
四年级上册《 How many?》导学案苏教版

4A Unit 3 How many?
【教学内容】Story time
2.学生能够了解句型:How many ... do you have? ; Can I ... ?及其回答 Sure. Yes. OK.
2.句型How many ... do you have? 以及Can I...? 的教学。
【教学具准备】PPT, 光盘
Step1. Greeting and warming up
1. Greeting.
2. Warming up
(1)Game: 判断老师说的句子是否属实。True : Yeah! False: No!
e.g.: You like English. / You are twelve. / You have a happy family. / You like Bobby./You like toys. / You have many toys. / You have some pencils./...
在游戏过程中渗透How many … do you have?/Can I have a look?句子的教学,让学生在游戏中感知、理解并学会做正确回答I have… 同时揭题Unit3 How many?
Step3. Learn story
1.Watch and answer :
T:Now, let’s watch a vidio ,and try to tell me how many boys/girls in it?Who are they?
2.Read and choose:
T:Today Yang Ling and Liu Tao are in Mike’s home. Mike and Helen are showing their toys. What do Mike and Helen have? Let’s read and choose.
反馈答案时重点学习图1和图2,sticker的教学可以通过实物让学生理解学习,同时可以用Do you like stickers? Do you have any stickers?Would you like a sticker?丰富语言教学环境。
3.Read and answer:
T: How many toy cars does Mike have? How many stickers does Helen have?
Now read the text and tell me your answers.
(learning tip : 抓住“How many”引导的问句,画出答案。)
Mike: I have toy cars.
Helen: I have stickers.
3.Read and think:
(1)Q1: Does Mike like toy cars?
Q2: Does Liu Tao like toy cars, too?
Q3: Does Helen like stickers?
Q4: Does Yang Ling like stickers, too?
4.Listen and imitate:
Step3. Homework
1、熟读Story time 的课文,并背诵