
英 语

1. What’s wrong with Li Hua?
A. He has got a toothache. B. He has got a backache. C. He has got a headache.
2. Why will the woman go to London?
A. To have a look. B. To visit her friend. C. To spend the weekend.
3. Where is the man?
A. In a hotel. B. In a shop. C. At home.
4. How many days does it leave for the man to prepare for the final exam?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
5. Who is married?
A. The woman. B. The man. C. The man’s sister.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What are the speakers?
A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Clerks.
7. What are they mainly talking about?
A. Noise in the office. B. A new meeting room. C. A story of a workmate.
8. What does Stan suggest they doing?
A. Talking to Jack openly.
B. Moving to another office.
C. Asking for a meeting room.
9. What’s the relationship between the speakers?
A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and worker. C. Interviewer and interviewee.
10. What is the man’s major?
A. Tourist business. B. English. C. Trading business.
11. What does the woman think of the man?
A. Good. B. Just so-so. C. Bad.

12. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Workmates. B. Classmates. C. Strangers.
13. Why is Jeanie here earlier?
A. To meet her friend. B. To have a class. C. To go over her lessons.
14. What’s Jack’s attitude towards the test?
A. He is calm. B. He worries about it. C. He has to get an A.

15. What do you think Robert is?
A. A dancer. B. A singer. C. A student.
16. Where will the group perform?
A. At concern halls. B. At restaurants. C. At some parties.
17. Why is Robert not sure of joining the group?
A. He doesn’t think he is good enough.
B. He doesn’t have time to practice.
C. He isn’t interested in joining it.

18. What will the weather be like in England today?
A. Quite dry. B. Wet and windy. C. Fine but cool.
19. How will the weather be in the east of Europe tomorrow?
A. Fine. B. Windy. C. Rainy
20. How many days does the forecast mention?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
21. Of the two brothers, Bill is ______ younger one, and he is a quiet boy, ______ that most adults like very much.
A. the; one B. a; the one C. a; one D. the; the one
22. --- Nowadays children have to take arts, music and sports classes in their free time ____ busy schoolwork.
--- No wonder they have more and more pressure.
A. rather than B. owing to C. apart from D. expect for
23. Used to _______ all kinds of cars in various weather, Tom’s brother is indeed an experienced driver.
A. drive B. driving C. drove D. driven
24. It was not until the subprime loan crisis(次贷危机) had caused great damage to the American financial system ____ Americans realized the severity (严重性) of the situation.
A. which B. that C. what D. when
25. ― Where have you been recently?
― I __________ in Beijing on business for a week last month.
A. have worked B. was working C. have been working D. worked
26. So desperate _______ that no one could help another, each ______ to save himself and his animals.
A. was the situation; was trying B. the situation was; trying
C. the situation was; was trying D. was the situation; trying
27. --- He will come tomorrow.
--- But I’d rather he _____ the day after tomorrow.
A. will come B. is coming C. came D. had come
28. After walking in the Shanghai World Expo for a whole day, my legs _________ under me and I couldn’t walk any farther.
A. gave up B. gave out C. gave in D. gave away
29. When I wanted to express my thanks to him,words _____ me. I just held his hands firmly and choked.
A. left B. fled C. forgot D. escaped
30. Many people hold the view _______ light punishment is the primary reason ______ drunk driving has increased in the past few years.
A. that; why B. that; which C. what; that D. which; why
31. --- A traffic jam?
--- Oh, no. __________, the right side of the road is closed for the time being.
A. To be repaired B. Repaired C. Being repaired D. Having repaired
32. --- What a terrible mistake! I’m finished!
--- Don’t lose heart! Get up ______ you fell.
A. where B. when C. unless D. until
33. Some students are now busy preparing for the “Independent Recruitment(自主招生)” contest, in hopes of getting a “Pass” card at their first _______.
A. purpose B. performance C. desire D. attempt
34. ― Amazing! You ________ come to the party in such a fancy dress.
― Don’t you know it’s a fashion?
A. should B. will C. can D. must
35. ― Cheer up! Have another go, OK?
― __________.
A. With pleasure B. Fine, thank you C. Good idea D. Never mind

