
pletely in the moment,and it demands to focus on the words or vis ion of reality before you.And like serious reading itself,travel has become an act of opposition to the distractions of the electronic age.A good book needs to be finished,just as a beautiful landscape tempts further experience of it,and further research into it.During that summer in Eastern Europe almost 40 years ago,I found myself in a small lodge in a Romanian forest during two days of rainstorms.I read Turgenev's Fathers and Sons there.And so I experienced solitude rather than loneliness.Nothing existed for me except the worlds of 19th-century Russia and late-20th-century Romania.
My friend now plans to sail th e Northwest Passage in a small boat,which means being essentially out of electronic contact for about four months in the High Arctic.I can't go along.But I know there are people like my friend whose circumstances are different,who will choose actual experience,who will resist.Only beca use of them,the art of travel lives on.
【解题导语】 旅行中,让人心潮澎湃的不只是山川地貌;它更应当包括你与他人的每一次交谈。触动人心的交谈需要高度的专注。
1.From the first paragraph,we can infer that the author ____________.
A.feels very tired after a long flight
B.thinks e-mails affect our life greatly
C.hates receiving the e-mails with bad news
D.is too busy to read e-mails or reply to them
答案 B [推理判断题。根据第一段的内容可知,作者整天忙于电子邮件中,觉得在这个信息时代里,生活受到电子邮件等的影响。]
2.According to the passage,the author is probably a(n) ____________.
A.businessman B.engineer
C.journalist D.receptionist
答案 C [细节理解题。根据第二段的I'd fly to Addis Ababa to cover an earthquake,or to Sarajevo to cover the preparations for the Winter Olympics可知作者是一名记者。]
3.According to Paragraph 3,what do reading books and travel have in common?
A.They can enrich our experiences and lives.
B.They help us have a wide circle of friends.
C.They may bring us pleasure and happiness.
D.They require a great deal of concentration.
答案 D [细节理解题。根据第三段的Travel is like a good,challenging book:it demands the ability to live completely in the moment,and it demands to focus on the words or vision of reality before you.可知答案。]
4.When the author was caught with the rainstorms in the Romanian forest,he ____________.
A.felt very lonely and hopeless
B.thought the rainstorms would end soon
C.was absorbed in a book
D.had nothing to do but wait
答案 C [细节理解题。根据第三段的I read Turgenev's Fathers and Sons there...Nothing existed for me except the worlds of 19th-century Russia and late-20th- century Romania.可知答案。]
“中国梦”已经成为一个社会热点话题,根据最近央视的社会调查, 不同的人群有不同的梦想。请结合表格提示,用英语写一篇关于“中国梦”(Chinese Dream)的演讲稿。
你的梦想请根据自己的 经历或感想,提出至少两 个梦想
Chinese Dream
“Chinese Dream” has become a hot topic among Chinese people.Accordin g to a recent survey conducted by CCTV,different groups of people have different dreams.________________________________________________________________________
Chinese Dream
“Chinese__Dream”__has__become__a__hot__topic__among__Chinese__people.According__to__a_ _recent__survey__conducted__by__CCTV,different__groups__of__people__have__different__dreams.
On one hand,people living in cities hope that traffic conditions could be imp roved.Besides, citizens also expect air pollution caused by cars,factories and daily life can be controlled.Maybe more trees should be planted to help improve the envi ronment.
On the other hand,farmers have the dream of being provided with a better education; they want their children to receive higher education and don't fall behind urban children any more.What's more,they hope to have better medical treatment and live a healthy life in the future.
I think Chinese Dream also means honesty,peace and love,in which factories can produce honestly,every country live peacefully,people in every corner of the world get on well with each other.