
四年级上册《 Story time》导学案苏教版

第 一 教时
Story time
1. 理解故事内容,能有感情的朗读故事。
2.能听懂,会读,会说以下词汇: banana, grape, mango, pineapple, salad, make
I have…Do you have a…?
I have…Do you have a…?
CAI, pictures,
1 跟录音读课文5遍。
2 圈出生字,并写出中文。
Step 1. Free talk and warm-up
(1) Greeting
(2) Free talk &Warm-up
Do you like…s?
Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
简单渗透:I have a toy monkey. Do you have toy monkeys?
Step 2 Story time
T: Are they animals?...
Yes, they are fruit.(学习生词)
T: What fruit are these on the table?
(学生看图自由说水果) (此处渗透水果发音)
Where are they?
What do they make? (学习make)
(3)Let’s watch and answer.
What do they make?
Let’s make a fruit salad.((学习生词)
(5)Listen and tick.