
municate with others successfully.
3.The view________many scientists hold is ________too much emission of carbon dioxide is destructive.
4.The reason________many students fight hard to enter this key school is ________many students in this school have been admitted to famous universities.
5.The question was put forward at the meeting ________we had enough money for our research.
6.________climber gets to the top first will get a £5,000 prize.
7.________ticket this is has not been found out.
8.The question is________we can finish our task on time.
9.I don't quite understand________more women smoke than men in Britain.
10.They are discussing in the meeting room________will go to the conference on behalf of the manager.
11.―Keep in mind________you mus t respect others first.
12.―Take ________one you like and leave the others for ________comes later.
答案 1.That 2.what 3.that/which;that 4.why;that
5.whether 6.Whichever 7.Whose 8.how/whether
9.why 10.who 11.that 12.whichever;whoever
(2014•临沂市二模)I cannot describe my excitement when I saw the famous general Arthur Scoresbv covered with medals at a party given to honor him.However,there was a__1__look in the eyes of an old friend of mine who sat next to me.He leaned toward me and whispered―“__2__―he is a fool and yet a lucky dog.”This came as a__3__ to me.Then he told me the whole story:
“Years ago,I was an instructor in the military(军事)school at Woolwich when young Scoresby was given his first __4__.Everybody answered the questions well __5__he did not know anything.I felt sympathy and questioned him just __6__I thought he knew.He got through the examination.I thought that what in the end would __7__him would be the mathematics examination.Well,try to imagine the__8__.By some strange yet __9__ accident,he took first prize!I never dreamed it would__10__such strange,laughable results.
Then,the Crimean War broke out.He was appointed an officer.But__11__knew the secret.They saw his stupid mistakes as works of great__12__.And every mistake he made increased his glory and fame.
The battle grew hotter.The English army was steadily retreating(撤退)all over the field.Our regiment(团)__13__an extremely important position.One mistake now would bring total __14__.An order came for him to fall back and support our right.__15__,he moved forward and went over the hill to the left.A large and__16__Russian army was waiting there!The surprised Russians thought that no single regiment by itself would __17__there at such a time and that it must be the whole British army.They fled in wild__18__.The British turned defeat into a sweeping and shining__19__.Scoresby became famous that day as a great military__20__ honored throughout the world.
【解题导语】 本文为一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在庆功会上,朋友跟“我”讲述的有关Arthur Scoresby这个幸运的傻瓜军事领袖的有趣故事。

1.A.worried B.greedy
C.curious D.strange
答案 D [考查形容词。句意:坐在我这边的一位老友眼神中流露出“奇怪的”表情。A项意为“担心的,担忧的”;B项意为“贪婪的”;C项意为“好奇的”;D项意为“奇怪的”。根据下文内容可知,他认为Arthur Scoresby只不过是一个幸运的傻瓜,所以当他看到Arthur Scoresby接受如此高的荣誉时,应该是感到“奇怪”。故选D。]
