
When’s your birthday?
·Explanation of the teaching material:

The contents of this lesson are adapted from Unit 7 “When’s your birthday?” in Book 5 of Primary School English. The New Curricular Criterion stresses on “Students-centered” teaching mode, it calls for learning English on the base of real life, let the students accumulate social experience by exerting themselves. Meanwhile, it needs endeavor of all the teachers, thus use the teaching material with innovation.

· Teaching contents:

Unit 7 Grade 5 Primary School English

· Teaching aims:

1.   Moral education aims: To arouse the students’ interests for English and encourage them to use English bravely and correctly. Help them building up self-confidence and spirit of co-operation.

2.   Intellective aim: Can understand and express the twelve months, can ask and answer using the new sentence pattern.

3.   Capability aim: Try to make dialogues and communicate using the phrases and sentence pattern in real life.

· Important points:

Can communicate and express about birthday using what they have learned.

· Difficult points:

Can use and grasp the phrases and sentences freely.

· Teaching methods:

    TPR, situation teaching, information gap, cooperative learning method, task-based teaching method, exoteric teaching method.

· Teaching aids:

Real objects: birthday cake

Property: CAI\ headwears\ some forms

· Means of eva luation:

Competition between groups\ stickers

· Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up

1.   Greetings

2.   A song: If you happy

Step 2 Revision

A game—Listen, point and say

  12 students put on the headwares of 12 months, when the teacher says “January”, the others should point to the kid who wears the headware “January”, and say “That’s January!” together.

Step 3 Presentation and drill

1.   CAI introduces some festivals:

(Teachers’ Day, New Year’s Day, Labors’ Day, Children’s Day, Christmas Day, National Day, Dragon Boat Day, etc)

  Say some thing about the festivals, especially their dates.

2.   Celebrate a girl’s birthday with a birthday cake

3.   Learn to ask “When’s your birthday?”

1). Guess the teacher’s birthday by using the sentence.

2). Write down the sentence on blackboard.

3). Game: Magic fingers

4. Learn to answer the question with “It’s on the … of …”

1). Write down the sentence on blackboard.

2). Game: Passing the flower

5. Free talks among students.

Step 4 Consolidation

Do a survey

   (Note down the birthdays of the whole class)

Step 5 Expand

We should remember our parents’ birthday in heart. Tell them “Love your parents, love your family!”