
promise n. 妥协;和解;折衷
Some are good at eva luating, while others are good at compromising in conflicts, and keeping peace and harmony in excited discussions.
Life is a process of constantly pursuing dreams and compromising.
compromise n. 妥协;折衷
compromise vi. 妥协;让步;折衷
compromise vt. 生僻义:危害;损害(名誉)
make compromise with与……妥协
(1)We can not _____________(妥协)on such terms.
(2)Lu Xun never _______________(妥协)with his enemies.
(3)As the proverb goes: "Dog does not eat dog." They
_____________(妥协)with one another finally.
(4)He compromised himself by accepting money from them.
(5)我宁死不妥协。(写作小练笔:主谓;would rather)
考点3. embarrass vt.使尴尬;使为难
Knowing other people’s shortcomings can help us avoid embarrassing them.
People at the party were embarrassed when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.
embarrass vt. 使窘迫;使为难
embarrass vt. 使感到拮据
embarrassed adj.尴尬的
embarrassing adj. 令人困窘的
(1)______________(使窘迫)by his heavy luggage, he could not
walk fast.
I would rather die than compromise.
(2)The drop of sales _______________(使拮据)the company.
(3)When I began to sing, he laughed and made me _____________
(4)She was very____________ (embarrass) when her child behaved
badly in public.
(5)She _____________________(觉得很尴尬)to be seen odd socks.
考点4. donate vt. 捐赠;赠送
Corporations and private citizens also donate money through the Hope Project.
Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl.
donate vt. 捐赠;赠送
donation n. 捐款;捐赠物
give away捐赠;赠送
(1)Everyone should _________(献)blood to a blood bank.
(2)The businessman _________(捐给)a lot of money to the hospital.
felt really embarrassed
(3)Would you like to make a small ___________(捐献)to
the Red Cross?
(4)The old man __________(捐赠)1, 000 dollars to the school.
(写作小练笔:主谓宾;sun, university)
考点5. suit vt.适合于
They select a variety of activities to suit their students’ different learning styles.
I've found a job that suits me down to the ground.
suit vt. 满足;取悦;适意;对……方便
suit vt.& vi. 适合,适当
be suited to 适合于
suit n. 一套衣服
suit则范围更广, 如时间、地点、日期等。
She donated a large sum of money to the university.
(1)It _______(满足)me if you come to work at eight o'clock.
(2)It is difficult to find a time that ________(合适)everybody.
(3)He is quite suited to be an engineer.(英译汉)
(4)The climate there __________________(更适合)to his health.
(5)这个角色不适合他演。(写作小练笔: 主谓宾; role)
考点6. pull out of 从……中退出
What is the moment for you to pull out of a friendship?
Last month, North Korea pulled out of six-party talks on its nuclear program.
pull out of 从……中退出
pull down毁坏;拆毁
pull away后退,离开
pull up使停下或停下
was more suited
The role does not suit him.
(1)Three team members _________________(被拖离)the game for
(2)The train was just ____________ (驶出)the station, I was too late.
(3)They demanded that all the aggression troops _______________
(4)About 500 Australian combat troops _______ of their base in
southern Iraq Sunday.
A. pulled down B. pulled up C. pulled away D. pulled out
D。pulled out of“撤出”;句意是:驻伊拉克500多名澳大利亚士兵6月1日开始撤离伊拉克。
考点7. to begin with 首先;第一;起初
To begin with, it is important to create a positive attitude.
To begin with, she is too young for that kind of job.
were pulled out of
pulling out of
be pulled out of
the country
to begin with 首先;起初
above all首先
first of all首先
firstly/first 首先
for one thing首先
in the first place首先
(1)______________(首先), we must consider the ability of the staff
We can't go. _______________, it's too cold.
(3)首先,我不喜欢它的颜色。(写作小练笔: 主谓宾; color)
考点8. drop out (of)(从活动、竞赛中)推出;辍学
China and other countries found that even when children from the countryside do start school, they have a tendency to be absent and often drop out later.
To begin with
To begin with
To begin with, I do not like its color.
He dropped out of the race because of a sprained ankle.
drop out (of)(从活动、竞赛中)退出;辍学
drop in 顺便走访(某人)
drop sb. a line 给某人写信
(1)As he suddenly fell ill, he had to ___________(退出)the race.
(2)One of my teeth ____________(掉了).
(3)Tom had to ___________(辍学)after his parents died.
考点9. result in 产生某种作用或结果
In China most citizens live in the eastern areas and this results in large class sizes.
Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.
result in 产生某种作用或结果
result from由……而造成
as a result (of) 结果
as a consequence of结果
drop out of
dropped out
drop out
(1)Acting before thinking always _________(导致)failure.
(2)The accident ___________(造成)three people being killed.
(3)The accident ___________(造成)his death.
(4)Nothing has resulted from his efforts.(英译汉)
(写作小练笔: 主谓宾; accident, death)
results in
resulted in
resulted in
The accident resulted in two deaths.