
Unit 2 What time is it?教案
Period 4 B let’s learn
Teaching aims :
Be able to listen say and read :get up go to school go home go to school.
Be able to use: It’s time to ......
Be able to say Let’s chant .
To understand story time.
Teaching step
Step1 Revision
Warm : play a game what’s 1and 3? ......
Let’s chant.
Sing a song.
Step 2 presentation
T: Can you guess what time it is? (用手臂做分针和时针)
S: It’s nine o’clock.
T: What time is it ?
S: It’s five o’cclock......
T: School is over. Where do you go?
S: We go home .
T: It’s time to go home .look ,it’s 7:05. where do you go ?
S: It’s time to go to school /get up /go to bed......
T: It’s 4:30.where do you go ?
S: Go home .
T: In the evening at nine o’clock, what do you do?
S: go to bed .
T: In the morning at 6:30, what do you do ?
Ss: Get up .
T : Ask your friends ,at that time ,what do they do?
Step3 practice
T: ( ask a girl standing at the classroom door) where is Jane ?
S: At the classroom door.
T: Do you like eating noodles?
S: Yes .
T: Eating noodles from the plate.
Ss: Eating noodles from the plate .
T: Can you guess where John is ?
S: He is beside the door /window /clock /......
T: What is he doing ?
S: He is sleeping .
T: Yes .Sleeping beside her clock.
T: Open your books and turn to page 18, listen to the tape and read it.

Step 4 consolidation and extension
1.Do your activity book.
2.Make a rest time with yourfather .
3.Speak let’s chant with your partna.