
plete thought.
Adverbial clauses always modify the verb in the main clause (the sentence) to which the adverbial clause is attached.
An adverbial clause tells how, when, why, how much, to what extent and under what conditions the action in the main clause takes place.
Adverbial clauses always begin with a subordinating conjunction. The most common subordinating conjunctions are listed below.
Before, after, unless
Although, if, until
As, in order that, when
As, since, whenever
as long as, so that, where
as soon as, than, wherever
because, though, while
Adverbial clauses, like all subordinate clauses, are structured in the same way all sentences are structured. All adverbial clauses will fall into one of the five sentence patterns that have already been described.
The whole country was saddened when Oswald assassinated Kennedy.
When is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause which modifies was saddened. Oswald is the subject of the clause. Assassinated is the action verb which transfers its action to the direct object, which is Kennedy, all of which makes this clause transitive active.
Little Joe was punished because the window was broken.
Because is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause. Window is the subject. Was is the helping verb, and broken is the action verb which transfers its action back to the subject making this clause transitive passive or pattern #2.
Since the boy was disruptive, he was expelled from school.
Since is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause which modifies was in the main clause. Window is the subject of the clause. Was is the helping verb, and disruptive is the predicate adjective making the clause intransitive linking or pattern #4.
Note that the natural order of an adverbial clause is after the main clause. However, an adverbial clause is okay at the beginning of a sentence. If it comes at the beginning, however, a comma is used to separate it from the main clause.
Can you determine the correct pattern number of the following examples of adverbial clauses?
Franklin Roosevelt served as Governor of New York before he became President of the United States.
If we continue burning fossil fuels, the temperature of the earth will rise.
Agatha made coffee as I cooked the bacon.
Since Grandfather died, I have been lonely.
Grandfather died before he was ready.
Although Spike broke the window, he did not feel guilty about it.
Can you put both an adjective clause and an adverbial clause in the same sentence as the following example does?
After Oswald assassinated Kennedy, Oswald was killed by a man who was overcome with sympathy for the dead President.
Step 2 Making sentences with adverbial clauses
Next we are going to make our own examples. It's the best, most active way to learn.
Before, after, unless; Although, if, until; As, in order that, when; As, since, whenever; as long as, so that, where; as soon as, than, wherever; because, though, while
1.They called him the prince of gymnasts because, when he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.
2.Li Ning did so well as an athlete that he won six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze).
3.When sports journalists met in 1999 to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century, Li Ning's name was on it, together with footballer Pele and boxer Muhammad Ali.
4.But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.
5.He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
6.Because he had experienced the sense of failure in the 1988 Seoul Olympics Li Ning became determined to succeed in his new life.
7.After he retired a year after, Li Ning began a new career--as a businessman.
8.He longed to work for sports because he didn’t forget his sporting background.
9.Li Ning decided to launch a new brand of sportswear in order that he could compete with global giants like Nike and Adidas.
10.People thought that he made the unusual choice, because he had chosen his own name as the brand mark.
11.As the bright red logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of Li Ning's name, L and N, Li Ning's sports clothes sold very well soon after they came onto the market.
12.As the number of young people with money to spend was on the increase young people became the most important buyers of Li Ning's sports clothes.
13.Because Li Ning's designs were attractive, they had a major advantage over their better-known rivals.
14.Because a pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product, success for Li Ning was guaranteed.
15.Today as a Li Ning product is purchased every ten seconds, Li Ning has won more than fifty per cent of the national market.
16.If you go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.
17.The company has grown so internationally that the Spanish and French gymnastics teams wear Li Ning clothes.
18.Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.
19.But Li Ning's goal when he retired was not to make money.
20.If your dream is to open a school for gymnasts you have to go for your post-graduate studies first.
21.Ever since he became a businessman Li Ning has managed to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.
22.Li Ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he retires from the sport.
23.And if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as Li Ning's advertising slogan says.
Step 3 Doing a quiz on adverbial clauses
1.You like sports_____I’d like to read.
A.when B.while C.but D.yet
2. _____ we were singing, the teacher came in.
A.Before B.after C.As D.Until
3.I was about to leave my house _____the phone rang.
A.while B. when D.after
4.They did not stop fighting_____ there was no enemy left.
A.until B.after C.when D.since
5.I have not seen him_____ he went to college.
A.when B.before D.since
6.It is five days_____ we came here.
A.when B.before D.since
7.It was not long_____ he got to know it.
A.when B.before C.after D.until
8.We shall go_____we are free.
A.whenever B.whatever C.wherever D.however
9. _____I live I must serve the people heart and soul.
A.When B.So long as C.As soon as D.On condition
10.I was reading a novel_____ he was watchingTV.
A.when B.while C.before
11.Put the medicine_____you can easily get it. that B.where C.which D.there
12.We will go_____the Party wants us to go.
A.wherever B.there the place D.which
13. _____ there is a will there is a way.
A.When B.Where C.Whether D.How
14.I am going_____ you went last week.
