .
A. Horace had a copy of The Little Prince
B. the space aliens looked much like weasels
C. the space aliens hate weasels
D. Horace and the space aliens had the same hobby
37. Which of the following is TRUE about Horace?
A. Horace liked playing with other weasels.
B. Horace got a book behind a chicken house.
C. Horace read the book when other weasels took a rest.
D. Horace lived in the town with the librarians.
38.According to the text, give the right order of the following events.
a. The space aliens found Horace and gave him a job as a librarian.
b. Horace had a copy of The Little Prince but it was broken.
c. The space aliens had done their research before they began their invasion.
d. The space aliens went to look for a weasel who loved reading books.
A. a, b, c, d B. b, a, c, d, C. b, c, d, a D. c, a, b, d
39.The underlined word “bookish” probably means “ ”.
A. foolish B. fond of readingC. childish D. selfish
40. The text above is a (n) .
A. fairy tale B. scientific report
C. poem D. essay (随笔,小品文)
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,
My name is Karen Winget and I am really glad to welcome you and your kid to my classroom this year. I graduated from the University of California as a major in English literature and later did my diploma (文凭) in Early Childhood Education from the same university. I have been teaching in the elementary grade for five years, though I’ve been working at Sunshine School for the past three years. I’m interested in reading and I also have my own blog which I see as a window to express myself. Besides, I always meet new people and learn about their language and culture.
I am looking forward to meeting as well as knowing every student of my class and their parents. This year will be a challenging year for your children, however, I will try to make the classes more interesting as well as easier, so that each child can understand. Moreover, I do not just want to stick to academics. Besides, I am planning activities to develop the student’s creative skills and interests. I hope to make this academic year an educational year which is full of fun for students.
If you would like to discuss your kid’s performance or any other problems that he/she is facing in class, you can meet me during lunch break hours, between 9:15 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. It will be appreciated if you inform me a day in advance to fix the meeting. Besides this, you can also email me at karie_1234@sunshine.com to discuss any problems about your child.
Yours Sincerely,
Karen Winget
41. The purpose of Karen Winget’s letter is to .
A. express her gratitude to the Smiths
B. inform the Smiths of their child’s performance at school
C. persuade the Smiths to care about their child’s study
D. welcome the Smiths and their child to her class
42.In the letter, what does Karen Winget introduce about herself at first?
A. Her colorful college life and healthy habits.
B. Her educational background and past experience.
C. Her requirements for students.D. Her teaching style.
43.According to the letter, Karen Winget likes in her spare time.
A. to get together with her friendsB. to read books about other cultures
C. to surf on the InternetD. to play with her students
44.In the coming school year, Karen Winget will .
A. ask more challenging questions in class
B. play more interesting games in class
C. organize more activities for her students
D. join in more school activities with her students
45.The Smiths can use ways to get in touch with Karen Winget.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
46. The tone of the letter is very .
A. optimistic B. touching C. thankful D. polite
In most places children are banned from working. But at a theme park in Japan, boys and girls can fight fires, catch thieves and also perform the more boring tasks of making hamburgers and delivering parcels.
Kidzania, in a shopping centre in Tokyo, is like a real town where children can act out their dreams of future careers. The streets are lined with shops and even a bank. Everything inside is two-thirds normal size to accommodate (容纳) the young workers. After their parents buy the ticket, children can try several jobs.
Being a firefighter is a dream of many children. Children are being trained in the fire station of the town. Suddenly an alarm bell rings and they put on firefighter clothes before running towards the scene. The scene is created with lighting and fake smoke, but for children it is real enough. “Sometimes it’s too hard for them,” says the worker Ryoko Ishikura. “Some kids are in tears when they hear the alarm and the fire breaks out. But even with tears in their eyes they go on running and fight the fire bravely.”
The idea for Kidzania started in Mexico. It arrived in Japan three years ago and there are also parks in Chile, Indonesia and Portugal. Another one is opening soon in Dubai.
The children are rewarded for their efforts in “Kidzos”, the theme park money. In most countries it is quickly spent in shops and restaurants. But in Japan, children form long queues at the theme park’s bank. “I’ll keep it in the bank,” said nine-year-old Noa Morita, who wants to be a fashion designer.
47.What do children mainly do in Kidzania?
A. They are trained to be volunteers.
B. They play roles in children’s movies.
C. They experience their future jobs.
D. They learn how to make and save money.
48.When children arrive at a fire scene in Kidzania, they .
A. are frightened to run awayB. call the firefighters quickly
C. tried to put out the fire bravelyD. are trained to fight the fire
49.How did Noa Morita deal with her Kidzos?
A. She spent it quickly in shops.B. She put it in the park’s bank.
C. She asked her parents to keep it for her.
D. She used it to pay for fashion courses.
50.What can we learn about Kidzania from the text?
A. The idea came from America.
