
Teacher: Please jump from this book to that chair.
Students: (Begin jumping from this book to the chair)
Teacher: Stop! Please donut jump! Please walk from the book to the chair 1 Use the student book and audiotape Review the story so far. Danny, Jenny and Liming have packed their suitcases. Look at the pictures in the lesson with the class > what are they doing now?
Step 5.Play Tic-Tac- Tic. Give the students directions such as those below. Note that, in English, you can say from to . Or to from. Both are correct, the students must listen carefully to the construction of each sentence you say.
Please walk to the clock from the door.
Please donut run from the chair to the window.
Please jump.
Divide the class into small groups. Ask the groups to pretend they are going on a trip and that they are buying tickets. Please read the suggestions for making up dialogues.
Design of the Blackboard(板书设计):
Lesson 29 : Buying Train Tickets
jump ,run ,walk
from to

Exercise book P57-58
Teaching Conclusion(教学总结):
After this lesson, students are wished to remember the mastery words and phrases. Furthermore, they should practice their oral English as much as possible.