2.A.Happily B.Fortunately
C.Privately D.Gradually
答案 C [考查副词。句意:他靠近我并低声说:“在我看来他只不过是个幸运的傻瓜而已”。A项意为“快乐地,幸福地”;B项意为“幸运地”;D项意为“逐渐地”。privately本意为“私下地,私人地”,在此译作“在我看来,就我个人观点而言”。故选C。]
3.A.shock B.glory C.comfort D.mem ory
答案 A [考查名词。句意:他的这些话令我很震惊。根据文章第一句内容可知,“我”对Arthur Scoresby充满崇拜,所以当“我”听到朋友对Arthur Scoresby作出这样的评价时,应该是“震惊”才对。故选A。]
4.A.invitation B.examination
C.experiment D.operation
答案 B [考查名词。句意:多年前我(作者的朋友)是Woolwich军事学校的一名教员,当时年轻的Arthur Scoresby参加了他的第一次“考试”。根据下文中的“He got through the examination.”可知选B。]
5.A.when B.while C.though D.because
答案 B  [考查连词。句意:每个人的回答都不错,“然而”他(Arthur Scoresby)却什么也不会。while强调转折对比,符合句意。]
6.A.that B.what C.which D.why
答案 B [考查名词性从句。句意:我同情他,并只问我认为他可能知道的东西。what引导的为宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语,I thought为插入语。在名词性从句中,如缺少名词性成分,指人时,用who/whom;指物时,用what。故选B。]
7.A.destroy B.convince
C.motivate D.inspire
答案 A [考查动词。句意:我认为最后“毁掉”他的一定会是数学考试。A项意为“破坏,毁灭”;B项意为“使确信,相信”;C项意为“激发”;D项意为“鼓舞,鼓励”。根据句意可知,destroy符合语意。故选 A。]
8.A.future B.situation
C.reaction D.result
答案 D [考查名词。句意:但是,你能想象到考试的“结果”吗。根据下文中的“such strange,laughable results”可知,“我”的朋友讲述的是考试的“结果(成绩)”。故选D。]
9.A.surprising B.regretful
C.lucky D.natural
答案 C [考查形容词。句意:由于某些“幸运的”巧合,他居然得了第一名。根据上文中的“he is a fool and yet a lucky dog.”可知,应用lucky一词。故选C。]
10.A.adapt to B.belong to
C.refer to D.lead to
答案 D [考查动词短语。句意:我从来没想到会出现这样奇怪的、可笑的结果。A项意为“调整以适应……”;B项意为“属于”;C项意为“参考,涉及,指的是”;D项意为“导致”。根据语境可知,我没有想到这个会“导致”这样的结果。故选D。]
11.A.nobody B.somebody
C.everybody D.anybody
答案 A [考查代词。句意:后来,克莱米亚战争爆发了,他被任命为军官。但“没有人”知道这个秘密。根据文章内容可知,人们都认为Arthur Scoresby是个出色的将军,“没有人”知道他是个傻瓜的秘密。故选A。]
12.A.unselfishness B.intelligence
C.importance D.honesty
答案 B [考查名词。句意:人们把他每次所犯的错误看作是天才的表现。A项意为“无私”;B项意为“智力,聪明”;C项意为“重要”;D项意为“诚实”。故选B。]
13.A.occupied B.abandoned
C.predicted D.confirmed
答案 A [考查动词。句意:战争变得越来越激烈,英国军队正全面而有序地撤退。我们团“占据”一个非常重要的位置(据点)。A项意为“占领,占据”;B项意为“放弃”;C项意为“预测”;D项意为“证实,证明”。根据语境可知,我们当时应该是“占据”着那个据点。故选A。]
14.A.revolution B.chance
C.disaster D.pressure
答案 C [考查名词。句 意:任何一个错误都会导致全面的“失败(灾难)”。A项意为“革命”;B项意为“机会”;C项意为“灾难”;D项意为“压力”。disaster符合句意,故选C。]
15.A.Moreover B.Therefore
C.Instead D.Otherwise
答案 C [考查连接副词。句意:上峰发出命令让他撤退去援助我们右翼。“但是”他却前进,翻过山脉去了我们的左翼方向。根据上下句内容可知,两句为否定转折关系。故选C。]
16.A.official B.confident
C.ordinary D.unexpected
答案 D [考查形容词。句意:一支庞大的、“没有预料到的”俄国军队正等候在那里。A项意为“官方的,正式的”;B项意为“自信的”;C项意为“普通的,平常的”;D项意为“没有预料到的,出乎预料的”。Arthur Scoresby带领军队冲到那里,没有想到那里会有敌人的军队。故选D。]
17.A.take over B.come around
C.turn away D.stick to
答案 B [考查动词短语。句意:这些吃惊的俄国军队没有想到单独一个团会在这个时候“出现”在这里,认为这一定是全部的英国军队。come around意为“到处走动,来访,出现”,根据语境可知,俄国军队没有想到英国军队会“出现”在这里。故选B。]
18.A.wonder B.imagination
C.disorder D.spirits
答案 C [考查名词。句意:他们仓皇逃窜了。根据文章内容可知,俄国军队没有想到英国军队会来,认为是全部的英国军队前来进攻,所以他们就“混乱”地撤离了。故选C。]
19.A.victory B.conflict
C.exercise D.judgement
答案 A [考查名词。句意:英 国军队把失败变成了一个全面的“胜利”。与“defeat(失败)”对应的应该是“victory(胜利)”。故选A。]
20.A.athlete B.soldier
C.lecturer D.leader
答案 D [考查名词。句意:那天以后,Arthur Scoresby就作为一个出色的军事“领袖”闻名世界了。A项意为“运动员”;B项意为“士兵”;C项意为“讲师”;D项意为“领袖,领导”。根据文章第一句“...when I saw the famous general Arthur Scoresby...”以及第三段中的“He was appointed an officer.”可知,他是一名“领袖”。故选D。]
