RobotsPeriod7 Speaking,ListeningandWritingTask

plete the table.Compare their answers with their partners.


Type of animal

What it can do

Robot 1

Robot 2

Robot 3

Robot 4

  Suggested answers:


Type of animal

What it can do

Robot 1



Can walk,sit,lie down and wag its tail.Learns the name you give it and can answer when you call it.Develops its own personality.Can learn about 50 commands.

Robot 2


Not stated but looks like a big-eared bird

Likes being patted.Speaks his own language,then gradually switches to English the more time you spend with him.

Robot 3



Can open and close its eyes and move its flippers.

Robot 4



Can recognize her own name.Purrs when patted.If you hit her she will give you an angry hiss.Gradually her behaviour changes and she develops her own personality.

  4.Listen to the second part of the discussion again.Tick the correct box for each question.




1.Who doesn't understand why someone would want a robot as a pet?

2.Who believes that robot pets are just toys?

3.Who thinks that if someone thinks of the robot as a pet,then it is a pet?

4.Who believes that you can make a robot happy?

5.Who thinks that robot pets would be good for people who are unable to have a live pet?





1.Who doesn't understand why someone would want a robot as a pet?

2.Who believes that robot pets are just toys?

3.Who thinks that if someone thinks of the robot as a pet,then it is a pet?

4.Who believes that you can make a robot happy?

5.Who thinks that robot pets would be good for people who are unable to have a live pet?

?Step 3 Writing task

1.First ask students to imagine he or she is a robot pet which belongs to a child.

(1)Think about what kind of child you belong to.Is it a boy or a girl?What is the child like?Is the child kind or not?Is the child sick or in good health?

(2)What kind of robot pet are you―Aibo,Furby,Paro or Tama?

2.Write about one day in his/her life in his/her diary.Remember to write from the robot pet's point of view and remember to follow these steps.

(1)Collect their ideas in pairs or groups.

(2)Write down the main ideas and supporting details.Here is an example.

(3)Write the diary entry,paying attention to the use of conjunctions in their writing.







・got up in bad mood

・carried me by tail

・knocked me onto the floor

・left me at home


・hissed at owner

・hissed more

・had a peaceful time later

・got home after school

・seemed happier

・was nice to me

・patted me

・promised to take me to the park tomorrow

・wagged tail

・couldn't stop purring

・loved the idea/was happy

・wished he/she were always like that...

?Step 4 Homework

Write a diary from the robot pet's point of view.

A sample:

Sunny Wednesday

I am very happy today,because this is the first day that I has spent with my owner,Susan.Susan is a 6-year-old sick girl.She cannot go out with other children because of her poor health.So her parents bought me as her companion.There are different types of robot pets in the store.Her mom preferred the seal-type robot,while her dad thought the lovely dog would be a good companion.But Susan loves kitty very much.She insisted on having me as her companion.So they chose me.

The shop assistant told them I have more than just entertainment value,offering companionship and a variety of other services to the sick.A network system will enable me to speak to the children in a natural way,especially to children who are sick,and this will make them more comfortable.

I can be connected via cell phone or ISDN line to a network system center,allowing health workers or parents to send medical information and encouraging messages to the sick.I'm endowed with 100 phrases,ranging from the light-hearted (“Today is the karaoke party.Let's sing a lot.”) to more practical information (“It is three o'clock.It is time to have medicine.”).

Susan smiled a lot and her parents said she has never spent a happier day.I am happy too because I've brought pleasure to her.



1.Claire didn't want the robot in her house,especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks,but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn't harm her or allow her to be harmed.克莱尔不想家里有个机器人,尤其是她丈夫要离家三个星期,可是克莱尔被拉里说服了。他说,机器人不会伤害她,也不会允许她受到任何伤害。

(1)absent adj.

a.缺席的,不在场的 (+from)

Three members of the class were absent this morning.


He is absent on business.他因事缺席。

He is absent from Hong Kong.他不在香港。


Snow is absent in his country.他的国家不下雪。


He looked at me in an absent way.他茫然地望着我。

He had an absent look on his face.



Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?


absent 的反义词是present“出席的,在场的”

How many people were present at the meeting?


(2)persuade vt.

a.说服,劝服(+into/out of)/( do sth.)

