
e anything when we got older.
Jo:My teacher said that, too, and we believed we __1__ become whatever we wanted to be.
Eric:You know I __2__(real)wanted to become a fish, as fish were so beautiful and so free in the water.
Jo:Ha! Ha! That's funny. When I was about five years old, I __3__(think)I could hatch an egg since I kept it warm, and I __4__(sleep)with some eggs in my bed, and guess what?
Eric:You broke the __5__?
Jo:Yes, all of them. I felt as though I __6__(kill)my little chickens and I cried. Angry as my mother was, she didn't scold me __7__, she explained how a hen hatched eggs and asked me not to do that again.
Eric:Did you do whatever your mother told you?
Jo:Yes, I always listened to her, __8__ she said. She used to be my hero.
Eric:My mother used to tell me that if I ever swallowed __9__ seed, a plant would grow inside me, so I never ate watermelons __10__ they were seedless.
答案 1.could 2.really 3.thought 4.slept 5.eggs 6.had killed 7.Instead 8.no matter what/whatever 9.a
In China,a general belief is that “things become easier when men and women pair up”.However,when women and women__1__ up at workplace,things became terrible.
I feel extremely__2__ when women act rudely,and use curse words and unclean languages.Over thirty years ago,when I was a young__3__ at a factory,I found some women workers liked speaking__4__to each other at the__5__ and they frequently uttered those dirty words__6__by guys only,while they were angry __7__ just happy.It is not all their fault,__8__they had less__9__during the period of the Cultural Revolution.
__10__that I am an office worker,I rarely see the female colleagues around me__11__rudely and severely to each other.They __12__each other politely,at__13__in my eye.
Certainly some Chinese women __14__their workmates of the same sex.They in__15__like to compete―whose ring is more expensive,whose house bigger,whose husband__16__,and so on,especially those__17__ didn't get a higher education would care more about money.For the office ladies,supervisors and subordinates,or at the same rank,they may fight for the opportunity to__18__.They are competitors,but they try not to use unbearable languages!
Sometimes,you hate women talking,__19__if they were quarreling.In fact,it's nothing to do with the competition,but more with the tones of the language and the pitch or timbre(音质)of women's voice.
However,you still __20__those women who talk rudely,on the streets or in some markets,as I prove.Definitely,this is by no means part of Chinese culture,which sponsors harmony and compromise.
【解题导语】 本文叙述了作者在车间的所见所闻,旨在说明导致国人说话、做事行为不端的原因主要是受教育少,而对于“男女搭配干活不累”这一说法似乎在女性间显得非同一般。

1.A.paired B.turned C.cheered D.showed
答案 A [考查动词短语辨析。根据上文出现的“男女搭配干活不累”可以推断,这里指女人们在一起结对搭配的时候。pair up“成对”;turn up“出现”;cheer up“欢呼”;show up“露面”。故选A。]
2.A.comfortable B.worried
C.uncomfortable D.unworried
答案 C [考查形容词辨析。这里是说作者看到女人们行为粗鲁、说粗话以及难听的话时,感觉非常不舒服。comfortable“舒服的”;worried“焦虑的”;uncomfortable“不舒服的”;unworried“不担心的”。故选C。]
3.A.child B.man
C.worker D.colleague
答案 C [考查名词辨析。句意:30多年前,当我在一家工厂还是名年轻工人时,我就发现一些女工喜欢在车间讲一些苛刻的话……。]
4.A.kindly B.frankly
C.honestly D.severely
答案 D [考查副词辨析。这里根据上题解析可知答案。kindly“友好地”;frankly“坦白地”;honestly“诚实地”;severely“苛刻地”。故选D。]
5.A.factory B.workplace
C.office D.station
答案 B [考查名词辨析。这里要联系上下文的意思选择workplace“车间”。容易误选factory“工厂”。]
6.A.used B.told
C.mentioned D.read
答案 A [考查分词的辨析。这里words与应填动词间存在被动关系,因而是过去分词,同时由句意可知,用used。而mention意为“提及”。]
7.A.and B.but C.or D.so
答案 C [考查连词辨析。这里是说“在她们生气或者只是高兴的时候”,故用or。]