A dog found shot in the head and face with a pellet(小弹丸)gun,stuffed in a garbage bag and left to die is recovering from his injuries at an animal clinic in Texas.The bag containing the 3⊥y ear⊥old male mixed breed was discovered tied to a fence in Conroe,Texas,earlier this month.When local residents opened the bag,the dog appeared,took a few steps and fell.
Augustyn rushed the dog to an emergency animal clinic,where he was treated for many pellets to the face,eyes,mouth,neck and shoulders.The dog was stabilized,but according to Dr Ron Hendrick,a vet at the Animal Emergency Clinic of Conroe,pellets remain in both eyes and it's unclear whether the dog―nicknamed Buck―was left blind forever.
A Facebook page,Buck Needs Bucks for His Buckshot Injuries,was launched last week by Augustyn.It was created to help pay for the dog's medical bills.The page has attracted nearly 7,000“likes”and,according to its creator,already more than enough donations to pay for his treatment.
“The last 24 hours has been overwhelming for me,”Augustyn wrote on the page.“I have gone from not knowing if I would have enough money to pay for Buck's emergency bill to having an unbelievable amount of money to provide the best possible care for Buck's recovery.I have thought long and hard about this today and how I should handle this.The conclusion is that I will open a separate bank account for Buck and all donations will be used for Buck's recovery and necessities.“With the help of Facebook,Buck's story quickly sparked international interest.“Buck is now walking,”Augustyn says.
Police in Montgomery County say they are investigating the incident, and Augustyn says she has been in contact with law enforcement officials about donating a reward for information leading to the arrest of the person who tortured(折磨) the dog.
Sadly,cases like Buck's are not uncommon,particularly in Texas.
【解题导语】 一条狗被人用小弹丸枪打伤,不过,幸好它得到了好心人的救助。
1.When the dog was found,he was________.
A.dead,shot by his owner
B.tied near an animal clinic
C.in a terrible physical state
D.recovering from his injuries
答案 C [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A dog found shot in the head and face with a pellet(小弹丸)gun”以及“When local residents opened the bag,the dog appeared,took a few steps and fell.”可知,当那条狗被发现的时候,他的身体状况非常糟糕。]
2.After being treated at the emergency animal clinic,the dog________.
A.is still not in a stable condition
B.remains blind because of the shots
C.has no pellets remaining in his body
D.has completely recovered from his injuries
答案 B [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“pellets remain in both eyes and it's unclear whether the dog―nicknamed Buck―was left blind forever”可知,接受治疗后,那条狗的眼睛仍然看不见。]
3.What was Augustyn's purpose in launching the Facebook page?
A.To ask for donations for the dog.
B.To ask a vet to help treat the dog.
C.To call for people to love animals.
D.To ask people to find the dog's owner.
答案 A [推理判断题。根据第三段中的“It was created to help pay for the dog's medical bills.”可推断Augustyn创办那个网页是为了给小狗募捐。]
4.We can infer from Paragraph 4 that________.
