
puters,which makes________big difference to her work in the foreign company.
A.a;/  B./;/
C./;the  D.a;a
3.My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;________,he could neither eat nor sleep.
A.as a result  B.after all
C.any way  D.otherwise
4.The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don’t give you any direct________.
A.solution  B.target
C.measure  D.function
5.(2013•东北三校高三第一次联合模拟)There is someone playing the guitar over there.Let’s go and listen,shall we?Free entertainment,________.
A.anyway  B.though
C.therefore  D.somehow
6.When a person writes,he must organize his mind to express his ideas and feelings more________.
A.technically  B.totally
C.logically  D.commonly
7.(2013•贵州五校联考)Could you tell me how to________these problems so that I will be able to adapt to the life in Guiyang?
A.do with  B.come up with
C.agree with  D.deal with
8.(2013•成都部分高中高三教学质量检测)So brave________that she faced the difficulty bravely she had________English.
A.was she;studying  B.she was;studied
C.she was;studying  D.was she;studied
9.Scientists say it may be two to five years________it is possible to test the medicine on human patients.
A.since  B.after
C.before  D.when
10.English is considered as a(n)________language,and it is no surprise that there are so many people in the world learning English.
A.universal  B.logical
C.artificial  D.regular
11.He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his________was seen at its best when he worked with others.
A.advantage  B.appearance
C.qualification  D.character
12.The successful launch of Tiangong­1 on Sept.29th________a significant step in China’s plan to build a space station.
A.signalled  B.marked
C.signed  D.proved
13.―I think the invention of the Internet has changed people’s daily life________.
―I completely agree with you.
A.in the way  B.on the way
C.in a way  D.by the way
14.(2013•河南三市第二次调研)One way to stop countries fighting is to cut off their________support,for wars are very expensive.
A.conditional  B.chemical
C.environmental  D.financial
15.Don’t worry!We are well prepared to deal with all o f the problems that may________.
A.rise  B.arise
C.raise  D.arouseⅡ.完形填空[建议用时15′]
A long time ago,my full­grown children were still “children”.I saw something that still brings a burst of__1__to my heart whenever I think about it.My youngest son who had just learnt to walk at the time was ver y__2__to his big sister.When she first started going to __3__he would stand by the window waiting every day for her bus to bring her home.
One day,a particularly dirty diaper (尿布)__4__happened.His mom needed to give him a quick bath right when the bus was__5__to arrive.When his sister and I__6__it to the door he was still in the bathtub (澡盆).His sister went into her room to get changed.As soon as she__7__the door her brother came out from the bathroom and walked with__8__steps right to the window.It seemed that his internal (内在的)__9__knew that his sister should be home any__10__.I smiled as I watched him lo oking__11__out of the window while his sister came up from her room.Quickly she moved to him and __12__tapped him on the shoulder.The__13__on his face when he turned around was one I have__14__seen in his life.It was pure joy and pure love.His big eyes__15__with delight and his__16__arms opened up to give his sister a very big hug.
I__17__a while that I had spent far too much of my own life looking out a window waiting for something or someone to bring me__18__I wanted in this life.It took me a long time to__19__feel the gentle tapping on my own shoulder.__20__I turned around,I saw love,joy and peace.,1.A.inspiration  B.energy
C.freshness   D.joy
2.A.related    B.attached
C.committed   D.attracted
3.A.work     B.college
C.school   D.town
4.A.incident   B.story
C.event   D.affair
5.A.scheduled   B.arranged
C.prepared  D.discovered
6.A.finished  B.made
C.jumped   D.stepped
7.A.opened B.approached 
C.pulled D.shut
8. A.fast   B.light    
C.unsteady   D.proud
9.A.clock   B.time    
C.memory   D.network
10.A.condition    B.case   
C.day    D.second
11.A.doubtfully   B.impatiently    
C.attentively    D.excitedly
12.A.silently  B.properly    
C.violently    D.gently
13.A.innocence   B.curiosity   
C.surprise   D.happiness
14.A.possibly     B.occasionally   
C.rarely   D.just
15.A.welled   B.shone    
C.closed   D.burned
16.A.quick   B.different    
C.tiny   D.strong
17.A.realized  B.concluded    
C.understood   D.reflected
1 8.A.where   B.what    
C.which   D.why
19.A.gradually    B.finally   
C.generally   D.suddenly
20.A.When  B.Because   
C.Although  D.Since
In an ideal world,people would not test medicines on animals.Such experiments are stressful and sometimes painful for animals,and expensive and time­consuming for people.Yet animal experimentation is still needed to help bri dge vast gaps in medical knowledge.That is why there are some 50 to 100 million animals used in research around the world each year.
Europe,on the whole,has the world’s most restrictive laws on animal experiments.Even so,its scientists use some 12 million animals a year,most of them mice and rats,for medical research.Official statistics show that just 1.1 million animals are used in research in America each year.But that is misleading.The American authorities do not think mice and rats are worth counting and,as these are the most common laboratory animals,the true figure is much higher.Japan and China have even less comprehensive data than America.
