
e up to her and say, “Madam, THIS IS YOUR LUCKY DAY. Everything in your  31 doesn’t need to be paid!” One Friday afternoon Mrs. Edwards shopped 32 .But she was not the lucky customer. No sooner had she just put the things inside her  33 than she found that she had forgotten to  34 tea. She dashed back to the  35 , got some tea and went towards the 36 .As she did so, she saw the  37 came. 38 his hand he said, “I want to  39 you. You are our LUCKY CUSTOMER this week! Everything you have in your basket 40  !”
21. A .notice B. report C. board D. newspaper
22. A. did B. promised C. made D. agreed
23. A. every dayB. every monthC. twice a weekD. once a week
24. A. excellent B. free C. extraD. unexpected
25. A. waited B. came C. hoped D. went
26. A. friends B. neighbors C. relatives D. customers
27. A. got rid of B. got along with C. gave up D. gave out
28. A. counter B. cushion C. food D . cupboard
29. A. against B. for C. with D. about
30. A. often B. always C. usually D. seldom
31. A. billB. handC. car D. basket
32. A. anxiously B. seriously C. crazily D. wonderfully
33. A. pockets B. car C. basket D. house
34. A. buy B. find C. take D. have
35. A. shop B. counterC. department D. supermarket
36. A. door B. entrance C. cash-desk D. shelves
37. A. secretaryB. policeman C. manager D. salesman
38. A. Putting out B. Holding out C. Shaking D. Waving
39. A. congratulate B .tell C. inform D. thank
40. A. is yoursB. means nothingC. belongs to you D. costs nothing

Children, especially boys, tend to idealize their fathers when they are young.Every little boy wants to grow up to be just like his father, and every little girl thinks her father is the smartest man on the earth.It’s not very easy to be a good father, but it’s not that difficult either.Children will truly enjoy spending time with their fathers, not just when they are kids, but even when they are adults.
Not all children communicate well with their fathers.Communication is often left to mothers, while fathers dispense advice as and when necessary.Don’t expect all conversations to centre around the dinner table.Go to your children’s bedrooms and talk to them about school, their teachers or their friends.Remember that the conversation cannot be one-sided.When your children open up to you, you also need to open up to them.
If your children come home from school feeling upset, go up to them and ask them what is the matter.And if it is something which seems to you to be a silly reason to be upset, don’t voice your opinion.It may be silly to you, but to your children it is important enough.So don’t wave the topic away by telling them not to bother about such stupid things.Simply discussing their problems with them will help them feel better.
Don’t shy away from having discussions about your teenage children’s love lives.Generally speaking, your children are definitely not going to discuss intimate details with you.Try to let them know that you are relaxed about topics on love.Tell your children how you met your wife.It is perfectly normal for children to go through feelings for the opposite sex as they grow up, and by keeping the topic closed for discussion, you are only shutting them off from discussing their feelings with you.All they will do is turn to their friends.
41.To children their fathers are usually very _____.
A.kind B.great C.serious D.strong
42.From the second paragraph we can know that _____.
A.some children don’t like their fathers at all
B.talking with children around the dinner table is unnecessary
C.it is better for fathers to communicate more with their children
D.mothers should communicate less with their children.
43.Suppose your children are worried about something you should _____.
A.have a talk with them B.express your opinion
C.keep silent D.let them alone
44.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “intimate” in Paragraph 4?
A.Public B.Personal C.Strange D.Serious

Dad came in the midnight. We heard every sound, but we pretended to be asleep.
Next morning he looked weak and thin, sitting in a chair by the kitchen fire. The light of the fire shone through his long empty sleeve. Everything went as usual. Grandma found something to do in the bedroom. Grandpa went out for some water. Mother, with her back to us, was getting the cakes ready for breakfast.
But nothing was right. When grandma came out of the bedroom, she walked on tiptoe. When grandpa came back, he said nothing about the weather. At breakfast Mother passed us the fruit and said something, but her voice was too high.
At last my sister, Lou, pushed back her chair. “It’s your turn to wash the dishes.” But I had washed the dishes the night before. I said nothing because it was not right to quarrel in front of Dad just home with the empty sleeve.
“It is your turn,” Lou said again. I looked at her in surprise.
“It is not,” I said because I suddenly remembered Mother had told us to go on as usual.
“Children, children,” Mother said in a quiet, glad kind of voice.
And Dad was smiling because he felt at home at last.
45.What do you know happened to Dad in the story?
A.He was badly ill.B.He had a long journey.
C.He drank too much.D.He lost one of his arms.
46.The family when they saw Dad’s empty sleeve.
A.was too surprised to do anythingB.felt sad and cried a lot
C.tried not to show their feelingsD.showed no worry at all
47.From the story, we know .
A.the two sisters often quarreled about who should wash the dishes
B.the family liked seeing the two sisters quarrelling after breakfast
C.Dad loved the two sisters very much though they often quarreled
D.Mother told the two sisters to quarrel with each other the night before
48.Which of the following can be the best title of the story?
A.The Quarrelling SistersB.Dad Was Back
C.After the AccidentD.An Empty Sleeve

