
b, bed,window, watch, clock,
picture, TV set, computer, table, desk, chair, sofa
房间名: room, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, lounge, office, hall
公共场所: school, hospital, park, zoo, supermarket, shopping centre, cinema, theatre, department store, playground,beach, airport
职业:doctor, nurse, teacher, farmer, crown, policeman, pilot, postman, fireman, driver, waiter, waitress, actor, actress, cook, engineer, officer, film star, footballer, dentist, student
宇宙:space, the sun, the earth, the moon, star, planet, sea,
3.代词:人称代词(句首):I, you ,he, she,it, we,they
物主代词:my,your,his,her,its our, their后接所属的物品。
mine(my book),yours(your book),his(his book),hers(her book),its(it’s book),ours(our books),theirs(their books) 后不接所属的物品。
其他代词: this, that, these, those
A。颜色(colours):red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, pink, purple, brown, orange,
B。反义词big-small long-short, tall-short, thick-thin, fat-thin, cold-hot, clean-dirty, cheap-expensive, young-old, heavy-light, new-old, strong-weak, beautiful-ugly, tidy-untidy, hard-soft, ast-slow
5.动词: swim, run, jump, hop, play football, play basketball, play table tennis, play computer game, play the piano, dance, sing, dive, touch, pick up, take, ride a bike, drive a car/bus, climb a hill, read a book, , read a newspaper, listen to music, listen to the radio , drink, eat, write a letter, watch TV, see a film, wash face, wash clothes, do homework, talk to friends, brush teeth, skate, make the bed, go to bed, get up, have breakfast, have dinner, have lunch, make a kite, sleep, see a doctor, stand up, sit down,
open, close
但主语为单数第三人称时(he, she, it),动作表示经常做的,或一种习惯,句子中多有如下的时间定语(everyday, every morning, every week, always, usually, often, never等),在动词后一般加s.如:plays, walks, runs(特殊变化:wash-washes, watch-watches, do-does, brush-brushes, go-goes)
2. 现在进行时:表示动作正在进行。一般情况,在动词后加
ing, 但切记在动词前必须有助动词be. 现在进行时的形
式:be doing. 但be随人称变化。
例:I am running. He is drinking. She is singing. We are drawing. You are dancing. It is jumping. They are laughing.
过去式的时间定语:yesterday, last Sunday, last week. 特殊变化:is-was, are-were, do-did, go-went, see-saw, eat-ate,
run-ran, tell-told, say-said…)
8.介词:in,under,on,by,at,near,next,in front of,behind,over,above
用法举例:be good at drawing, in a park, at the zoo, go to school,
sit down, stand up, by bus, at 8 o’clock, in Oct.,
on Monday, under the tree, in a box, on a chair,
be interested in, in picture, in English/Chinese,
go to bed, want to, get up, listen to