
es from those two places. It can come from Asia,the United States and Canada . Approximately 75% of the plastic comes f rom sources on land,while the other 25% comes from ships at sea. Tons of the plastic produced yearly throughout the world ends up in the ocean. Since this plastic has been beaten by the waves,much of it has been broken down into small pieces that marine life often thinks of as food.
Nurdles are the raw material that is used to make plastic products. Millions are spilled into the ocean every year,which make up about 10% of all the marine plastic pieces. Nurdles are bean-sized pieces of plastic. When these nurdles float in the ocean,t hey pick up the DDT and the PCBs that are already in the ocean. When plastics break down,chemicals that are not found in nature are released. These become deadly to marine life. They are also harmful to their growth and development.
Thousands of wildlife die every year because of the trash. Many marine animals eat pieces of plas tic trash and die. Others eat things like sma ll plastic toys. Birds and fish often mistake the brightly colored nurdles for fish eggs. The toxins(毒素) may cause genetic problems in the wildlife when they gather i n their bodies,and the toxins can even poison them.
You can help by cutting back on the amount of plastic you use in your home and in your business. Pick up trash when you see it lying around and deal with it properly. Recycle as much plastic as possible. Help cle an up beaches,rivers and streams. When trash collection day comes around,make sure your trash won't be blown away.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了垃圾岛的一些具体情况。垃圾岛是人类破坏环境的一大见证。
1.Trash Island mainly consists of ____________.
A.the DDT B.the PCBs
C.plastic garbage D.nurdles
答案 C [细节理解题。从第一段中的“Most of it is made up of plastic garbage or plastic particles.”可知,垃圾岛上大部分都是塑料制品。所以选C项。]
2.What do we know about nurdles according to the passage?
A.They are mainly used to make plastic products.
B.They are helpful to the growth and development of marine life.
C.They make up about half the marine plastic p ieces.
D.They give off some poisonous gases into the oce an.
答案 A [细节理解题。从第三段中的“Nurdles are the raw material that is used to make plastic products.”可知,nurdles是用来制造塑料制品的原料。所以选A项。]
3.Trash Island has an effect on marine life in the following ways EXCEPT that ____________.
A.many animals can't give birth
B.many animals will get poisoned
C.many animals have genetic problems
D.many animals can't grow in a normal way
答案 A [细节理解题 。根据第四段的最后一句可知B、C两项正确;根据第三段的最后一句可知D项正确。文章 并没有提到A项,所以选A项。]
4.The author suggests in the last paragraph that ____________.
A.it's difficult to reduce the amount of plastic
B.everyone can make a difference in the trash problem
C.trash collection day plays an important role in reducing trash
D.everyone should learn how to recycle plastic in their life
答案  B [推理判断题。最后一段告诉我们,减少垃圾数量是每个人的职责,也是每个人力所能及的事情。故选B项。]
Dear Editor,
I am Li Hua ,a student from Grade 3.I am writing to discuss the traffic problem near our school gate.
__________________________________________ ______________________________
I do hope there will be fewer traffic jams near our school gate.
Li Hua
I__am__Li__Hua,a__student__from__Grade__3.I__am __writing__to__discuss__the__traffic__problem__near__our__school__gate.
With so many parents coming to pick up their children,traffic jams are frequent near the school gate,which has caused a lot of inconvenience to us.
In order to avoid traffic jams,I strongly recommend some effective measures be taken.First,we should encourage students to ride a bicycle or walk to school instead of taking a car,which not only avoids traffic jams,but also builds up students' health.It is also a good idea to allow junior students to leave school 10 minutes earlier than others ,which wi ll surely make the street less crowded.Besides,cars should not be allowed to park in front of the school gate.