She persuaded me into buying it.


The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.


He persuaded her to go to school,even though she did not want to.


b.使某人相信 (+of)/(+that)

How can I persuade you of my sincerity?


We worked hard to persuade them that we were genuinely interested in the project.


2.She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didn't want to leave her the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her.


(1)declare vt.

a.宣布,宣告;声明(+that) to make known formally or officially

The new Congress declared a state of war with Germany.



The accused man declared himself innocent.


She declared that she didn't want to see him again.


I declared at the meeting that I did not support him.



I have nothing to declare.我没什么要申报的。


declare:宣告,宣布formally announce(sth.)

For example:I would like to declare my love for you.

announce:宣布 to make(sth.)known publicly

For example:If I have a birthday party,I want to announce it to my friends.

(2)more than


Kate was more than a teacher.She also did what she could to take care of her pupils.


Modern science is more than a large amount of information.


My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.


b.more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如:

I have known him for more than twenty years.


More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened.


c.more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常,十分”。例如:

They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition.


I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body.


I am more than happy to accept your invitation.


d.more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如:

Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales.


His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well.


e.more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。例如:

The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe.


This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle.



no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。例如:

All his education added up to no more than one year.


Their new flat has no more than 60 square meters.


not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如:

Lying on the ground was a schoolboy of not more than seventeen.


3.It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.


该句使用了强调句型It was...that...强调了时间状语从句when Asimov was eleven years old。

talent n.

a.天资,天赋;才能 (+for)

He had a talent for music.他有音乐天赋。

My sister has a talent for drawing.



She is a new diving talent.她是一个新的跳水天才。

The company makes good use of its talent.


4.It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.



It was clear that Claire had fallen in love with Tony.


It seems unlikely that she will refuse the offer.



(1)It+be+adj.+that clause.

It is certain that William will do well in his exam.


It is absurd that he believes the number 13 has brought him the bad luck.


在表示建议、命令、要求等意义的It结构中,that从句的谓语动词常常用(should)+do 的形式。

It is said that he (should) go there without delay.


It is important that we (should) be here by the weekend.



It isn't amazing that they should have decided to divorce.


It is regrettable that Tom should leave so soon.


(2)It+be+n.(or noun phrase)+that clause.

It is a great pleasure that she is well again and can go to her office.


It is a pity that she should refuse to accept this suggestion.


(3)It+be+v.-ed+that clause.

It is said that Isaac will accompany his parents to visit Europe.


It is suggested that each children should sing a song in English at the party.


(4)It seems/happens...+that clause.

It seems that they are in urgent need of help.


It happens that the prettiest birds are the worst singers.



It was Tony that managed to help her in time.


It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.


5.So Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read,or rather,scan.


(1)a pile of/piles of=a lot of

There were a pile of magazines on the desk.


I've got piles of work to do this evening.


(2)or rather:a way of correcting something you have said,or making it more exact.

He lives in London,or rather,in the suburbs of London.


You have to be sixteen for cheap tickets―or rather under sixteen.

你得是16岁才能买便宜的票,更准确地说是16岁以下。 cannot have women falling in love with machines.


这句话的结构是have+n.+doing,have的意思是cause do,它与have+sb.+do结构的意思有时略有不同,前者讲的是过程,后者叙述的是当时的情况。

As soon as I got there,I tried to have John find me a house.


She had us all laughing at her jokes.


另外,在have+n.+doing结构中,如果have用作否定时,其意思是not permit or allow。

I can't have you going everywhere and doing nothing all day.


7.Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind with which he searched for explanations of everything,in the present and the past.


这个句子稍微有点复杂,现简要地分析一下:Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination and an amazing mind是这个句子的重要部分,动词不定式to explore future worlds修饰ability,with which引导的定语从句修饰an amazing mind。

with which是“介词+which (whom)”的结构,其介词的选择受到一定的限制:或与前面的名词搭配有关(本句就是这样),或与后面的动词或者词组搭配有关。

He seemed to be looking for the words with which he could express what he was thinking about.


The car,for which I paid a lot of money,is now out of date.




