
e and meet my family.

T: Look at this man, who’s he?

Ss: Is he your uncle?

T: Yes, you’re right. He’s my uncle. His name is Bill. Can you spell word uncle?

l Presentation

1. Listen to the recorder: Read and write.

T: There are so many people in my family. I want to make a birthday chart for my family.(write : A birthday chart for my family)

T: How many moths in a year? What’s the first month? ( write January in the form.) my dad’s birthday is in January. When is Mom’s birthday? Is her birthday in January, too? No, it’s in May.(glue mom’s photo under May.) when is grandpa’s birthday? When is Uncle Bill’s birthday?( write it in the form.) when is grandma’s birthday? It’s in….Whose birthday is in June?

(Ask Ss glue the photo in the form.)

T: Look! What is he doing? He is make a birthday chant.(write: making a birthday chart.)

2. Ask Ss what are you doing.

3. Finish the sentence and the birthday chart.

4. Write the sentences.

l Practice

1. Show the talk.

Spell the words.

2. Listen and repeat.

Pronunciation: ear, eer, ch, sh.

Ear: spear gear, appear, rear, beard clear tear year

Eer: veer, steer cheer sneer sheer peer

ch: chain chance change chant charm chart check cheap cheer

sh: shall shake share shape shark shine short shoulder shout show

l Assessment

Activity book.

a) Read and write.

b) Write the words on the note book

c) Check.

l Add-activities

Invite a doctor make a survey.

Make a report: …’s day


English Book 2


执教者:执教时间: 年 月 日 ( 周)课题Unit 3 B1


教学目标Say the words first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eight, ninth, twelfth, twelfth, twentieth.

Say the sentences: When is your birthday? It’s October 1st. when is Independence Day? It’s July 4th.

Know the important dates and the holidays and festivals.

Learn to use the base sentences freely.

教学重点教学难点Words: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eight, ninth, twelfth, twelfth, twentieth.

Sentences: When is your birthday? It’s October 1st. when is Independence Day? It’s July 4th.


l Warmer

Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Say the chant.

Step 3 Ask and answer about the map.

T: Where is our classroom? It’s on the first floor. Where is the TV room? It’s on the second floor.

l Presentation

1. Let’s learn.

T: This is a tall building. It’s very tall. How many floors are there in this building?

S: There are 12 floors.

T glue January on the first floor.

T: Where is January?

S: It’s on the first floor. Teach first 1st.

T: January is the first month. It’s on the first floor. February is the second month. It’s on the second. What about April? April is the fourth month. It’s on the fourth floor.

Teach the new words.

2.T: Now who lives on this floor?

S: May.

T: Yes. it’s May. May is the fifth month. It’s on the fifth floor.

3. Look at the picture and say.

T: January is the first month. It’s on the first floor.

l Practice

4. Game. Guess

T: the first month of a year.

S: January.

5. Sing the song: Happy New Year.

T: What festival is it?

S: New Year’s Day.

T: When is the New Year’s Day? It’s the first day of a year. It’s January 1st.

(Write January 1st—New Year’s Day)

2. show the cards and read the numbers.

3. T show the picture on the board,

T: What day is it? It’s Children’s Day. When is Children Day? It’s June 1st.

6. Task time.

Make personal calendar.

l Assessment

Activity book.

2. Look and say.

3. Let’s chick.

4. Say the story at home.

l Add-activities

Use the sentences at home.


English Book 2


执教者:执教时间: 年 月 日 ( 周)课题Unit 3 B2


教学目标Say the sentences What’s the date? It’s October 1st. who has a birthday in October? Me.

Learn to use the base sentences freely.

教学重点教学难点What’s the date? It’s October 1st. who has a birthday in October? Me.


l Warmer

Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Sing the song: Jingle Bell, happy Teacher’s Day

T: What day is it? It’s…. What’s the date?

Step 3 Personal calendar show.

l Presentation

1. Let’s try.

Boy: What’s the date today?

Girl: It’s May 5th. It’s my birthday. When is your birthday, Guoqing?

Boy: My birthday is October 1st.

Girl: I see. Now I know Wang Jianjun’s birthday.

Woman: Guess. When is Wang Jianjun’s birthday?

2. Let’s talk.

Sing the song: Happy birthday to you.

T: What song is it?

S: It’s a birthday song.

T: Whose birthday is it? Can you guess?

S: Is it Zoom’s birthday? Is it Zip’s birthday?

T: Happy birthday, Zoom. Oh, it’s Zoom’s birthday. What’s the date?

T: Look! Zoom’s birthday! It’s in May. It’s May 2nd. In our class, who has a birthday in May? Who has a birthday in in June? What’s the date?

S: It’s October 1st.

2. Teach the new sentences: What do you do on the weekend? I usually/often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.

3. Repeat. This time pause for the children to carry out the indicated dialogues.

l Practice

1. Group work.

T: Who has a birthday in March? Please stand up! What’s the date? What about you? Is your birthday in March too?

Write the answer in the form.

2. Story time.

Watch the VCD and repeat.

T: When is Monkey’s birthday? When is Dog’s birthday? When is Zip’s birthday?

l Assessment

Activity book.

5. Say the story to each other..

6. Let’s check.

3. story time.

l Add-activities

Say the story at home.


English Book 2


执教者:执教时间: 年 月 日 ( 周)课题Unit 3 B3


教学目标Write the sentences: What’s the date? June 9th. Is her birthday in June? Yes.

Practice the Ss’ listening skills and speaking skills.

教学重点教学难点Words: e-card, be able to, everyone.

Sentences: What’s the date? June 9th. Is her birthday in June? Yes.

Game: Bingo.


l Warmer

Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Sing the song Weekend

Step 3 Let’s talk..

T: When is your birthday? Ss: My birthday is in….

T: What’s the date? Ss: It’s….

T: When is National Day? Ss: It’s October 1st.

l Presentation

1. T Write Happy birthday on the board.

T: What am I drawing?

S: A birthday card.

T: Yes, you’re write. I am making a birthday card.

Show some birthday cards.

T: Do you like birthday cards?

Ss: Yes, I do.

T: Oh, I know. Everyone likes to get birthday cards. Look! The card is in the computer! Oh, it’s an e-card.

Draw a computer.

T: Look! Now, I am sending the e-card to Grandma. Oh, sorry, Grandma doesn’t have a computer. Then, she won’t be able to see the card. What shall I do?

2.Play the recorder or read the dialogue. The children listen and follow in their books.

7. Today is Grandma’s birthday. Let’s make a birthday card for her. OK?

make a birthday card.

4. Ask the pre-story questions. Guide them to find the answers by looking at the pictures and words the know, spell the new words.

l Practice

1. Let’s check.

1). Boy: When is your birthday?

Girl: It’s September 8th. Woman: Circle the girl’s birthday.

2). Girl: When is Grand’s birthday. Woman: It’s April 10th.

Woman: Circle Grandma’s birthday.

3). Boy: Who has a birthday in September?

Girl: Miss White. Woman: Who has a birthday in September?

4). Man: What’s the date today? Woman: January 1st.

Man: Oh, really? It’s New Year’s Day. Woman: What’s the date today?

l Assessment

Activity book.

1. Look and write.

2. Check.

l Add-activities

Make a dialogue: When do you…? What do you do on the weekend?

Say the letters to your parents.修改意见