
(1)there be (lie, stand, live...)句型。there be是谓语,其后的名词
There are different forms of energy.
On the top of the mountain there stands an old temple.
Once upon a time, there lived a poor fisherman.
(2)在以here, there, out, in, up, down, away,now,then等开头的
There goes the bell.
Here comes the bus.
Out rushed the boy.
Away went the children.
The door opened and there entered a middle-aged man.
Here it is.给你。
Away he went.他走了。
“What does it mean?” asked the boy.
Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.
On the winding path were to be found footprints of some
strange animals.
(1)Only +状语在句首:
Only then did I realize that I was wrong.
Only when the war was over in1918 was he able to get happily
back to work.
Only a doctor can do it.
(2)否定副词在句首。这类副词主要有:hardly, seldom, little, not,
nor, neither, not only...but also, no sooner...than,
hardly...when,in no time等。
Little does he care about what others think.
Not a single mistake did he make.
Never shall I forget it.
Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus started.
No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain.
Not until he came back did I leave.
At no time should you leave your post.
She is a teacher. So is her brother.
You can drive. So can I.
She can’t do the work. Neither/Nor can I.
―It was cold yesterday.
―So it was.
(4)so...that 句型,如果so在句首。
So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could
hear him.
So shallow was the water that there were no fish in the lake.
Had I been informed earlier, I could have done something.
Should anyone call, tell him to wait for me here.
Were I not engaged in my present work, I would be quite willing
to do what you ask me to.
Young as he is, he is very brave.
Child as he is, he knows a lot.
(2)however与no matter how引导的让步状语从句:
However great the difficulty may be, we won’t lose heart.
What a warm welcome they received!
How fast he ran!
(4)the more...the more句型:
The farther away a thing is, the smaller it looks.
(I) Haven’t seen you for ages.
(It) Doesn’t matter.
(It) Looks like rain.
(Is there) Anything you want?
(Is) Anything the matter?
(Does) Anybody need help?
(Are) You hungry?
―Which of them is the better choice?
―Well, it’s hard to tell (it).
―Where is George?
―I don’t know (where he is).
What a pity (it is) you can’t go to the lecture.
(I’m) Sorry!
(I’m) Afraid I can’t come.
―Did you like the film?
―Oh, very much.
He didn’t come, though we had invited him to (come).
―Will you join us?
―I should love to.
―Are you tired?
―Not very.
―What made Tom unhappy?
―Losing the match.
―I went to an exhibition this morning.
―With whom?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Anybody against it?
―Did you know anything about it?
―Not until you told me.
―Shall I make a copy of it?
―Yes, if time permits.
―Is he coming back tonight?
―I guess so.
―She may not be free today.
―If so, we’ll have to put the meeting off.
When (it is) completed, the power station will supply enough
If (it is) necessary, I’ll go there myself.
She told the children not to talk while (they were) eating.
Anyone, no matter who (he is), may point out our shortcomings.
I work in a factory and my brother (works) on a farm.
My room is on the second floor and his, on the third.
He majors in English and I in French.
1. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away____________ .
A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief
C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief
2. ― Shall we have our picnic tomorrow?
―____________ it doesn’t rain.[2009年高考山东卷]
A. Until B. While C. Once D. If
3. Never in my wildest dreams____________ these people are
living in such poor conditions.
A. I could imagine B. could I imagine
C. I couldn’t imagine D. couldn’t I imagine
4. It was announced that only when the fire was under
control____________ to return to their homes.
A. the residents would be permitted
B. had the residents been permitted
C. would the residents be permitted
D. the residents had been permitted
5. ―Who should be responsible for the accident?
―The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the
order____________ .[2008年高考福建卷]
A. as told B. as are told
C. as telling D. as they told

6. ― How was the televised debate last night?
―Super! Rarely____________ so much media attention.
A. a debate attracted B. did a debate attract
C. a debate did attract D. attracted a debate
7. I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but
seldom ____________so lonely as now.
A. have I felt B. I had felt
C. I have felt D. had I felt
8. ____________homework did we have to do that we had no time
to take a rest.
A. So much B. Too much
C. Too little D. So little
9. ―It’s burning hot today, isn’t it?
―Yes. ____________ yesterday.
A. So was it B. So it was
C. So it is D. So is it
10. Little ____________we were watching his every move, so he
seemed to be going his own way in this business.
A. he realized B. he didn’t realize
C. didn’t he realize D. did he realize
1. ― We have managed to put out the fire.
―But, ____________we can’t be too careful.
A. even though B. even so
C. therefore D. so
2. You may take them all home____________.
A. if possible B. if can
C. if impossible D. if you are possible
3. Water, ____________ enough, can change into vapor quickly.
A. when heated B. while heating
C. when to be heated D. when is heated

4. ―Should I look up each word that I don’t understand?
―No, turn to your dictionary only when____________.
A. you are necessary B. you need
C. necessary D. you are needed
5. ____________that he found it difficult to stop at the red light.
A. So fast he was driving B. So fast he drove
C. So fast was he driving D. So fast drive he
6. They waited and waited, ____________they had been looking
forward to.
A. then came the hour B. then did come the hour
C. then the hour came D. the hour then came
7. ____________,I have never seen anyone capable as John.
A. As long as I have traveled
B. Now that I have traveled so much
C. Much as I have traveled
D. As I have traveled so much

8. ____________,I will learn it well.
A. Whatever difficult English is
B. No matter how difficult is English
C. However difficult English is
D. Difficult as is English
9. ― Why can’t I smoke here?
―At no time____________ in the meeting room.
A. is smoking permitted B. smoking is permitted
C. smoking is it permitted D. does smoking permit
10. ____________ to do the work, I should do it some other day.
A. If were I B. I were C. Were I D. Was I
11. On the top of the hill_________ where the old man once lived.
A. a temple stands there B. a temple standing
C. stands a temple D. does a temple stand
12. ―Can you tell me where my uncle is?
―Yes, of course, _________.
A. here your uncle comes B. here comes your uncle
C. comes your uncle here D. your uncle here comes
13. ____________ ,he would have passed the exam.
A. If he worked hard B. If he were to work hard
C. Had he worked hard D. If he was to work hard
14. No sooner ____________the top of the mountain _________the
sun rose.
A. they had arrived on; than
B. had they reached; than
C. had they climbed to; when
D. they got to; when
15. Only____________ as an interpreter____________ how
important it was to practise speaking English.
A. when I worked; I realized
B. when did I work; did I realize
C. when I work; did I realize
D. when I worked; did I realize