Now Europe is reforming the rules governing animal experiments by restricting the number of animals used in labs.Alternatives to animal testing,such as using human tissue or computer models ,are now strongly recommended.In addition,sharing all research results freely should help to reduce the number of animals for scientific use.At present,scientists often share only the results of successful experiments.If their findings do not fit the hypothesis being tested,the work never sees the light of day.This practice means wasting time,money,and animals’ lives in endlessly repeating the failed experiments.
Animal experimentation has taught humanity a great deal and saved countless lives.It needs to continue,even if that means animals sometimes suffer.Europe’s new measures should eventually both reduce the number of animals used in experiments and improve the way in which scientific research is conducted.
1.What is the main idea of this passage?
A.The success of animal experiments should be ensured.
B.A ban on the use of animals in the lab should be enforced.
C.Greater efforts need to be taken to reduce the number of lab animals.
D.Scientists should be required to share their research results with each other.
2.Which of the following statements is true about animals used in the lab?
A.America uses only about 1.1 million lab animals per year.
B.Europe does not use mice and rats as lab animals at all.
C.Britain does not use as many lab animals as China does.
D.Japan has limited data on the number of lab animals used each year.
3.Which of the following is mentionad as an alternative to replace animal experiments?
A.Statistical studies.
B.Computer models.
C.DNA planted in animals.
D.Tissue from dead animals.
4.What usually happens to unsuccessful animal experiments?
A.They are not revealed to the public.
B.They are made into teaching materials.
C.They are collected for future publication.
D.They are not removed from the research topic list.
I am Li Hua,a Chinese student taken summer courses in your university.I am writing to ask for help.I come here last month.I find my courses interesting,and I have some difficulty with note­taking.What’s more,I have no idea of what to use the library.I am told the Learning Center is providing help for students and I am anxiously to get help from you.I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons.Please let me to know which day is OK with you.
You should email or phone me.Here are my address Li Hua @163.com and phone numbers 12345678.I am looking forward your reply.

1.解析: 考查情景交际。句意为:――你为什么总是向母亲撒谎说你喜欢她做的饭?――这只是一个善意的谎言,没什么大不了的。it’s no big deal意为“这没什么”,符合语境。don’t bother不用麻烦了;my pleasure别客气,不用谢;don’t mention it不用谢。
答案: C
2.解析: 考查冠词 。句意为:她有广博的计算机知识,这对她在国外公司的工作影响很大。have a broad knowledge of具有广博的……知识;make a big difference有很大作用,有很大影响。
答案: D
3.解析: 考查短语辨析。句意为:我的朋友马丁发了高烧,结果他既吃不下也睡不着。a s a result结果,符合句意。
答案: A
4.解析: 句意为:学校顾问帮助你分析问题,但是他们不会给你任何直接的解决办法。本题考查名词辨析。solution 解决问题的办法;target目标,靶子;measure措施;function功能,作用。根据句意选A。
答案: A
5.解析: 考查副词辨析。句意为:那边有人在弹吉他。我们去听听吧,好吗?不管怎么说,这是免费的娱乐。anyway表示“不管怎么说,至少”。
答案: A
6.解析: 句意为:当一个人在写作时,他必须整理思绪以便合乎逻辑地来表达他的观点和情感。A项“技术上地”,B项“完全地,全部地”,C项“合乎逻辑地”,D项“通常,常常”。
答案: C
7.解析: 句意为:你能告诉我为了适应贵阳的生活,应该如何应对这些问题吗?deal with处理、应对,和how连用。do with也有此意,但是要和what连用;come up with提出;agree with同意、一致。
答案: D
8.解析: 考查倒装及固定搭配。第一空,在so...that句型中,so+形容词放在句首时,句子使用全部倒装,排除B和C;have difficulty (in) doing sth.表示“做某事有困难”,是固定搭配,故选A。
答案: A
9.解析: 考查连词。before引导时间状语从句。句中表示“可能过二至五年才有可能……”。