A.where B.wherever C.when D.the place
15. _____ you go , you should bear the motherland in your mind.
A.Where B.Wherever C.Whatever D.However
16. _____ weather permits, we’ll have an outing.
A.For B.Though C.While D.If
17.You won’t succeed_____harder.
A.unless you will work B.unless you work
C.unless you don’t work D.if you won’t work
18.I wonder if he_____us, and I think if he_____us we’ll be able to complete the task ahead of time.
A.helps, helps B.will help, helps
C.helps, will help D.will help, will help
19.I don’t like to be interrupted if I_____.
A.speak B.will speak speakingD.spoke
20.If you_____this experiment you will understand the theory better.
A.will be doingB.have done C.will have doneD. would do
21.I would like to do it_____I like it.
A.since B.becauseC.because of that
22. _____everybody is here, Let’s set off.
A.Since B.BecauseC.ForD.After
23.It was_____he was ill that he was absent yesterday.
A.because B.asC.since that
24. _____it is raining, we had better take a taxi.
A.For B.AsC.Because of D.When
25.“Why can’t you do it now?” “_____I’m too busy.”
A.Since B.AsC.BecauseD.For
26.He must have passed this way, _____here are his footprints.
A.since B.because of thatD.for
27. _____everybody is here, Let’s begin our meeting.
A.Now that B.BecauseC.ForD.When
28.His speech made_____deep impression on the audience that they could hardly forget it.
A.such a a C.soD.such
29.They worked hard_____they finished their work ahead of time. thatC.such as to
30.He was_____weak_____ he couldn’t stand up.
A.such, that, thatC.very,, as to
31.The foreigner spoke_____ his interpreter could hardly catch his words.
A.such fast that fast fast that fastly that
32.The book is_____ it gives a wrong idea of the facts. writing that B.such written that
C.such writing that written that
33.The house cost_____ we didn’t buy it. much money that many money that
C.such much money that D.such many money that
34.It is_____ all of us can do it. easy exercise that B.such easy an exercise
C.such easy exercise easy an exercise that
35.She has _____she remembers all the names of the students she has taught. good memory that B.such a good memory that
C.such good memory that D.good memory
36.They stopped at Tianjing_____they might visit the TV tower. that order
37.We all got up early_____we might start at six. order that order to as to
38.Let the dog loose so that it_____have a run.
A.should B.must C.could D.need
39. _____clearly so that your teacher_____you correctly.
A.Write, can understand B.Having written, can understand
C.To write, could understand D.Writing, will understand
40.He started early so that he_____there in time.
A.could C.had got D.would have got
41. _____it was late , she went on working.
A.ThoughB.Because C.Since D.Whether
42. _____we fail , we _____trying.
A.Even if , don’t stop B.Even though, won’t stop
C.Even, will not stop D.Even although, shall never stop
43. _____ the pain was bad, _____he did not complain.
A.Although, but B.Though, but
C.Though, yet D.Even, still
44. _____ physics, he likes maths better.
A.As he much likes B.Much as he likes
C.Much likes as he D.Likes much as he
45. _____telephones, tell him I’m out.
A.No matter whoeverB.Who C.Whoever D.Anyone
46.We’ll carry the reform to the end_____ happens. matter how B.whatever
C.anything matter which
47.It takes_____time to go there by plane than by ship.
A.far fewer B.far less
C.much fewer D.more less
48.He is taller than_____ in his class.
A.others B.all the students
C.any other one D.the other
49. _____ it was finished in time.
A.As the work was difficult B.Difficult as the work was
C.Difficult as was the work D.As was the work difficult
50.I am sorry_____ I have caused so much trouble.
A.that B.for C.asD.since
51. _____ he came, he would bring us a lot of flowers.
A.Every times time C.Every time D.Once a time
52.I’ll tell him about it_____I see him. soon as soon as C.while
53.I had hardly sat down_____ the telephone rang
A.than B.when D.after
54.Sit _____ you like. the place D.wherever
55. _____ he wasn’t ready in time, we went without him.
A.Since B.As C.ForD.Because of
56.All plants need air_____ they need water. if
57.Work hard _____ you can succeed. order to that C.for fear case
58.If you_____I will go with you.
A.go to B.went C.willD.should go
59.The hard he works, _____he will make.
A.the greater B.the greater progress
C.and the more D.more
60. _____ we have thought it over , we’ll take_____steps.
A.Till, not B.When , no C.Until, any D.Until, no
(1.B 2.C 3.B4.A5.D6.D7.B8.A9.B10.B11.B12.A 13.B14.A15.B16.D17.B18.B19.C 20.B21.B22.A23.A24.B25.C26.D27.A28.A29.B30.B31.C32.D33.A34.D35.B36.C37.A 8.C39.A40.A41.A42.B43.C44.B45.C46.B47.B48.C49.B50.A51.C52.A53.B54.D55.B56.C 57.B58.C59.B60.D)