
municating in English.

Main points and difficult points

1. Vocabulary:

Body organ: hair, head, eye, ear, nose, mouth (learn before, Ss can speak it, but can not spell it)

Family member: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister (old words)

The students can say and spell the old words fluently. And say the new words correctly.

2. Sentence:

Who’s the…with…?

Who’s the…in…?

He’s/She’s my…

The students can use the dialogues in life.


Pictures, tape recorder, multimedia,

1. Everyday English:

T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Miss Tu.

T: How are you?

How are you this morning / afternoon / today?

Ss: I’m fine. / Not bad.

T: Nice to see you! / Glad to see you!

Ss: Nice to see you! / Glad to see you!

T: Who’s he /she?

T: Who’s that boy/ girl?

S1: He’s / She’s…

2. Today’s report! Ss make a sentence include “today”.

3. Lead-in

Show Helen’s family tree.

T: Let’s talk about Helen’s family.

Who’s that boy / girl / man /woman…?

Who’s the one in the blue shirt?

Who’s the one in the…?

S: He’s / She’s Helen’s (father / mother / grandfather/ grandmother / brother / sister).

4. Presentation and practice:

(1) A game:

Quick response: T speak out the body organ words, Ss try to point to the correct places.

(Lead-in hair, head, eye, ear, nose, mouth)

(2) Open the books, listen to the tape, read after it, try to remember how to spell.

(3) Have a check

Train train go go go. One student points a body organ, the other one should speak it out quickly, and spell it.

(2) Point to a student. Say Who’s the boy/ girl with…? Let Ss understand this sentence. Help Ss respond properly. He’s / She’s … Do more practice with Ss.

With long / short hair

With big / small eyes

With big / small ears

With a big / small mouth

With a big / small nose

With a big / small head

(3) Show some photos of the Ss. Ask questions like followings:

T: Who’s the boy / girl / man/ woman with…?

S: He’s / She’s…

(4) Let students ask and answer in pairs. Then check several pairs.

5. Ask and answer:

Show the pictures of Part C. Ask and answer.

A: Who’s the…with…?

B: He’s / She’s my…

Picture1: A: Who’s the man with big ears?

B: He’s my father.

Picture2: A: Who’s the woman with long hair?

B: She’s my mother.

Picture3: A: Who’s the boy with a big mouth?

B: He’s my brother.

Picture4: A: Who’s the girl with a small nose?

B: She’s my sister.

6. Play a game: Do a puzzle

T: The girl is with long hair, big eyes, small nose, small ears, and big mouth...

Through this game, Ss can do a puzzle by teacher’s description. So they can understand better and learn the new words better.

7. Production:

Distinguish the two sentences.

(1) The one in…is…

(2) The one with…is…

Make a dialogue with two sentences in correct way.

Eg. A: Who’s that man?

B: Which one?

  A: The one in blue shirt.

B: He’s…, I think.

A: No. The one with big eyes.

B: He’s…

A: You’re right.

8. Conclusion:

eva luate students’ performance and give homework.

9. Homework:

(1) Prepare part A

(2) Read and write the new words and the sentences.

(3) Talk about their own photos by using Who’s the…with…? He’s/ She’s …

10. Design of writing:

Unit 2 At a party

A: Who’s the…with…? hair, head, eye, ear, nose, mouth

B: He’s / She’s my…


Stationery relating words, connecting with 3Bunit3


Students need to pay more attention to the spelling of “with”. They need to practice writing. After the winter vocation, their writing is not as good as before. They learn the phonetics: the pronunciation of “c”, which can help them remember new words much easier.


Text book





At a party




1. To provide students with basic language to ask and introduce people with different vocations.

2. To describe the people’s appearance and to ask people’s identity.

3.To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of communicating in English.

Main points and difficult points

1. Vocabulary: new

2. Sentence:

The students can use the dialogues in life.

(1) Is that girl your sister?

(2) Which one?

(3) The one in...

3. Part D Look and say

The students can communicate with each other.


Pictures, tape recorder, masks

1. Warming up:

(1) Sing a song: Hello

Hello, hello, hello how are you?

I’m fine, I’m fine, I hope that you are too.

Hello, hello, hello how are you?

I’m fine, I’m fine, I hope that you are too.

(2) Everyday English:

T: T: Good morning! Who’s on duty today?

Is every one here today?

Who’s absent?

T: Who’s he /she?

T: Who’s that boy/ girl?

S1: He’s / She’s…

2. Today’s report! Ss make a sentence include “today”.

3. Review:

(1) Ask one student to show them family pictures. Review the new words, including the spellings.

(2) Make dialogues by using: Who’s the man with glasses? Who’s the boy with yellow hair? Who’s the girl with pigtail?

4.Lead-in and presentation:

1) T: Please show me your family photo.

T: Is that your father? (T leads them to say: Which one?)

T shows the pattern: which one. T explains the meaning.

Ss read after teacher several times.

T: The one in big eyes

Ss: Yes, he is.

2) T: Can you show me your photo?

S: Yes.

T: Is that your mother?

S1: Which one?

T: The one in blue.

S1: No, she isn’t.

3) Please show your family photo and ask the member with your partner. (invite two groups)

4) Now please turn to page 18, and finish the dialogue with your partner.

T invites some groups to make performance.


1. Ss watch VCD

2. Ss read the story by themselves.

3. T give them useful phrases.

6. Games

(1) T: Look, here’re many photos. Do you know what photos are they? Please, guess what photo is this?

