
四年级上册《 I like dogs》导学案苏教版

Step1.Free talk and warm-up
(1) Free talk (Greeting & Welcome)
(2) Warm-up (Review the animals of last term)
(1) teach: animal
Step3.Story time
(1) Look & say: (出示故事挂图1并交流故事背景Who? Where? What?)
(2) Listen & answer: (听故事录音,并说出故事中提到的动物名称。)
Q:What animals did they talk about?
(3)Watch & answer:(观看故事动画并回答)
Teach: like
(4)Read, find & say: (精读故事,理解故事内容,初步运用like句型。)
a.T&S: Do you like cats / dogs / pandas? 引导回答Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Teach: do, don’t
b. T:Does Mike like dogs? Where do you know? Why doesn’t Mike like dogs?
(引导学生快速从插图及文本的阅读中提取有效信息,渗透run with)
c.T:What does Mike like? Why?
S:They’re lovely, they’re cute.
Teach: cute, fat
(5) Practice the dialogues.
(6) Listen and repeat. (跟读故事录音,进一步理解故事内容,并能用正确的语音语调朗读。)
(7) Read in roles.
Step 4 Consolidation
T: Today we know what animals you like, but what do the animals like?
Let’s go to the Animal World to have a look what the animals like.
T: The dogs like bones. The koalas like sleeping. The cats like fish. The pandas like bamboos to eat. They’re lovely, cute. Some are beautiful, some are fat. The animals are our________. We should protect them.
Step 5 Homework
1. Listen and read the story.
2.Try to recite and act the story.