答案: C
10.解析: 考查形容词辨析。句意为:英语被认为是世界通用语言,所以有如此多的人学习英语就不足为奇了。universal普遍的,通用的。logical合情理的,合逻辑的;artificial人造的;regular规则的,常规的。
答案: A
11.解析: 考查名词词义辨析。句意为:他证明了自己是一个真正的绅士,他的人格魅力在与他人合作时表现得最佳。advantage优点,长处;appearance外表,外貌;qualification资格;character品质,性格。
答案: D
12.解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:9月29日天宫1号的成功发射标志着 中国在实现建立太空站的计划中迈出了重要的一步。signal发信号;mark标志着;sign签字;prove证明。
答案: B
13.解析: 考查短语辨析。句意为:――我认为因特网的发明在某程度上改变了人们的日常生活。――我完全同意你说的。in a way在某种程度上。in the way挡道;on the way在途中;by the way顺便说/问一下。
答案: C
14.解析: 考查形容词辨析。句意为:阻止国家间打仗的一个办法是中断对他们的财政支持,因为战争是需要花费大量金钱的。financial财政的;conditional(帮忙、协议等)有条件的;chemical化学的;environmental环境的。
答案: D
15.解析: 此题考查动词辨析。句意为:不要担心!我们已充分准备 好应对有可能出现的各种问题。arise产生,出现,符合句意。rise上升,升起;增加;arouse及物动词,唤醒,唤起;raise及物动词,提高,饲养;养育。
答案: B
语篇解读: 这是一篇记叙文。通过弟弟每天守望在窗户旁,等待姐姐放学回家的一件小事,让人感受到了姐弟情深,给人以生活启迪。
1.解析: 根据文章最后一句可知,作者每每回忆起那一场景都会在心头迸发出一种喜悦之情。
答案: D
2.解析: 根据下一句中的“he would stand by the window waiting every day for her bus to bring her home”可知,儿子每天都在窗前等姐姐回来,说明他对姐姐非常依恋。be attached to sb.表示“依恋某人”。
答案: B
3.解析: 根据文章第一句中的“my full­grown children were still ‘children’”及第一段最后一句中的“every day for her bus to bring her home”可知,孩子们那会儿还小,女儿刚刚开始上学,因此需要班车接送上下学。
答案: C
4.解析: 小孩尿身上只是生活中的小事件或插曲,所以用incident表示“小事,插曲”。event大事件;affair事务。
答案: A
5.解析: 此处指班车每天按时间表到达。schedule预定,安排时间。
答案: A
6.解析: make it to在此处表示“到达”的意思。
答案: B
7.解析: 根据上下文可知,女儿到她自己房间换衣服刚关上房门,这个时候儿子从浴室里走出来,因而没有看到她。
答案: D
8.解析: 根据第一段第三句中的“My youngest son who had just learnt to walk”可知,这个男孩年龄很小,他的步子还不稳当,所以用unsteady。
答案: C
9.解析: 根据语境可知,儿子总能判断出姐姐回家的大致时间,仿佛他体内的生物钟能够感知到这一点。
答案: A
10.解析: 根据上文可知,姐姐理应在那段时间随时可能到家。
答案: D
11.解析: 儿子专注地看着窗外,没有注意到姐姐从房间里走出来。attentively专心地。
答案: C
12.解析: 根据上下文语境可知,姐姐轻轻地拍打着弟弟的肩膀。文章倒数第二句中的“the gentle tapping on my own shoulder”也是答案提示。
答案: D
13.解析: 根据下文“It was pure joy and pure love.”可知,儿子转过身来看见姐姐时,脸上露出的是那种纯粹的快乐和爱恋的表情。
答案: D
14.解析: 这种表情作者在儿子的脸上很少见到。
答案: C
15.解析: 根据语境可知,弟弟看到姐姐时眼睛里闪烁着快乐。
答案: B
16.解析: 根据上下文语境可知,这个小男孩很小,他的手臂当然很小。
答案: C
17.解析: 根据下文“I had spent far too much of my own life looking out a window waiting for something or someone to bring me...”可知,作者沉思了一会儿,想到多年前自己也有这样的经历。
答案: D
18.解析: 根据句子结构及意思可知,此处是宾语从句,连接词在从句中作wanted的宾语,并有“所……的(东西)”之意,所以用what。
答案: B
19.解析: 这里指作者经过多年的体验和追寻,终于领悟到那种感觉。
答案: B
20.解析: 根据“当我转过身时,我看到了爱、快乐和和谐”可知,此处缺少表示时间的连词,所以用When引导状语从句。
答案: A
语篇解读: 用动物进行试验被人们的舆论推向了风口浪尖,然而,受诸多因素的影响,终止动物试验的道路依然任重而道远。尽管欧洲有严格的法律限制,但是仍然需要另找突破口。
1.解析: 主旨大意题。文章第一段指出用动物进行试验难以杜绝的原因,第二段提到欧洲对动物试验的法律限制的效果并不理想,第三段讲了欧洲为限制动物试验所作的努力,最后一段提到欧洲的新措施应该既要减少用于试验的动物的数量,又要改善科学研究的方法,所以C项最能概括文章大意。
答案: C
2.解析: 正误判断题。第二段的最后一句提到日本和中国与美国的数据相比甚至更不全面,由此可推知日本对每年用于实验室动物的数据记录有限。
答案: D
3.解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中的内容可知可用“人体组织”和“电脑模型”来取代动物试验。
答案: B
4.解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段中的倒数第二、第三句可知,科学家们只分享成功的试验,如果结果与假设不符,所做的工作将永不公开。由此可推断不成功的试验不会展示给公众。
答案: A
I am Li Hua,a Chinese student takentaking summer courses in your university.I am writing to ask for help.I comecame here last month.I find my courses interesting,andbut I have some difficulty with note­taking.What’s more,I have no idea of whathow to use the library.I am told the Learning Center is providing help for students and I am anxiouslyanxious to get help from you.I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Frida y afternoons.Please let me to― know which day is OK with you.
You shouldmay/can email or phone me.Here areis my address Li Hua @163.com and phone numbersnumber 12345678.I am lookin g forward ∧to your reply.