
e tomorrow to get the pictures?
答案 1.experienced 2.devotion 3.informed 4.attending 5.developed
1.Jumping out of ________airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ________exciting experience.
A./;the B./;an C.an;an D.the;the
答案 C
2.―Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.
―I________it,but I was busy preparing for a job interview.
A.at tended B.had attended
C.would attend D.would have attended
答案 D [考查虚拟语气。句意:――你错过了关于核污染的讲座,真是太遗憾了。――我本来要去的,但是我忙于准备求职面试。由句意知答语是对过去事实的虚拟,故用:情态动词+ have done。]
3.Her son,________ whom she is so devoted,went abroad last year,leaving her alone in the small village.
A.to B .at
C.on D.for
答案 A [be devoted to为固定搭配,意为:致力于,投入到。]
4.Internet is as ________ to learning as the ability to understand,even more so.
A.vital B.available C.specific D.similar
答案 A [be vital to表示:对……极端重要;sth be available 表示:某物可以得到;specific不与t o搭配;be similar to表示:与……相似。]
5.They began to think about what use could be made ________ such materials.
A.up B.from
C.of D.out
答案 C [该题考查make use of。]
6.China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals ________ all its citizens.
A.in charge of B.for the purpose of
C.in hono r of D.for the b enefit of
答案 D [句意:为了所有公民的利益,中国一直在推行公立医院的改革。A.管理,负责;B.为了……目的;C.向……表示敬意;D.为了……的利益。]
7.As many as five courses are provided,and you are free to choose________ suits you best.
A.whatever B.whichever C.whenever D.wherever
答案 B [whatever在 此处,既做主语,又做连词。而C、D为副词不能做主语。whichever表达有选择的空间。]
8.I haven't seen Ann for ________ long a time that I have forgotten what she lo oks like.
A.such B.very
C.so D.too
答案 C [该题考查so...that结构,意为“如此……以至于”。]
9.It was a nice meal,________a little expensive.
A.though B.whether C.as D.since
答案 A [考查连词。句意:尽管有点贵,但这是一顿美餐。though表示转折,意为“尽管”;whether表示“是否”;as表示“当……时候”,“正如”等;since表示“自从……以来”。根据句意选择A项。]
10.I have already known their marriage,so I am________s urprised at the news that they are married.
A.not a little B.not a bit
C.very much D.greatly
答案 B [考查短语。a bit意为“一点点”,not a bit意为“一点也不”,而not a little意为“许多,非常”。句意:我已经知道了他们的婚姻情况了。所以,听到他们结婚的消息我一点也不吃惊。]