S: My grandfather.
T: Yes, you’re right. Can you spell it?
S: Yes, G-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R
T: Who’s the man with big nose?
S: He’s my father.

T: Can you spell father?

S: Yes, F-A-T-H-E-R

(2) Play a game:

Hand out some pictures to Ss. Then ask and answer in pairs as followings:
S1: Is that woman your mother?
S2: Which one?

S1: The one…

7. Read and say

(1) T:(Show the picture of Mrs Black) Boys and girls, do you know what’s her job?

Ss:(Listen to the tape recorder.) She’s a nurse.

(2) Open their books. Listen and repeat.

(3) Read by themselves. Then read in roles.

(4) Practice in groups then check. Give some performances.

8. Conclusion:

eva luate students’ performance and give homework.

9. Homework:

(1) Listen to the tape, read fluently and try to recite it.

(2) Prepare for their performances. Try to make a new dialogue.

(3) Copy the new words and pattern drills.

(4) The Ss who has already well grasped (3) can challenge the following work:

Write a short passage about a person. They can mail it to me. (分层作业)

10. Design of writing:

Unit 2 At a party

Is that woman your mother?
Which one?

The one…


Fun with English VCD


Learning the pronunciation is a little difficult. The students listen carefully. Review old words, and then teach the new words. They need practice more. They can speak but can’t write it down.


Text book





At a party




1. 1. Help students try to make new dialogues according Part A.

2. To use pattern drills to make short dialogues

3. Phonetics: the pronunciation of “ck”

4. To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of communicating in English.

Main points and difficult points

Phrases: Let’s go.

Part E read and act

Part F listen and repeat

The students can make the dialogues fluently.


Pictures, tape recorder, masks

1. Warming up:

Everyday English:

T: Good morning! Who’s on duty today?

Is every one here today?

Who’s absent?

Who’s the boy/girl in red?


(1) Review the new words and the spellings

(2) Play a game:

Use masks and guess Who’s that…? Then act and guess what he/ she does. Do this game like followings:

S1: Is that woman your desk mate?
S2: Which one?

S1: The one…

S2: Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t.

3. Presentation Part E Read and act:

(1) Show the picture of Part E Read and act, do ask and answer.

1) What’s the time? (It’s six o’clock)

2). Where’s your brother? (He’s in the car)

(2) Look at the picture and listen to the tape recorder.

(3) Listen again and answer the questions:

What are they late for? (They’re late for the party)

(4) Learn the new points: late for, let’s hurry and in the car

(Review the phrase we have learnt last unit (in the tree). Summarize some phrases about come, such as let’s go, etc.)

(5) Listen to the tape and understand the meaning

(6) Let the students prepare the dialogue in groups.

(7) Give us some performances. Find out the best one and give them some prize.

4. F Listen and repeat

(1) Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation of “ck”. Give them more examples about “ck” as followings:

1) Ck: back

(2) A competition. Who can say the sentence most fluently?

(3) Little fox:

Ck: /k/ Jack found a clock.

Tick, tick, tick goes the clock.

Jack put a clock in his sock.

Tick, tick, tick goes the clock.

Jack found a chick.

Pick, pick, pick goes the chick.

Jack put the chick in his backpack.

Pick, pick, pick goes the chick.

Jack found a duck.

Quack, quack, quack goes the duck.

Jack put his duck in his bucket.

Quack, quack, quack goes the duck.

Jack found a lock.

Click, click, click goes the lock.

Jack put the lock on his truck.

Click, click, click goes the lock.

5. Conclusion:

eva luate students’ performance and give homework.

6. Homework:

a) Recite Part E

b) Finish textbook A

Unit 2 At a party


Little Fox


After learning this article, the student can say: Who’s the boy? He’s a…. And ask something they want. Some students are confused by the plural forms of nouns.


Text book





At a party




1. Review the pattern drills: Who's the …with.. He's/She's (my)…? Is that…your…? Which one? The one in the…Try to make new dialogues with the sentences above correctly and properly

2. To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of communicating in English.

Main points and difficult points

1. Look and read

Ss can make new dialogues by themselves.

2. Play a game

The students are interested in this game.

3. Say a rhyme


Pictures, slide, tape recorder, multimedia,

1. Everyday English.

T: Who’s he /she?

T: Who’s that boy/ girl?

S1: He’s / She’s…

2. Today’s report! Ss make a sentence include “today”.

2Test book A

a) Listening part

b) Writing part

3. Review

(1) Give performance according to Part E

(2) Speak out the sentence about “ck”

3. Part G Fun house

(1) Look and read. This is an interesting story and the children like it. By reading the story, the students can review the important sentences and words. If time is possible, some of them can give their performances. xkb1.com

(2)show a family tree. Ss know the relationship of relatives very clear. At the same time they can know how to use this kind of dialogues in reality. They will be self-confident in the future studying.

e.g. A: He’s my father’s father. Who’s he?

Ss: Ss speak out his name.

(2) Play a game

Guessing game

He’s my father’s father. Who’s he?

Ss: Ss speak out his name.

(1) Say a rhyme.

Change the words. Add man, woman, girl

If time is enough, they can have a competition.

4.eva luate students’ performance.


(1) Finish test paper B

(2) Prepare Unit 3


Reference book


Learning the pronunciation is a little difficult. The students listen carefully. Review old words, and then teach the new words.