
es in rich colors like a purple along with a pink and a gray color. This shirt is available at anthropologie.com in sizes from x-small to x-large. Note that this shirt needs to be hand washed.
Ruffle cardigan (开襟羊毛衫)
The cardigan from The Limited is an open style with casual ruffles along the front edges. The longer length looks great with jeans and leggings. In addition, the sleeves come to the elbows. This comes in white, black and brown. Purchase it for $59.50.
Henley shirt
This Henley shirt is a good milk white color shirt that will match with anything. The 3/4 sleeves will keep one warm in the fall. This shirt has two rows of ruffles along the collar. It comes in sizes from small to x-large and costs $49.50. Purchase this at dillards.com.
Pintucked blouse
This blouse is breathtaking. The sheer (薄的) fabric and, of course, ruffles are very pretty. Choose from off-white and black. This costs $49.90 at The Limited. It comes in sizes from x-small to x-large.
AE ruffle dress
This fresh dress is great for a date night or girl’s night out. The ruffle dress is strapless, with a sweetheart neckline and ruffles on both the top and skirt. Made from silk, this dress comes in blue, purple and black. It comes in sizes from x-small to x-large. It can be found at American Eagle Outfitters for $69.50.
36. According to the author we learn that ruffles _______.
A. can make clothes more beautiful
B. can make clothes more expensive
C. are popular with all people in fallD. are loved by all women in fall
37. Which of the following is TRUE about the flowing shirt?
A. It is available at dillards. com.B. Its color is pale.
C. Its layers of ruffles are made of different fabrics of the same color.
D. Some of its layers of ruffles are striped and others have no stripes.
38. Which of the following matches it most if you have a pair of brown trousers?
A. A flowing shirt.B. A pintucked blouse.
C. A ruffle cardigan.D. A Henley shirt.
39. From the text we can infer that The Limited is _________.
A. an online store that sells clothes
B. famous for selling women’s clothes
C. the brand name of a cardigan
D. a factory that produces clothing
40. How much will you pay for a dress, a cardigan and the cheaper shirt?
A. 129.00 dollars.B. 159.45 dollars.
C. 168.95 dollars.D. 178.50 dollars.
Almost nine in 10 American teenage girls say they feel pressured by the fashion and media industries to be skinny and that an unrealistic, unattainable image of beauty has been created, a poll showed on Monday.
The online survey of 1,000 girls aged between 13 and 17 for the Girl Scouts of the USA found that three quarters said they would be more likely to buy clothes that they see on real-size models than on women who are skinny. But three out of four girls said that fashion is “really important” to them.
“The fashion industry remains a powerful influence on girls and the way they view themselves and their bodies,” said Kimberlee Salmond, a senior researcher at the Girl Scout Research Institute. “Teenage girls take cues (榜样) about how they should look from models they see in fashion magazines and on TV and it is something that they struggle to reconcile with (使相符) when they look at themselves in the mirror,” she said.
More than 80 percent of teen girls said they would rather see natural photos of models rather than pictures that had been digitally altered or enhanced. Other top influences on body perceptions, aside from celebrities and models, are peers, friends and parents, the poll showed.
One in three girls said they have starved themselves or refused to eat in an effort to lose weight, while almost half said they knew someone of their age who has forced herself to throw up after eating. More than a third said they know someone who has been diagnosed (诊断) with an eating disorder.
41. Most American teenage girls would like to choose clothes which _______.
A. thin girls wearB. girls of similar age wear
C. fit themselvesD. real-size models wear
42. According to Kimberlee Salmond, American teenage girls _______.
A. are carried away by the fashion industry
B. don’t believe in the fashion industry
C. can resist the influence of the fashion industry
D. are fed up with the fashion industry
43. The last paragraph suggests that some American teenage girls _______.
A. have a special way to maintain their weight
B. ruin their health to look skinny
C. have a good diet to keep fit
D. have realized the harm of not being on a diet
44. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A. it’s natural for American teenage girls to try to look skinny
B. American teenage girls don’t have the correct idea of beauty
C. American teenage girls are spoiled in modern society
D. American fashion industry relies on teenage girls for further development
45. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A. The influence of American fashion industry.