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
One day a few years ago we had a guest of the uninvited variety. In fact, it was a bird, 36, a sparrow.
“What’s that?” I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping(重击声). “It sounds like Joe is outside playing basketball,” my wife, Anita, said. She 37 and listened more devotedly. “It’s coming from the 38 .” she said. “Maybe it’s one of the little kids.”
We rushed out the door. Jonathan, our youngest, was 39 to make trouble. “If he’s making holes in the wall again…” I said as I searched there. No 40 at all. But there was that 41 again, coming from right up there.
And that’s when I 42 the sparrow. It was flying 43 just inches below the ceiling. It was 44 trying to get out, but couldn’t see that the way out wasn’t up, but down 45 the open door. So the bird continued 46 its wings and hitting its head against the 47 .
“Poor thing,” Anita said. “It must be 48 .”
“Well, maybe it’s because of us,” I said as I moved toward it. I tried to show the bird how to glide(滑翔)down to get outside, but that only seemed to 49 it more. “Why don’t we just 50 for a few minutes?” Anita suggested. “I’m sure he’ll 51 eventually.” So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing 52 . Then suddenly, it was 53 . We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone.
“See?” Anita said. “I told you he’d succeed.”
“Yeah,” I said. “But how many knocks on the head did it 54 him?”
I’ve thought about that little sparrow through the years. Just like that sparrow, we often meet situations, we don’t know how to 55 . Born to go upward, we don’t even consider the possibility that something good might happen if we stop flapping(拍打)around and just glide down a little bit.
36. A. for example B. rather than C. or rather D. as well
37. A. hurried B. paused C. ignored D. confirmed
38. A. basement B. kitchen C. garage D. hall
39. A. easy B. happy C. sorry D. angry
40. A. sparrows B. children C. birds D. holes
41. A. guest B. voice C. knock D. sound
42. A. watched B. found C. realized D. caught
43. A. carefully B. gently C. patiently D. anxiously
44. A. eventually B. unwillingly C. obviously D. thoroughly
45. A. through B. over C. below D. beyond
46. A. shaking B. breaking C. striking D. injuring
47. A. wall B. floor C. door D. ceiling
48. A. clumsy B. painful C. amazed D. terrified
49. A. frighten B. comfort C. confuse D. calm
50. A. leave B. scream C. relax D. escape
51. A. put it aside B. leave it alone C. give it up D. figure it out
52. A. accident B. achievement C. struggle D. trouble
53. A. excited B. tired C. noisy D. silent
54. A. cost B. offer C. earn D. owe
55. A. classify B. handle C. debate D. conclude