A robot can be defined as a programmable,self-controlled device consisting of electronic,electrical,or mechanical units.More generally,it is a machine that functions in place of a living agent.Robots are especially desirable for certain work functions because,unlike humans,they never get tired;they can endure physical conditions that are uncomfortable or even dangerous;they can operate in airless conditions;they do not get bored by repetition;and they cannot be distracted from the task at hand.

The concept of robots is a very old one yet the actual word “robot” was invented in the 20th century from the Czechoslovakian word robot or robotic meaning slave,servant,or forced labor.Robots don't have to look or act like humans but they do need to be flexible so they can perform different tasks.

Early industrial robots handled radioactive material in atomic labs and were called master/slave manipulators.They were connected together with mechanical linkages and steel cables.Remote arm manipulators can now be moved by push buttons,switches or joysticks.

Current robots have advanced sensory systems that process information and appear to function as if they have brains.Their “brain” is actually a form of computerized artificial intelligence (AI).AI allows a robot to perceive conditions and decide upon a course of action based on those conditions.

A robot can include any of the following components:


sensors―parts that act like senses and can detect objects or things like heat and light and convert the object information into symbols that computers understand

computer―the brain that contains instructions called algorithms to control the robot

equipment―this includes tools and mechanical fixtures

Characteristics that make robots different from regular machinery are that robots usually function by themselves,are sensitive to their environment,adapt to variations in the environment or to errors in prior performance,are task-oriented and often have the ability to try different methods to accomplish a task.

Robot Timeline

270BC an ancient Greek engineer named Ctesibus made organs and water clocks with movable figures.

1818―Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstein” which was about a frightening artificial life form created by Dr.Frankenstein.

1921―The term “robot” was first used in a play called “R.U.R.” or “Rossum's Universal Robots” by the Czech writer Karel Capek.The plot was simple:man makes robot then robot kills man!

1941―Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word “robotics” to describe the technology of robots and predicted the rise of a powerful robot industry.

1942―Asimov wrote “Runaround”,a story about robots which contained the “Three Laws of Robotics”:

A robot may not injure a human,or,through inaction,allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey the orders by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

1948―“Cybernetics”,an influence on artificial intelligence research was published by Norbert Wiener.

1956―George Devol and Joseph Engelberger formed the world's first robot company.

1959―Computer-assisted manufacturing was demonstrated at the Servomechanisms Lab at MIT.

1961―The first industrial robot was online in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey.It was called UNIMATE.

1963―The first artificial robotic arm to be controlled by a computer was designed.The Rancho Arm was designed as a tool for the handicapped and its six joints gave it the flexibility of a human arm.

1965―DENDRAL was the first expert system or program designed to execute the accumulated knowledge of subject experts.

1968―The octopus-like Tentacle Arm was developed by Marvin Minsky.

1969―The Stanford Arm was the first electrically powered,computer-controlled robot arm.

1970―Shakey was introduced as the first mobile robot controlled by artificial intelligence.It was produced by SRI International.

1974―A robotic arm (the Silver Arm) that performed small-parts assembly using feedback from touch and pressure sensors was designed.

1979―The Stanford Cart crossed a chair-filled room without human assistance.The cart had a TV camera mounted on a rail which took pictures from multiple angles and relayed them to a computer.The computer analyzed the distance between the cart and the obstacles.



近几年比较受欢迎的科幻小说、影视有:X档案系列(X-files),黑客帝国系列(The Matrix),星球大战系列(Star Wars),X战警系列(X Men),终结者系列(Terminator),哈利波特系列(Harry Potter),指环王系列(The Lord of the Rings)等等。学生如有兴趣,可以上网查询更多的资料。


(2)Isaac Asimov 艾莎克・阿西莫夫(1920~1992)

Dr.Isaac Asimov was an American author and biochemist who was born in Russia in 1920.Asimov went to the United States with his family at the age of three.He grew up in New York,graduating from Columbia University in 1939.In 1948,he earned a PhD there.He began to write stories for science fiction magazines in 1939.He was a very successful writer who produced an amazing number of books:he wrote over 400 volumes.Asimov is best known for his science fiction and popular science books,of which the Foundation series,the Galactic Empire series and the Robot series are the most popular.Asimov's books cover various topics in science,and he developed a set of ethics for robots and machine intelligence which influenced many other writers.