8.A.though B.as C.when D.while
答案 B [考查连词辨析。句意:那并不全是她们的错,而是她们在文革时期受教育少的缘故。though引导让步状语从句;when,while引导时间状语从句;as引导原因状语从句。故选B。]
9.A.impression B.enjoyment
C.courage D.education
答案 D [考查名词辨析。句意见上题解析。impression“印象”;enjoyment“快乐”;courage“勇气”;education“教育”。故选D。]
10.A.Now B.Since C.For D.With
答案 A [考查固定搭配。这里意思是:由于(现在)我是坐办公室的,所以我就几乎没看到我身边的女同事讲既粗鲁又苛刻的话。now that“既然,由于”,符合语境。]
11.A.spoken B.speaking
C.speak D.spoke
答案 C [考查动词形式。这里需明确see sb do与see sb doing的区别。前者表示看见动作的全过程;而后者表示看见动作正在进行。由语境可知选C。]
12.A.love B.treat C.respect D.envy
答案 B [考查动词辨析。根据句意可知:她们礼貌地对待对方。love“爱”;treat“对待”;respect“尊敬”;envy“嫉妒”。故选B。]
13.A.most B.sometimes
C.least D.first
答案 C [考查介词短语辨析。这里是说“……至少在我的眼里”。at most“至多”;at sometimes“有时候”;at least“至少”;at first“起先”。]
14.A.dislike B.disagree
C.disappoint D.disorder
答案 A [考查动词辨析。dislike“不喜欢”;disagree“不同意”;disappoint“失望”;disorder“扰乱”。根据语境可知选A。]
15.A.particular B.trouble
C.general D.pain
答案 C [考查固定搭配。in particular“特别”;in trouble“处于麻烦中”;in general“一般而言”;in pain“处于痛苦中”。根据语境可知选C。]
16.A.worse B.richer C.higher D.poorer5ykj.com
答案 B [考查形容词的辨析。根据前面提示可知,攀比的是财富方面,应该是比较级,表示“谁的老公更有钱”。故选B。]
17.A.that B.which C.whom D.who
答案 D [考查定语从句。这里由于先行词是those指代人,且在从句中作主语,故只能用who。]
18.A.promote B.be promoted
C.employ D.be employed
答案 B [考查动词语态。根据语境可知,这里表被动。promote“提升,使升级”;employ“雇佣”;be promoted“被提升”;be employed“被雇佣”。故选B。]
19.A.as B.even C.what D.only
答案 A [考查引导词的搭配辨析。从上下文可知A项符合语境。as if“好像”;even if“即使”;what if“倘使……将会怎样”;only if“只有在……的时候”。]
20.A.come into B.come up
C.come across D.come down
答案 C [考查动词短语的辨析。这里句子意思是:你仍会偶遇那些说话粗鲁的女人……come into“进入”;come up“上来”;come across“偶遇”;come down“倒塌,下降”。]
During my first seven semesters as a medical student at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia,I spent most of my time studying and in classrooms.I rarely spoke with real patients in a hospital setting.Then last year I started visiting the neurology(神经)ward at Dr.Sardjito Hospital.I was gathering data for my paper.At the hospital I would review the medical records of newly admitted stroke patients,then interview them to find out if th ey were taking the pill.
One cold,rainy evening last October,I was in the neurology ward desperately“hunting”for the final three patients I needed to complete my study.The records showed that there was a 43­year­old stroke patient,whom I will call Ms A,in the ward.Holding a patient questionnaire,I went into her room.I asked how she was doing.She softly replied that she was getting better but the left side of her body was still weak.After I finished the questionnaire,I prepared to leave so I could go through more medical records.Before I could stand up,Ms A started making conversation,asking where I was from and why I was working so late in the evening.I was surprised someone in her condition would want to talk.
Ms A started talking about herself.She told me she had three children in primary school,who were staying with a neighbor.Her husband died a year ago and she is the sole breadwinner of her family.I didn't know what to say.I just sat quietly while she talked.Without realizing it,I had begun holding Ms A's hand.
The conversation went on like this for about 20 minutes.A few days later,when I returned to the ward,I discovered that Ms A had_been_discharged as her condition had improved.
Ms A taught me one of the most important lessons a doctor can learn.Sometimes patients do not need expensive medicine or state­of­the­art technology.They just need someone with the patience and willingness to lend an ear and spare a little of their time.