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
An Australian man who has been donating his extremely rare kind of blood for 56 years has saved the lives of more than two million babies.
James Harrison has an antibody in his plasma(血浆) that stops babies dying from Rhesus disease, a form of severe anaemia. He has enabled countless mothers to give birth to healthy babies, including his own daughter, Tracey, who had a healthy son thanks to her father's blood.
Mr. Harrison has been giving blood every few weeks since he was 18 years old and has now racked up a total of 984 donations. When he started donating, his blood was deemed so special that his life was insured for one million Australian dollars.
He was also nicknamed the “man with the golden arm” or the “man in two million”. He said, “I've never thought about stopping. Never!” He made a pledge to be a donor aged 14 after undergoing major chest surgery in which he needed 13 liters of blood. “I was in hospital for three months,” he said. “The blood I received saved my life so I made a pledge to give blood when I was 18.”
Just after he started donating he was found to have the rare and life-saving antibody in his blood. At the time, thousands of babies in Australia were dying each year of Rhesus disease. Other newborns suffered permanent brain damage because of the condition. The disease creates an incompatibility between the mother's blood and her unborn baby's blood. It stems from one having Rh-positive blood and the other Rh-negative.
His blood has since led to the development of a vaccine called Anti-D. After his blood type was discovered, Mr. Harrison volunteered to undergo a series of tests to help develop the Anti-D vaccine. “They insured me for a million dollars so I knew my wife Barbara would be taken care of,” he said. “I wasn't scared. I was glad to help. I had to sign every form going and basically sign my life away.”
Mr. Harrison is Rh-negative and was given injections of Rh-positive blood. It was found his plasma could treat the condition and since then it has been given to hundreds of thousands of women. It has also been given to babies after they are born to stop them developing the disease.
It is estimated he has helped save 2.2 million babies so far. Mr. Harrison is still donating every few weeks now.
56. What does the underlined phrase “two million” refer to?
A. babies B. mothers C. dollars D. blood
57. Why did James decide to donate his blood? Because _____.
A. his daughter asked him to help her son
B. he has a golden arm worth a million dollars
C. a vaccine called Anti-D is to be developed
D. someone else’s blood saved his life
58. The sentence “The disease creates an incompatibility between the mother's blood and her unborn baby's blood” (underlined in Paragraph 5) suggests that _____.
A. babies suffer permanent brain damage before born
B. the mother and the baby have different types of blood
C. Rhesus disease contributes to permanent brain damage
D. all the patients have a rare antibody in their blood
59. What can we infer from the sixth paragraph?
A. Some of the tests to develop the vaccine are dangerous.
B. His wife Barbara needed to be taken care of badly then.
C. Mr. Harrison was glad to help develop a new vaccine.
D. His blood type was accidentally discovered after tests.
Driving a car is more stressful than traveling by bus, according to a new research. A study by Dr David Lewis will be used as a major part of the Greener Journeys campaign. The aim is to persuade motorists up and down the country to abandon their cars for one billion journeys in the next four years ― in favor of traveling by bus.
Dr Lewis, from the University of Sussex, conducted an experiment in which the heart rate and EDR (皮肤电反应) of 30 volunteers were measured when taking identical or similar journeys by car as a driver and by bus as a passenger. The results indicated that stress was, on average, 33% lower when traveling by bus.
EDR measures the change in the response of a person’s skin to anxiety or stress. EDR can be a hidden stress. This type of stress can have long-term physical and emotional impacts. Taking a bus can produce long-term benefits.
Dr Lewis said there are three main factors that make driving a car stressful: heavy traffic causes the brain to work harder, traffic jams cause a build-up of anger and there is a sense of frustration that a person is “wasting one’s life” because few things can be done at the same time as driving. The study shows that driving in traffic jams now outweighs (超过) any previous benefits that driving in a private car once gave.
The Greener Journeys campaign will encourage people to get out of their cars and go by bus where it is convenient and realistic to switch. Claire Haigh, a spokesman for Greener Journeys, said the findings might persuade drivers ― who were already concerned about CO2 emissions ― that traveling by bus had health benefits as well as environmental ones. One fifth of motorists would be prepared to change to public transport for reasons to do with the environment. Just one double-decker bus can take 75 cars off the road, fairly reducing emissions levels.
60. According to the text, EDR ________.
A. reflects people’s ability in sports B. isn’t as obvious as anxiety or anger
C. has an immediate effect on health D. may create long-term benefits
61. Which of the following is NOT the cause that makes drivers stressed?
A. Drivers fear that there might be something wrong with their car.
B. Drivers focus on traffic with brains working at full speed.
C. Drivers feel more and more annoyed by serious traffic jams.
D. Drivers feel frustrated with their time being wasted in the traffic jam.
62. From the text we know that ________.
A. taking buses is good for health and the environment
B. governments should limit the production of cars
C. taking cars is the only cause of the emission of greenhouse gases
D. buses would become the main means of transportation in the future
63. We may read the text online in the section of ________.
A. economy B. fashion C. lifestyle D. entertainment
Address: 636 Rugar Street Joliet, Illinois 60451
Date of Birth: June 5, 1960
Height: 6'0" (183cm) Weight: 195 lbs. (89kg) Health: Excellent
Phone: 309 876 ?0012 Married: Helen Son: Jim (2)
1978 to 1983: Joliet Bridge Company, Joliet, Illinois.
Began as a learner and became accomplished journey-man pattern maker.
1983 to Present: Joliet Bridge Company, Joliet, Illinois.
Promoted to Forman, Pattern Division. Responsibilities include the supervision of fourteen personnel, maintaining work schedules and making assignments, maintaining stock inventories, and supervising two learners.
From 1979 to 1983 attended evening school in order to complete high school education. Received H.S. Diploma from the State University of Illinois in 1983. Since 1983 have attended evening classes at Joliet Community College. Have completed eighteen semester hours credit with nine hours in personnel management. Other activities include regular church attendance, member of ELKS, and help with Little League.
Although I have been very happy at Joliet Bridge and have had excellent opportunity, it is necessary that I move my family due to my son’s allergies (过敏症). In this respect, desire a position in the Southwest United States. I am willing to consider a position as a pattern maker, tool and die maker, or as a supervisor. My major attributes are my reliability and loyalty to my company and my ability to work with others.
References are available upon request.
64. What does Douglas do at present in Joliet Bridge Company?
A. Pattern maker. B. Leader of Pattern Division.
C. Member of ELKS. D. Learner.
65. What was Douglas doing in 1982?
A. Working in Joliet Bridge Company. B. Studying at Joliet Community College.
C. Helping with Little League. D. A, B and C.
66. Why does Douglas want to leave Joliet Bridge Company?
A. Because he is not satisfied with his present job.
B. Because he has not been successful in the company.
C. Because he does not get along well with his colleagues.
D. Because his son is not used to the weather in Illinois.
67. If you want to know the age of Douglas' son, what can you do?
A. Write to 636 Rugar Street. B. Telephone 309 876-0012.
C. Ask his wife Helen. D. Find it in the resume.
They have frightened some and attracted others. They are Wenlock and Mandeville, mascots of the London Olympic Games.
Since both of them have a camera for an eye, they are called one-eyed mascots. Their cameras will capture every great event on their journey to 2012. And they both have a taxi light on their heads, like the world-famous London black cabs. Wenlock’s head shape is meant to represent an Olympic podium and the three medals won in each event. Mandeville’s head features the three Paralympic colors.
Wenlock is the name of the English village considered by many to be the birthplace of the modern Olympics. People think its local games inspired Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who founded the International Olympic Committee.
The other mascot’s name is a reference to the village of Stoke Mandeville, where the Paralympic movement began.
The mascots are a central part of London’s business strategy and will feature in everything from T-shirts to tea towels. No doubt they will be seen under children’s arms as their favorite toys.
The 2012 Committee Chairman, Sebastian Coe, said, “We want them to be part of our fan base. We want them to engage with young people. They have in large part been designed and driven by what young people want.”
Young fans like their mascots to come with a backstory. Children’s author Michael Morpurgo came up with the idea that the mascots origin was from the last drops of molten steel left over from the construction of the Olympic Stadium.
Adults and organizers might argue but the most important audience for Wenlock and Mandeville are children. Ten-year-old Kira, from Essex in England, wrote to the BBC to say: “I think they are lovely! I love the Olympics and so does my sister!”
68. The two mascots are designed to have one eye each to represent _______.
A. a London taxi light B. a camera to record great events
C. a medal they will win D. the Olympic color
69. One of the mascots is called Wenlock because ________.
A. a famous cartoon figure is called Wenlock
B. it is the name of the village considered to be the birthplace of the modern Olympics
C. the first modern Olympic Games took place in the small village
D. the Paralympic movement began in the small village
70. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The mascots are made from the last drops of molten steel left over from the construction of the Olympic Stadium.
B. The mascots are designed and created by young people.
C. The mascots are mainly designed for the organizers’ business strategy.
D. Ten-year-old Kira liked the two mascots of the London Olympic Games.

