

Recycle 2



Reading and speaking Let’s chant Let’s read Pair work

第 1 课时 / 共6课时




教学目标:复习第四单元的有关做家务的内容;通过诵读歌谣接触十二个月的名称。 重点难点:课时需要重点让学生将四个单元的中心语言融为一体,在具体情景中能自然运用;对本课时的难点是十二个月份的名称认读。


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Step 1 Pre-task

1、 Look and review the words.

1) T shows four pictures about four seasons, winter, spring, autumn,summer:

T: What season is it in picture1/2/3/4?

Ss: Winter/Spring/Autumn/Summer.

T writes these four words on the Bb.

2、 T shows the word cards review the words.

3、 Free talk and lead in.

T: Which months are there in spring? Ss: March to May.

4 让学生谈论这些季节。

Step 2 Presentation

1.Let’s read
(1) 教师介绍自己的喜欢及原因,
T: I like four seasons, too. In winter, there are many festvials. Spring is windy, so I can fly the kites; summer is hot but sunny every day; and there are many beautiful flowers in autumn. Right?Now, do you like them?

Ss: Yes, I do.


T: Listen to the chant. It’s about our beautiful season.

T: Today we’ll talk about the four seasons in a chant.

Open your books, Page 82, look at “Let’s chant”.

Step 3、While – task

1. 看图说话

1) Show the second picture from “Let’s read”.

T: What season is it now? Ss: Autumn.

T: How do you know? What colour are the leaves.

2) On this big tree, there is a …



(反思与纠正)Ss: A house.

T: Whose house is it?

Ss: Monkeys, there are two monkeys.

T: Clever! This is a family of monkeys. Today,mun monkey isn’t at home. There are only dad and the baby monkeys at home. So the baby monkey want to help his father. Can he help his father? And what can he do? Ok, let’s listen and then answer the questions.

3) Play the tape, then let them find out the answers.

T asks:

Is mum monkey at home?

Can the monkey cook the meals?

Can the monkey wash the clthoes?

What can he do?

Step 4、Sum up

(1)T: Ok, now let’s look at the dialogue in “ Pair Work”. Turn to Page 84, let’s look at it. What’s in the pictures?

Let the students describe the things and the rooms.

(2)Can you read the dialogue from Mike and Chenjie?

Read the dialogue by themselves.


Recycle 2

There are …复数 Where is it?/ Where are they?

There is… 单数/不可数 It’s in/on/under…

They’re in/on/under…

What can you do?

I can empty the trash bin/sweep the floor…

Are you useful? Yes, I am useful.


1. Think more questions and choose a friend to answer, then draw a picture of your friend’s house.

2.Draw a picture about your room, then introduce it to your partners or your friends.



Recycle 2



Listening and speaking Listen and choose Let’s play Let’s sing

第 2课时 / 共6课时




教学目标:能够读懂Read and write 的小短文,并能完成相应的练习;进行小组合作,完成Task time的房子设计广告;认读并能根据图片回答Let’s play的问句。重点难点:课时需要重点是There be句型的操练;对本课时的难点是认读并能根据图片回答Let’s play的问句



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Step 1 Warm-up

(1) 利用chant复习并热身。

(2) 教师出示几张关于景物、家具物品以及日常活动的图片,按要求进行描述。


Let the students discribe them with “ There be…”

T:What can you see? Please discribe it with “There be…”.

Ss: There is a lake and a village. There are many mountains and a small village.

T: Where is the village?

Ss: It’s near the river.

(3) Let the students use the sentences pattern “I/She/He can…, Can you …? To describe the activities.

(4) 看看,说说


T: Are they beautiful?

S1: Yes, they are.

T: What’s in this picture? Can you describe it?

S2: Yes.…

1. 听力练习

T:Boys and girls, please open your books, turn to Page 82. Firstly, let’s listen to the tape, then find out the right answers and choose right pictures for the correct person.

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(反思与纠正)(1) The teacher plays the tape for three times.