B. Japan is the fourth country to build it.
C. Everything inside it is almost half normal size.
D. It looks like a real town with shops and a bank.
Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock in London. The name was given in honor of Sir Benjamin Hall, who was in charge of the works when the bell was installed in 1856.
The clock has become a symbol of the United Kingdom and London. When a television or film-maker wishes to quickly show a non-UK audience a certain location in Britain, a popular way to do so is to show an image of the Clock Tower. The Clock Tower is also often voted as the Most Iconic London Film Location.
The Clock Tower is a focus of New Year celebrations in the United Kingdom, with radio and TV stations tuning to its chimes (报时钟声) to welcome the start of the year.
Londoners who live an appropriate (适当的) distance from the Clock Tower and Big Ben can, by means of listening to the chimes both live and on the radio or television, hear the bell strike thirteen times on New Year’s Eve. This is possible due to what amounts to an offset between live and electronically transmitted chimes since the speed of sound is much slower than the speed of radio waves. Guests are invited to count the chimes aloud as the radio is gradually turned down.
The Clock Tower has appeared in many films, most notably in the 1978 version of The Thirty-Nine Steps, in which the hero attempted to halt the clock’s progress (to prevent a linked bomb blowing up) by hanging from the minute hand of its western face. It was also used in the film, Shanghai Knights, starring Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson, and was depicted (描述) as being destroyed in Aliens of London. In the Walt Disney film The Great Mouse Detective, it is even shown being destroyed by a UFO!
51.From Paragraph 2, we know that Big Ben is .
A. a landmark of the UK and LondonB. a most popular scene for film makers
C. a must-see sight for tourists to London
D. a popular place where to have pictures taken
52.Why do some people hear the bell strike thirteen times on New Year’s Eve?
A. They are standing too far away.
B. There is something wrong with Big Ben.
C. There’s some technical problems in the radio broadcasting.
D. They hear the striking live and by radio waves at the same time.
53.The underline word “halt” in Paragraph 5 means “ ”.
A. look into something B. get something to stop
C. make something work again
D. draw people’s attention to something
54.In which of the following movies is the clock destroyed?
A. The Thirty-Nine Steps and Shanghai Knights.
B. Shanghai Knights and Aliens of London.
C. Aliens of London and The Thirty-Nine Steps.
D. The Great Mouse Detective and Aliens of London.
55.What would be the best title of the text?
A. The origin and development of Big Ben
B. Sir Benjamin Hall ― the founder of Big Ben
C. Big Ben ― significance in popular culture
D. Big Ben and New Year’s celebrations
四、书面表达 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
It’s important that you know some basic safety tips when you choose toys for your kids. Good toys are a great investment, but they just need to be safe. Believe it or not, there are quite a few dangerous toys on the market. So, here are some simple tips to keep in mind that will help you buy the safe ones.
●Tip 1 Consider the size of the toys.
When you are considering toys for your kids, the first thing you need to do is to consider the size of the toys. You don’t want to purchase toys that come with small parts, such as wheels, eyes, or buttons. If these parts come off, they can be swallowed. This is especially important if you happen to have kids who are under the age of four.
●Tip 2
The shape of the toys you choose should also be taken into consideration. Make sure that they don’t have any blunt (钝的) ends or edges that are very sharp. Metal toys and glass toys should be avoided.
●Tip 3 Find out about surface safety.
Find out about the safety of the surface before you purchase any toys. Try to find a label that will let you know if there are any toxic substances (有毒物质) that you need to know about. Some toys lately have been painted with paint that was toxic, and other toys often contain liquids in them that are toxic to kids if they happen to leak out.
●Tip 4 Beware of strings.
Beware of strings when you are buying toys. Strings can be very dangerous to your children, especially if you have younger children. They can get wrapped up around your children’s body, and this is very dangerous, especially if the string gets wrapped around their neck. So, it’s best to avoid toys .
56. What does the text mainly talk about? (Please answer within 8 words.)

57. Give a title to the third paragraph. (Please answer within 5 words.)

58. Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words. (Please answer with 5 words.)

59. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
By no means should you buy metal toys and glass toys.

60. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.

第二节 写作 (满分30分)
1. 你们学校要组织赴美参观之旅,你是成员之一;
2. 你们很可能参观Rob的高中,询问Rob是不是有时间和你见面;
3. 你准备给他带你们家乡的手工制品。
注意:1. 内容可适当发挥,以使行文连贯; 2. 词数100左右。
提示:手工制品 handcraft

56. Some important safety tips when choosing toys.
57. Take the shape into consideration.
58. that have strings on them
59. Metal toys and glass toys should be avoided.
One possible version:
Dear Rob,
Summer vacation is coming. My school is organizing a group visit to the United States to visit and study this summer. And I’m excited to tell you that I’m a member of this group. We’ll stay in America for a week. It is quite likely that we will pay a visit to your high school. So I’m wondering if we can meet sometime during my stay. My hometown is famous for handcrafts. I have prepared some for you. Do you have any plans for your vacation? Will you have time to meet me at that time? Hope to hear from you soon.
Li Hua