
鹿城小学 六 年级(下) 英语 导学案
课题:期末复习1课型: 学习新知课编号:期末复习1
主备人:刘剑审核: 小主人:
学习目标: 1、能灵活运用1—10模块的基本句型。

时间预设: 第一关:30分 第二关:10分


( )1. Good afternoon,Miss Li!
A. Good afternoon! B. Hello! C. Thank you!

( )2. How do you do?
A. How are you? B. Fine,thank you. C. How do you do?

( )3. Nice to see you again!
A. Hi! B. Nice to see you! C. How are you!

( )4. Mum, my teacher.
A. this is B. she is C. this`s

( )5. There is apple. It is red apple.
A. a,a B. an,an C. an, a

( )6. What colour is that jacket? It`s
A. an orange B. orange C. the orange

( )7. May I use your car? No,you
A. can`t B. mayn`t C. needn`t

( )8. Can I ask you some questions,please?
A. Sure. B. Yes. C. No.

( )9. You are very beautiful.
A. Yes. B. Thank you. C. It`s OK.

( )10. How many seasons are there in a year?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

( )11. Would you like coffee or tea?Coffee,please.
A. some B. X C. any

( )12. It`s time dinner.
A. to B. at C. for

( )13. I a brother. She a sister.
A. have,has B. has,has C. have,have

( )14. You a student. He a teacher.
A. is,is B. are, is C. are,are

( )15. There is a bridge the river.
A. over B. on C. above

( )16. Look!The kite in the sky.
A. fly B. flies C. is flying

( )17. I`d like some English stories.
A. read B. to read C. to reading

( )18. We to the park last Sunday.
A. go B. went C. going

( )19. This is a boy. name is Mike.
A. He B. His C. Him

( )20. Elephant is than horse.
A. stronger B. strong C. stronger

1. There are (twelve,twelfth)months in a year.
2. In fall,the trees (leaf,leaves)are colourful.
3. This is (my,mine)skirt. That one is (your,yours).
4. He is (reading,looking)a book now.
5. Liu Xiang runs as as a horse. (fast,faster)
6. Amy likes drawing (picture,pictures)very much.
7. In the morning,I go to (school,the school). In the afternoon,I go (home, to home).
8. We go to the park (by,buy)bike.