【解题导语】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者读医学院时,从去医院的一次经历中感受到,有时候病人需要的不是昂贵的药品,而是医生能耐心地倾听他们。
1.According to the first paragraph,the author________.
A.had already worked as a doctor
B.enjoyed talking with the patients5ykj.com
C.provided the patients with the pills
D.seldom visited the patients in hospital
答案 D [细节理解题。第一段说作者读医学院时,前七个学期都在学习,在教室里,很少在医院的环境中与真正的病人说话,去年才开始在一家医院探视神经病房,并翻阅刚入院的中风病人的医疗记录,探望他们,以确保他们在服药。根据这些陈述判断选D。]
2.Why did the author go into the patient room?
A.The patient asked him to chat with her.
B.He wanted to accompany the patient.
C.It was his duty to take care of the patient.
D.He wanted to get some information from the patient.
答案 D [推理判断题。第二段说,当时“我”在病房里寻找最后的三名病人,以完成我的学业,后来,“我”拿着病人问卷表走进那个病人的房间,完成了问卷就准备走,以便去翻看更多的医疗记录。因此本题选D,他当时去病房是为了他的学业,为了从病人那里得到一些信息。]
3.Which of the following is TRUE of Ms A?
A.She was very familiar with the author.
B.Her husband died because of serious illness.
C.She was the only person to support her family.
D.She had to leave her children alone at home.
答案 C [细节理解题。从文章的叙述看,作者与这个病人并不熟A项错误;没有说她丈夫的死因B项错误;她有三个孩子在上小学,她是全家唯一养家糊口的人the sole breadwinner of her family,C项正确;她住院了,孩子在邻居家,D项错误。]
4.The underlined phrase“had been discharged”in Paragraph 5 is similar in meaning to________.
A.had been allowed to leave hospital
B.hadn't needed to pay for her illness
C.had been recovered from her illness
D.had been happy with her health condition
答案 A [词义猜测题。从画线部分的后面一句看,这个病人在与我交流之后没几天就出院了。因此选A。]
Ⅳ.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的 最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。
Three Strategies to Enhance Your Reading
and Learning Comprehension
Reading comprehension strategies help a lot in developing your vocabulary and power of analysis.__1__
It allows you to gain a better viewpoint over the text you have just read.It also gives you the freedom and flexibility to show your own understanding of the reading material.However,this kind of strategy does not apply to all texts.__2__
☆Check whether you have understood the material.
A lot of teachers like to hold question and answer sections at the end of the lesson to see how much a student actually remembers and understands.__3__Closed questions are those immediately answerable by “yes” or “no”.This will give the teacher a quick eva luation of how much the student has gathered from the lesson.Open­ended questions,on the other hand,are an excellent weigh of the student's reading comprehension.Questions that begin with “how” and “why” often push the student to details.
By tapping into what you've already known,you can make it easier to relate to what you're reading now.This strategy requires you to be up­to­date as well.Or at least,be a quick thinker.After all,you're expected to take advantage of any opportunity you have to tie one idea to another.
A.Develop a good reading habit.
B.Make use of prior knowledge or experience.
C.These questions should be both closed and open­ended.
D.With these strategies,you'll be able to learn better and help others as well.
E.The students should learn to ask themselves different questions after class.
F.Teachers often use different reading comprehension strategies to help their students understand the lesson.
G.I suggest this reading comprehe nsion strategy be limited to texts with actual characters and story plots.
答案 1.F 2.G 3.C 4.A 5.E
I am writing to ask for whether you are able to do me a favor.I want to have a pen pal, hopefully a girl in the early twenties, and with interests similarly to mine.In my mind, he is someone interesting in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis.Beside, it will be better for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping one at home for some time.With such pen pal, I hope I can share with her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whichever we have in common.I believed I will improve my English by doing so and learning more about her country.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I am writing to ask for[DD)] whether you are able to do me a favor.I want to have a pen pal, hopefully a girl in theher early twenties, and with interests similarlysimilar to mine.In my mind, heshe is someone interestinginterested in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis.Beside,Besides, it will be better for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping one at home for some time.With such ∧a pen pal, I hope I can share with her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whicheverwhatever we have in common.I believedbelieve I will improve my English by doing so and learninglearn more about her country .I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.