B. The pressure American girls face in life.
C. American teenage girls think the fashion industry is important.
D. American teenage girls face pressure to be thin.
Before the arrival of Europeans, Brazil was inhabited by many Native American tribes. In 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral sailed to Porto Seguro. Brazil got its name from a kind of reddish tree, a native of this land, which was sold in Europe. Salvador da Bahia was founded in 1549 and became the capital city of the new Portuguese colony. Portuguese settlers started to produce sugar and the northeast of Brazil became a wealthy corner. During that time, Portugal brought in millions of black slaves to work in its sugar factories. However, the Dutch started to produce sugar in the Caribbean islands too and the Brazilian monopoly (垄断) declined. After that, the Portuguese crown centered its interest in the south portion of Brazil. The southern regions had been settled by missionaries (传教士) and Native American culture was still strong in many aspects. In the 18th century, many Portuguese started to explore the remote areas. Gold was discovered in Minas Gerais and Vila Rica (Ouro Preto's former name) became one of the richest cities. Rio de Janeiro became the port from which gold was transported to Portugal. In 1763 the Portuguese decided to move Brazil’s capital city from Salvador to Rio de Janeiro. In the 19th century, when Napoleon invaded Portugal, the royal family moved to Brazil and Rio became the capital city of the Portuguese Empire. When the king returned to Portugal, Brazilians didn’t want their land to be a colony anymore and declared their independence in 1822. The country became an Empire for 67 years, when the last Emperor abdicated after many years of old-fashioned, unprogressive government. At the same time, lots of European immigrants were crossing the ocean to find a job in the coffee market. In 1889 Brazil became a republic. In 1960 Brazilians moved the national government from Rio de Janeiro to Brasília, a modern planned city that was built to be the capital of Brazil. Nowadays Brazil is the most powerful country in South America and one of the most important nations in the world.
46. What made the city of Vila Rica become wealthy?
A. Coffee plantations.B. Goldmine.
C. Slave trade. D. Sugar industry.
47. The underlined word “abdicated” can be replaced by “______”.
A. succeeded B. was respected
C. gave up power D. settled
48. Which of the following cities was not made the capital of Brazil?
A. Vila Rica. B. Rio de Janeiro.
C. Salvador da Bahia. D. Brasília.
49. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. Brazil used to have plenty of reddish trees
B. Vila Rica and Ouro Preto are different cities
C. Native Americans made a fortune out of black slaves’ labor
D. the northeast of Brazil retain the Dutch colonial atmosphere
50. The purpose of writing this passage is to ______.
A. encourage us to travel to Brazil
B. introduce how Brasilia was built
C. find out why Brazilians moved the capital
D. tell some information about Brazil’s history
The first-known hunters in North America can now be dated back at least 14,000 years.
“I am sure that especially the Native Americans are pleased with the results of the study. It is further proof that humans have been present in North America for longer than previously believed. The ‘Clovis First’ theory, which many scientists swore to just a few years back, has finally been buried with the conclusions of this study,” says Professor Eske Willerslev, director of the Centre for GeoGenetics at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen.
It is the finding of a tip from a man-made projectile (抛射物) gathered from the remains of a mastodon (乳齿象) that is behind the rewriting of North American prehistory. The projectile, which itself was carved out from a mastodon bone, was found at the Manis site in the state of Washington when archaeologists excavated (掘出) a mastodon in the late 1970s.
However, 30 years would pass before a team of researchers was able to put a date on the projectile and establish the identity of both the bone and the projectile. This was done through, amongst other things, DNA analysis, advanced computer technology, Carbon-14 dating as well as comparisons with other mastodon findings in North America, for instance in the state of Wisconsin.
The first traces of the hunt for mastodons in North America have previously been attributed to the so-called Clovis culture. Clovis culture dates back about 13,000 years and is viewed as a type of common culture ancestral for all Native American tribes in North America.