There are many factors which may have an influence on adults and children being able to lead a healthy life.
71 . Often, both parents work outside the home. Children are expected to take on more responsibility at home to help their parents. They also have sporting and leisure activities as well as school expectations.
The business also adds another factor: The need to use cars to get from one place to another quickly. 72 . Computers,DVDs,CDs,television,PlayStations and Xboxes have become major leisure activities,rather than traditional more active pursuits. This has led to a lifestyle of less exercise.
73 . Unfortunately, they also promote fast food which fits easily into busy lifestyles. It is much more convenient at times to buy a quick takeaway rather than prepare a meal. The media constantly bombard (轰炸) their audience with “perfect” body images,the need to buy the most fashionable clothes,the most up-to-date computer games,the best places to visit and the best things to do.
Environments vary, 74 . This can be harmful to people who suffer from breathing difficulties. Environments where passive smoking is unavoidable make it difficult to lead a healthy life.
75 . Any person who wants to be healthy will find a way to be healthy ― if he/she is motivated enough!

A.The media provide entertainment and information.
B.Advertisements play an important role in people’s life.
C.We may be exposed to pollution, such as cigarette smoke.
D.Nowadays,people are very busy.
E.People are living in a bad air environment.
F.The important one is motivation or the desire to be healthy
G.Today society places a lot of emphasis on technology.

英 语 (答案)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Work and play are necessary for us. Work gives us knowledge when play gives us rest. Being
hard-working is one of the quality we should have. We can’t achieve success without it. Since we set our goal,
qualities Once
we must work hard until we succeed. It’s no good got things half done. However, we can’t work it all the time if
we’re going to keep healthy and enjoy ours. Good physical and mental health can enable us to work good.
ourselves well
While working, we should work with all our hearts. Then while playing, we will∧even more relaxed. If we
understand the relationship among them and manage our time proper, we can achieve our goal in our life.
between properly

Dear Jenny,
I have got good news to tell you. This summer vacation my parents and I will go to Shanghai to visit the pavilions of the World Expo. We have already bought the train tickets. We are leaving for Shanghai on July 15th. After two days, we will reach Shanghai, I hope I will meet you there. To be honest, I miss you very much. We will live in the JiangTian Hotel, which is not far from the pavilions of the world Expo. During the 18th to 19th, we will visit the pavilions of the World Expo. If you have enough time, you can also meet me at the gate of the world Expo at nine o’clock on July 18th. Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in China. I’ll take a lot of photos with my patents. We plan to return to Kunming on July 20. A great vocation, I can’t wait! I expect to visit Shanghai soon.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
Li Hua