
can you run fast?优秀教案
1> Can listen read and say new words “jump, far, fast.”

2> can use new sentence: “can you…” “Yes, I can. No, I can’t”

Key points:

1>  New words “jump far, run fast.”

2>  New sentence—can you….?

          -----yes I can. No I can’t.

Difficult points: How to use new sentence.

Teaching aims: CAI, cards, rewards

Student’s analysis: Today we will learn a sentence “can you..?” and two words “jump far, run fast.” We will pay attention for “far” “fast”.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 warm-up
Good morning boys and girls.

How are you today?

Nice to see you.

Step 2 Review
Let’s play “I say you do”

Words: swim, dance, sing, drink, eat, play football, play basketball, ride a bike.

Step 3 presentation and drills
1>   Learn sentence “yes I can”

Ask one student “can you sing?” (Teach sentence “yes I can”)

Practice sentence “yes I can”

(1)  Teacher read three times with actions

(2)  分组朗读,要求学生加上动作。

(3)  Teacher do the actions, students answer it “yes I can.”

2>   Learn sentence “” No I can’t.”

Ask all the students “can you sing?” students says “yes I can”

Then teacher ask “can you fly?” they answer: “No.” (Teach sentence “No I can’t”)

Practice sentence “No I can’t”

(1)  Practice sentence

(2)  Read it in group

(3)  Teacher asks, students answer.

3>   Consolidation sentence.

Teacher chooses one student to ask this sentence. “Can you fly?  Can you sing?

Can you play basketball? Can you play football?” And so on.

4>   Learn sentence “can you….”

(1)  Ask Ms Wang (show some cards)

(2)  Play a guessing game “guess what I can do?”

(3)  Ask you friends

(4)  Do group work.

(5)  Show you dialogue

5>   Learn new words “run fast”

(1)  Show a picture “Liu Xiang” says “he can run, run fast. Can you run fast?”

(2)  Have a match

(3)  Teach run fast in funny way.

6>   Learn new words “jump far”

(1)  Ask can you run fast. Then teacher say “I can’t run fast, but I can jump far”

(2)  Practice words

(3)  Play Simon says. Pay attention do the actions.

(4)  Then ask students “can you run fast? Can you jump far?”

Step 4 let’s chant
Can you sing? Yes I can.

Can you dance? No I can’t.

Can you jump far? Yes I can.

Can you run fast? No I can’t.

This chant we can do some actions.

Step 5 sports meeting
1>   Oh, wonderful. It’s sports meeting (学生手上拿着表格,教师表现很惊讶,然后问学生关于纸上的运动。)

2>   Now. Who want to be the little teacher “ask you friend.”

3>   Do group work.

4>   Then let’s count.

Step 6 let’s sing a song
    <> add actions.

Teaching notes:

  This lesson, students know how to ask and answer “can you….” And know two sports name “jump far and run fast.”