
五年级上Module 8:Unit 1 What time does your school start?导学案外研版
1. 学习掌握基本单词和句型:What time does your school start ?
3. 培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口,有较强的自信心,乐于参加活动。培养学生团结合作的精神,以及学英语,爱英语,热于用英语交流的良好态度。
1. 能正确运用本课重点句型:
2. 能在任务中灵活运用本课句型。
Step1: Warm up
1. Sing a song.
2.Listen and chant.
Step2: Revision
1. Chant: Basketball, basketball.
I like basketball. I play basketball. Football, football. He likes football. He/She plays football.
Step3: Presentation and practice.
T: Today, we will learn M4, U1.
1. T: What do you do at the weekend?
S1: I play football. (Say and do the actions.)
S2: What do you do at the weekend?
T: I play basketball.T: What does he/she do at the weekend? Ss: He/She plays football.
Play a game. ( Listen and guess) T: What do you do at the weekend? S1: playfootball. T: What does he do at the weekend? S2: He plays basketball. T:Sorry.S3: He plays football. T: Yes.
Step4: Listen, read and act out.
a) T: I know what you do at the weekend.
What time does your school start ?(Practice: at school)
Ss: My school starts at nine oclock in the morning.
T: And What time do you get up? (Practice)
Ss:I get up at half past seven.
b) Do you do exercise every morning?
No,we don't.We play in the playground.
c) Task:
T: Today, We’ll have a competition, Amy’s group, Daming’s group, Lingling’s group and Sam’s group. Let’s see which group can find more quickly. But, I think we must learn something first.
(Practice) d) Pair work: What time do you?
e)I like coffee. I like tea. I like Lingling skipping with me.
1. Play games.
a) T: Look at the school timetable. Let’s see which subject is missing.
b) T: Now, let’s have a competition.
( Look, I have put the books in order. I will ask two students listen and put the cards on the school timetable. Can you help me? )
Step5: Listen and say.
A: What time does your school start ?
B:My school starts at nine oclock in the morning.
Step6: Homework
1. Listen and repeat 5 times.
2. Tell your parents What time your school starts.

Module8 Unit2YesterdayI went to Sam and Amys school.

1. 名词所有格
2. 字母s,c,z,r,h和字母组合th,sh在单词中的发音。
教学重点 短语:go to bed,skipping rope
教学难点 能够用英语询问并描述学校的日常生活。
教学用具 Cards tape radio
Step1 Warmer
1 Greeting.
Good moring boys and girls.
What do you get up?
What do you do at breakfrast?
T show some sentences.
Listen and chant
1 Teacher tell Lingling write to Daming.
2 Listen and read.
Teacher play the tape one time.
Play again.
3(SB)2 Read and answer
Teacher show some questions.
4(SB)3 Listen and repeat.
Ask and answer about you.
Step 3 Practice
(AB)Unite2 exercise1
Play the tape.
Exercise 4
Write about you.
Close the book and repeat some sentences.
Open the book listen and say.
Read the questions and talk about in groups,then tell.
Listen carefully!
Open(AB)Unit 2 excecise3 Draw the same part after listening the tape.
Mine ask and answer in pairs.
1Listen carefully
2Listen and repeat
3Listen and write.
Do and say.
Complete by yourself. Then tell.
Step4 Summy
What did you learn this lesson?
1 Read the text.
2 Introduce the past something to your friends .