(2) Now, check the answers and then pratise one by one, but in groups.

1) T: Can you say something about Miss Sun?

S1: There are mountains behind her village.

S2: There is a rive near near her house.

S3: There is a new air-conditioner in her bedroom.

S4: She can clean her bedroom every day.

2) T: Mr Green? ww w.x kb1.co m

S1: There is a lake near his village.

S2:There are many trees in front of his house.

S3: There is a big trash bin in his kitchen.

S4: He can cook meals.

3) T: Mrs Zhang?


2. 重点句型学习。

Answers: Questions:

There is a river near my house. Is there a lake near his village?

There are many skirts in her closet.Are there any skirts in her closet?

He can clean his bedroom. Can he water he flowers?

She can cook the meals. Can she wash the clothes?

What can she/he do?

Where is the trash bin?

Where are the curtains?

3. 学生操练重点句型,布置任务。

T: Introduce: This is a village, Is it beautiful? Do you want to live there? OK! Now, suppose that is our village, can you introduce it to us, you can say only one sentence, but one by one.

S1: There are many mountains near our village.

S2: There is a path across the village.

S3: In my village, I can water lots of flowers and…

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(反思与纠正)Step3、Sum up

Let’s sing

1.OK, let’s have a rest.

Listen to the tape. There is a beautiful song.

2.T: Do you like it? Can you sing?

Now, play the music, they can sing along with the music


Recycle 2

My village

Answers: Questions:

There is a river near my house. Is there a lake near his village?

There are many skirts in her closet. Are there any skirts in her closet?

He can clean his bedroom. Can he water he flowers?

She can cook the meals. Can she wash the clothes?

What can she /he do?

Where is the trash bin?

Where are the curtains?


(1)Play some games“背靠背游戏”,“排队游戏”把打乱顺序的单词排成一个正确的句子。

(2) Finish “Task time”

(3)Tell a story use five words




Recycle 2



Read and write Task time

第 3 课时 / 共6课时




教学目标:通过活动Listen and choose和Pair work复习There be句型、介词短语及动作短语等;学唱歌曲We Can Help Our Planet。 重点难点:课时需要重点是复习巩固介词短语及There be句型;对本课时的难点是正确区分内容相近的图片。



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Step 1 Warm-up

1) Learn to sing an English song “We Can Help Our Planet ” Let Ss listen and sing after the tape.

2) Dialogue
What can you do?

3) Can you…?

4) Where is /are the …?
Is there a…?

Are there any…?

Step 2、Review
1.Let’s do

Show me your hands.

Put your hands on /in /under /near /behind /in front of /over the desk.

2.Listen and guess:

T: There is a light, There is a chair. There is a desk. There is a bookself.

Ss: It’s the study.

T: There are many trees, there are many flowers, there is a lake, there are many animals.

Ss: This is a zoo.

Step 3、Presentation

1) 呈现Deng Ming居住的village的图片

Let Ss describe the picture.

T: What can you see?

S1: I can see many mountains and houses.

S2: there is a river, a road and a lake.

S3: I can see some trees…

2) Listen to the tape carefully.

3) Answer the questions:

What’s in the river? What’s over the river? What’s near the road? ……

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(反思与纠正)4) Read it after the tape.

5) Repeat the sentences:

T: Over the river

Ss: There is a bridge over the river.

T: Beside the river

Ss: …

T: Near the village

Ss: …

Step 4 Consolidation and extension

Today we have learned some passeges about village and houses, and now we make a new village, we like our village and can help our village, then we should introduce our village to our friends and parents, so today’s homework is:

1. Write an ad. for a house in our village.

2. Write a composition to describe our new village.


Recycle 2

Our village

学生关于新村庄的图画What’s in the river?

What’s near the road?

What’s over the river?

There is…/ There are …

There isn’t …/ There aren’t …


(1)Play some games“背靠背游戏”,“排队游戏”把打乱顺序的单词排成一个正确的句子。

(2) Finish “Task time”

(3)Tell a story use five words.