A.Augustyn is worried about the emergency bill
B.Augustyn will try to help more injured dogs
C.many people care about the injured dog's recovery
D.Augustyn doesn't know how to deal with the donations
答案 C [推理判断题。根据第四段中的“having an unbelievable amount of money to provide the best possible care for Buck's recovery”可知,很多人捐了款,这说明很多人关心这条狗的康复。]
(2013•陕西卷,D)About 30 years ago,I left Cuba for the United States with my son.After getting settled finally in Brunswick,New Jersey,I enrolled(注册) my son in kindergarten.Several weeks later,my son's teacher asked me to meet him at his office.
In the teacher's office,an exchange of greetings was followed by his questions:“Is your son mentally retarded(弱智的)?Does he suffer from any kind of mental disability?”
Was he talking about my wonderful Scola?No,no,it can't be.What a helpless,lonely moment! I told him that Scola was a quiet,sweet little boy,instead.I asked him why he was asking me all these questions.
My son could not follow the teacher's directions,he told me,and thus,Scola was disrupting the class.Didn't he know my son did not speak English yet?
He was angry,“Why hasn't your son been taught to speak English?Don't you speak English at home?”
No,I didn't speak English at h ome,I replied.I was sure my son would learn English in a couple of months,and I didn't want him to forget his native language.Well,wrong answer! What kind of person would not speak in English to her son at home and at all times?“Are you one of those people who come to this country to save dollars and send them back to their country,never wanting to be a part of this society?”
Needless to say,I tried to tell him I was not one of “those people”.Then he told me the meeting was over,and I left.
As I had expected,my son learned to speak English fluently before the school year was over.He went on to graduate from college and got a job,earning close to six figures.He travels widely and leads a well⊥adjusted,contented life.And he has benefited from being bilingual(双语的).
Speaking more than one language allows people to communicate with others;it teaches people about other cultures and other places―something very basic and obviously lacking in the “educator” I met in New Jersey.
【解题导语】 本文介绍了作者的儿子去美国后由于不懂英语,受到了老师的批评。但最终他从双语中获得了益处。
5.The teacher asked the author to his office ________.
A.to discuss Scola's in⊥class performance
B.to get Scola enrolled in kindergarten
C.to find a language partner for Scola
D.to work out a study plan for Scola
答案 A [推理判断题。由文章第二段可知老师叫作者去是讨论孩子在班级表现的问题。]
6.What does the underlined word “disrupting” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Breaking. B.Following.
C.Attending. D.Disturbing.
答案 D [词义猜测题。由第四段大意可知,“我”的儿子不听老师的命令,thus(因此),Scola是在扰乱(disrupting)课堂,即disturbing。break打碎;follow the class听懂课堂内容;attend the class上课。]
7.The author's attitude towards being bilingual may best be described as ________.
A.critical B.casual C.positive D.passive
答案 C [作者态度题。从文章最后一段可知作者的态度。critical批评的;casual漫不经心的;positive积极的,肯定的;passive被动的,消极的。]
8.This text is likely to be selected from a book of ________.
A.medicine B.educatio n
C.geography D.history
答案 B [文章出处题。文章最后一段点明主题。作者想通过自己的经历告诉读者:多学一门语言是有好处的,每个教育者都应该意识到这一点。]
2 .你的评论。
参考词汇:低碳生活a low⊥carbon lifestyle传单leaflet郊区suburb
A voluntary activity
Last Saturday, our class launched a voluntary activity.
A voluntary activity
Last_Saturday,_our_class_launched_a_voluntary_activity. Its theme is to make the city more beautiful and advocate a low⊥carbon lifestyle. In the morning, we went to plant trees in the suburbs. We worked in cooperation. Some dug holes, some carried and planted trees, and some watered them. In the afternoon, we went to the central square to hand out leaflets,raising people's awareness of environmental protection. Most of the students think highly of the activity, which will surely produce a positive effect on their daily life.
As far as I'm concerned, it's everyone's duty to protect the environment. As long as there is the possibility of saving our planet, take action now before it is too late. Low⊥carbon living is surely a way of great significance.