
municate vi. 交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)
You can listen to English songs on the radio or use English to communicate with people around the world through the Internet.
Parents often find it difficult to communicate with their children.
should be equal
All are equal before the law.
communicate sth. to sb. 传达(意见、感受)
communicate with交流;交际;沟通;相连
communication n. 通讯
(1)Can we _______________(交流)in English?
(2)They _______________(交谈)by sign language.
(3)Radio is the only means of ______________(通讯)in distant areas.
主谓+介词;friend, each other)
考点4. compare vt. 比较
Write a passage comparing American and British English.
Compare this new TV set with the old one, you will see which is better.
The two friends haven't communicated with each other for years.
compare A and B; compare A with B 比较A与B
compare …to 比作
compare with比得上
compare notes交换意见、经验等
compared with 与……相比
(1)I ____________(比较)the copy with the original, but there was
not much difference.
(2)The poet _____________(比作)his lover to a rose in his poems.
(3)_______________________(交换意见之后)we found that we
had the same opinion of his work.
(5)I’m quite a patient person, _________ with him.
A. comparing B. to compare C. compare D. compared
D。compared with “与……相比”用作状语。
After comparing notes
Compared with sun, earth is smaller.
(1)Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old
one. (2009年高考重庆卷)
A. comparing B. compares
C. to compare D. compared
【解析】此题考查非谓语动词。compared with是过去分词,用作状语,与house是被动关系。
(2)_______ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean
does not seem big at all.
A. Compare B. When comparing
C. Comparing D. When compared
【解析】此题考查省略句和非谓语动词。When compared是 When it is compared的省略,句子主语the biggest ocean
考点5. replace vt. 替换
Replace difficult words with simple ones.
The salesgirl said she would replace the TV set if we were not satisfied.
replace vt. 放回原处;更换;替代
replace… with/ by 取代;用……代替同义词组
take the place of 代替
(1)Your battery may be ____________(更换).
(2)When you have finished using the axe, please __________(放回
(3)____________(放回原处)the magazines after reading.
(4)Can anything _____________________(取代母亲的爱)and care?
replace a mother's love
Equipment can be replaced at any time.
考点6. except for除了……之外
In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.
I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days.
except for除……之外
except +介词/when…/that…除了……
except +名词,除了……(整体除部分)
nothing but 只有; 仅仅
but for =without 要不是……
(1)The carpet is good ____________(只是)its price.
(2)__________(除……之外)for one old lady, the bus was empty.
(3)She goes to school every day ________ when she is not well.
except for
(写作小练笔:主谓宾+介词;job, long hour)
Everything was perfect for the picnic______ the weather.
A. in place of B. as well as C. except for D. in case of
【解析】此题考查介词短语。except for“除了”;意思是“除了天气外,野餐一切都好”。
考点7. come about 发生
How did these differences come about?
How did the accident come about?
come about发生
come across偶遇;碰到
come down传递;传给
come up with想出(主意等)
I love my job except for the long hours.
happen 发生 occur 发生
take place 发生 break out 突然发生
(1)The flood ________________(发生)as a result of the heavy
winter rains.
(2)Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel _____________(发生).
主谓宾(从句);nobody, change)
(4)How did this situation come about? You are to blame for it.
A. form B. work C. happen D. appear
----Have you _______some new ideas?
¬¬¬¬Yeah. I’ll tell you later.
A. come about B. come into
C. come up with D. come out with
【解析】此题考查动词短语。come up with“想出(主意等)”。
came about
comes about
Nobody knows how the change came about.
考点8. With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.
With so many evidences shown before him, he had to admit his mistakes!
She left the office ___________________(眼含泪).
_______________________(你站在这儿), we can’t work.
There was also a gun and a thin piece of rope ____________
with tears in her eyes
With you standing here
with the end
tied in a circle
(4) with+宾语+形容词
He slept well ________________________(所有的窗子敞着).
The emperor walked in the middle of the procession __________________(什么也没穿).
(6) with+宾语+to do
_______________________(在党的领导下), we are sure to win.
(7) with+宾语+名词
The brave man fought the tiger _______________________
John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _____, he
gladly accepted it.
A. finished B. finishing
C. having finished D. was finished
【解析】此题考查with复合结构。with +名词(his work)+ done (finished), 名词与动词是被动关系,同时表示已经完成。
with all the windows open
with nothing on
With the Party to lead us
with a stick his only weapon