“Our research now shows that other hunters were present at least 1,000 years prior to the Clovis culture. Therefore, it was not a sudden war or a quick slaughtering (屠杀) of the mastodons by the Clovis culture that made the species disappear. We can now conclude that the hunt for the animals stretched out over a much longer period of time. At this time, however, we do not know if it was the man-made hunt for the mastodons, mammoths and other large animals that caused them to become extinct and disappear. Maybe the reason was something completely different, for instance the climate,” states Professor Eske Willerslev.
51. What has helped make the new discovery about North American hunters?
A. The remains of the mastodon. B. The fossil of the mastodon.
C. The “Clovis First” theory. D. The tool used by the hunters.
52. What can we learn about the study based on the projectile?
A. Its date wasn’t decided until thirty years later.
B. The discovery of a new projectile led to the result.
C. The researchers found the date on the projectile.
D. It supports Clovis culture with new proofs.
53. What is still uncertain about is ______.
A. where the first North America hunters came from
B. the date of the first hunters in North America
C. what has caused the mastodons to disappear
D. how the ancient northern Americans hunted
54. The passage tends to tell the readers that “Clovis First” theory ______.
A. has been widely received now B. has been greatly challenged
C. is the base of the discovery D. is regarded as North Americans’ pride
55. What’s the purpose of writing the passage?
A. To instruct.B. To advertise.C. To share.D. To amuse.
第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
[1] Nobody is perfect ― you make mistakes at one point or the other in your life. When you do make mistakes, you are worried about the wrong you have done. You may feel sad or regret. For many people, mistakes come and go; it’s a daily accident they couldn’t be worried about especially when the mistakes are small ones. But ________, people tend to be more careful not to repeat their mistakes again.
[2] Mistakes can come at any moment in your life. It could just happen when you are careless. Of course it can be accidental too. No matter what the mistake is, it is a mistake and you cannot let it occur again. For those who do, they are blessed for they are the ones who will progress faster.
[3] Perhaps you are afraid of making mistakes. You don’t want to get into an embarrassment (尴尬) of apologizing for your mistakes. However, making mistakes is a necessary part of self-improvement. You should take that opportunity to understand what it meant by apologizing with dignity (尊严) for the mistakes you made and you should realize that it would be useless and a waste of time trying to cover mistakes.
[4] It is important to remain calm and keep an open mind if you want to avoid repeating mistakes. From your own mistakes, you can gain wisdom and improve yourself. You tell yourself you are not perfect and acceptance of your mistakes is a good beginning to get rid of the weakness.
56. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 10 words)
57. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.
58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words or phrases. (no more than 10 words)
59. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
We may make a mistake at any moment of our life.
60. Can you give your advice on dealing with a mistake? (no more than 20 words)
第二节 写作(满分30分)
假如你是李华,将要参加下周在你校举行的中美学生联谊活动,请你以“The enjoyable parts of my high school days”为题写一篇120词左右的发言稿。
注意:1. 发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;
2. 参考词汇:校园 campus
The enjoyable parts of my high school days
Good afternoon, everyone!
Thank You!

56. How to learn from your mistakes.
57. 你告诉自己你并不是完美的,而承认错误是你克服缺点的良好开端。
58. if they make big mistakes / when mistakes are big ones
59. Mistakes can come at any moment in your life.
60. The best thing to do is just admit it and face it bravely. / Try to find why you made the mistake and avoid repeating the same mistake next time.
One possible version:
The enjoyable parts of my high school days
Good afternoon, everyone!
Before I entered my senior high school, I had often been told by my parents that the senior high school would be a hard time. However, when I look back at my past high school days today, I find a lot of fun.
There was so much to remember and enjoy: my classmates and teachers, the beautiful campus and various after-school activities. I enjoyed all these experiences. But one of the most enjoyable things was that I created an English class newspaper with my classmates and it greatly helped improve our English study.
In a word, I think that the senior high school is actually a new stage of growing up, and growth itself is full of fun.
Thank You!