
e, get, turn, grow, come, go, fall, run等。
4. 表持续的系动词。如remain, keep, stay, stand, rest, lie, hold等。
5. 可带名词作表语的系动词。如be, become, sound, prove, remain, turn等。

Step2 例句
He is a boy. (名词)
The book is hers. (名词性物主代词)
He is tall. (形容词)
John is in good health. (介词短语)
We were excited at the good news. (过去分词)
The book is boring. (现在分词)
Her dream is to become a teacher. (不定式)
My hobby is collecting coins. (动名词)
The reason for my failure was that I hadn’t put my heart into my study. (表语从句)

Step 3即时练习
1. 这台机器的情况良好。
2. 丝绸摸起来又软又滑。
3. 他突然病倒了。
4. 他静静地站着。
5. 自行车坏了。
6. 未来几天天气将持续寒冷。
7. 那个男人证明是个贼。
8. 我希望你的梦想能成真。(come true)
9. 那就是他居住的地方。(表语从句)
10. 她的工作是在学校照看儿童。