How can a creature weighing over 5 tons and normally taking 150 kilograms of food and 120 liters of water per day survive in a desert environment?
In the southwest African country of Namibia, and the Sahara lands of Mali further north, the desert elephant does just that.
Although not regarded as a separate species from the African elephant, the desert cousin differs in many ways. Their bodies are smaller, to absorb less heat, and their feet are larger foreasier walking across sandy surfaces, they are taller, to reach higher branches. They have shorter tusks(象牙), and most importantly, longer trunks to dig for water in riverbeds.
Desert elephants can travel over 70 kilometers in search for feeding grounds and waterholes, and have a larger group of families. They drink only every 3 ?4 days, and can store water in a “bag” at the back of their throat, which is only used when badly needed. Desert elephants are careful feeders ? they seldom root up trees and break fewer branches, and thus maintain what little food sources are available. Young elephants may even eat the dung(粪便)of the female leader of a group when facing food shortage.
During drought they are unlikely to give birth to their young but with good rains the birthrate will increase greatly. Desert elephants have sand baths, sometimes adding their own urine(尿液)to make them muddy!
As we continue to overheat our weak planet, it can only be hoped that other animal species will adapt as extraordinarily well to change as the desert elephant.
49.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 means “ ”.
A.remains in the African countries B.drinks 120 liters of water a day
C.manages to live in desert areas D.eats 150 kilograms of food daily
50.Desert elephants are called careful feeders because they _________.
A.rarely ruin trees B.drink only every 3-4 days
C.search for food in large groups D.protect food sources for their young
51.The author answers the question raised in the first paragraph with __________.
A.stories and explanation B.facts and descriptions
C.examples and conclusion D.evidence and argument
52.What can be inferred from the last sentence in the passage?
A.Overheating the earth can be stopped.
B.Not all animal species are so adaptable.
C.The planet will become hotter and hotter.
D.Not all animals are as smart as desert elephants.

After we meet people, it is up to us to make them our friends.Let us stop a moment and consider what really makes a friend. The major qualities like faithfulness, devotion, friendliness,flash through our minds. But it is the large number of very small particular qualities that make up one’s whole character, such as cheerfulness, friendliness and punctuality. After all, “to make a friend, be a friend” is not such a big and difficult order. There are particular favorable qualities, which attract others to us, and some fundamental psychological do’s and don’ts.
If you are in the presence of a shy person, talking and asking casual questions may bring him out of his shell. Think of what would be most acceptable to the other person for you to talk, or to listen. Either way, the goal is to make yourself pleasant.
Always remember to listen, but listen intelligently. To have anyone “hang on our words” is the most unnoticeably clever way in the world to please somebody.For a few extremely happy seconds we are the center of attraction,but when it is our turn to be audience,let us remember how we felt as the actor,and let’s be genuinely interested in what the other fellow is saying.
Other people will like us, if we like them. If you want friends, keep your mind and heart open to friendship. Be alive to the other person’s world.
53.This passage is mainly about________.
A. the way of talking to a shy person
B. some favorable qualities to be a psychologist
C. how to make yourself attractive to listeners
D. how to make a friend and be a friend
54. The underlined part “bring him out of his shell” in the second paragraph most probably means________.
A. make him become active B. make him feel more nervous
C. help him understand the question better D.help him listen intelligently
55.According to the passage,an important way in making friends is to________.
A. attract them B. be attracted C. listen attentively D. talk widely
56.Of the qualities in a friend,which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Faithfulness. B. Devotion. C. Punctuality. D. Unselfishness.
It doesn’t matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That’s what all doctors thought, until they heard about Al Herpin. Al Herpin, it was said, never slept. Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.
Al Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised. Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. In fact, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.
The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by his strange continuous sleeplessness. They asked him a lot of questions, hoping to find an answer. They found only one answer that might explain this question. Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born. But that was all. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure.
Herpin died at the age of 94.
57. The doctors came to Herpin’s home in order to __________.
A. treat him for his illness
B. find the reason why some old people didn’t need any sleep.
C. get some proof to show his sleeplessness was not really true.
D. help him to have a rest in some day.
58. After watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that Al Herpin ________.
A. needed some kind of sleep.
B. needed no sleep at all.
C. was too old to need any sleep.
D. often slept in a chair.
59. Al Herpin’s condition could be regarded as ___________.
A. an unusual one B. a common one
C. very healthy D. very funny
60. The main idea of this passage is that ____________.A. large numbers of people do not need sleep
B. everyone needs some sleep to stay alive
C. people can live longer by trying not to sleep at all
D. a person was found who actually didn’t need any sleep

