
Lesson 10 China
Teaching Aims(教学目标):
A. Teaching Aims about knowledge(知识目标):
After this lesson, students should do their utmost to know knowledge as follows:
Mastery Words
China Chinese speak etc.
Live in/ Palace Museum
B.Teaching Aims about ability(能力目标):
Raise students’ interests in English, they should point the right country on the map and remember the words about color.
C.Teaching Aims about Motion and Value(情感态度、价值观目标):
The importance of being a Chinese
Teaching Content(教学内容): P20-21
Teaching Schedule(课时安排): One
Teaching Preparation(教学准备):
Audiotape, PowerPoint
Teaching Important Points(教学重点):
China Chinese speak etc.
Live in/ Palace Museum
Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点):
The importance of being a Chinese
What is the capital city of China?
What country is ______(方向的词) of China?
Do you know what this is?
Teaching Process(教学过程):
Step 1 greeting
Step 2 warming up and lead-in
Step 3 starts the new lesson
Show a world map to the students, point out China and countries nearby
Step 4 let students make a distinction between China and Chinese.
Let finish the dialogue.
Step 5 let the whole class share the information they seek about Beijing
Step 6 look at the pictures of The Palace Museum.
Design of the Blackboard(板书设计):
Lesson 10 China
China Chinese speak etc.
Live in/ Palace Museum

Exercise book P19-20
Teaching Conclusion(教学总结):
After this lesson, students are wished to remember the mastery words and phrases. Furthermore, they should understand the true meaning of being a Chinese.