第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5分)
―Mary,we are going to have a party on New Year’s Eve. I’m sure we’ ll have a good time. ____61____
―I’ d like to. ____62____
―In our classroom. We are going to decorate it and turn it into a splendid ballroom.
―____63____ I shall be very glad to spend my first New Year in China with you.
―But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance. ____64___
―I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear,though.
―I heard you sing once. ____65____ I’ m sure you’ll be the star of our New Year party.
―Oh,thank you.

A. Your voice was sweet and beautiful.
B. Where are you going to have it?
C. Would you like to join us?
D. Thank you for inviting me.
E. Oh, it is great.
F. Let’s go to the ball together.
G. Do sing us some English songs,please.
第一节 单词拼写 (共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)
66.When I was in middle school, I_____(共用,分享)a bathroom with other students.
67.It’s said that a famous proffer will give a ______(演讲) on how to learn English.
68.I don’t know what they were______ (争论) about this morning.
69. The life of the man living next to my house is full of_____ (冒险).
70.After spending some years in America, she spoke English with excellent______(发音).
71. ______(比较) with the service industry, foreign trade is more important.
72. The candidate who wins by a larger _____ (大多数) will have a chance to form the new government .
73.Learning the skill of _____(交流) will help us be more successful in our future life.
74.It was a ______(勇敢的) decision to quit her job and start her own business.
75.It has been raining since ______(九月)
第二节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
In 1972, the United Nations hold a meeting in Sweden76__________
to share ideas about ways to take better care of for the77__________
earth.At the summit, people from more than one hundreds78__________
countries discussed some of the important problems faced79__________
our planet.Since then, several Earth Summits had been held.80__________
In 2002, the Earth Summit was held in Johannesburg.81__________
One of the main theme was “sustainable development”, or82__________
the question what we can continue developing the world83__________
without damage the environment.Most of the speakers84__________
talked the three biggest killers in the world.85__________

李华是高二的学生, 写信问你如何把握高三这最关键的一年。请你结合自己的经历,从时间安排、饮食、睡眠、锻炼等方面,回一封100-120词的信。

1-5 BCABD 6-10 BBCBC 11-15 DACDC
16-20 ABCCB 21-25 BDBC 26-30 ACDAB 31-35 DCBAD 36-40 CCBAD
41-45 BCABD 46-50 CABCA 51-55 BBDAC 56-60 DCBAD
61-65 CBEGA
66.shared 67.speech 68. arguing 69.adventures 70. pronunciation 71.Compared
72. majority 73. communicating 74. brave 75.September
76.hold―held 77. 去掉for 78. hundreds---hundred 79. faced---facing 80.had ----have 81. 正确 82.theme----themes 83. what---how 84. damage---damaging 85. talk后加 about
Li Hua,
Truly, the year of senior three is quite critical.
As far as I know, time is always not enough for us. So first of all, you need to arrange your time well. You’d better make a rather long-term study plan, say, a one-month plan with more efforts to take up your weak subjects. And a short-term plan is equally necessary, if not more important. You have to make sure what you need to do each day, each class and even each minute.
At the same time, it’s quite essential to keep healthy. So take exercise for at least one hour and sleep for no less than seven hours a day. And don’t forget to eat well. More vegetable and fruit is always right for you.
Hope you will enjoy the last year of senior high. ]
Yours ever