
Content of courses

  Lesson5: Making Supper

Teaching aims

知识与技能:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson .

2.Student can understand read say the following words: cabbage peas onions and carrots.

3. Student can understand read say and practice the present continuous tense .

过程与方法:song, game, practice


Teaching important

  Four skills the words of vegetables.

Teaching difficult

  Practice the dialogue

Prepare for the class

1.   some pictures

2. some vocabulary cards

3. audiotape and the tape recorder

Class period


Teaching steps

Step 1.Organizing the teaching


2.Sing an English song “In The Bathroom”

Step 2. Revision

Play a variation of “Where in the world ” to review rooms and objects that go in them. Review the pronunciation of words the students have not mastered, such as “closet”. Ask them to make cards as follows:

room objects

kitchen stove sink refrigerator

living room picture lamp TV

bedroom bed dresser closet

bathroom shower bathtub toilet

Step 3.Key concepts: dishes clean dirty wash dry

1.Introduce: Demonstrate the new vocabulary with a basin of water ,some dishes detergent, some real dishes and a towel. Wash and dry the dishes as the teacher say phrases:

These are dishes. Dishes.

These dishes are dirty.

Let’s wash the dishes in the sink.

Now I’m washing the dishes in the sink.

Look. They are clean. Now I’m drying the dishes .

2.Student book:

Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.


a.Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about “clean” “dirty” “wash” and “dry”.

b.Play a game such as “Go Fish ” to review rooms, objects and dishes.

c.Play “Opposites” to review the new vocabulary “clean” “dirty” “wash” and “dry”.


A; Mum! Is it?

B: It`s 6:30。Time supper!

A: for supper?

B:I`m meat and vegetables。

A: !You can some dishes

the table。


Activity book

Lesson 5

Black design

Lesson 5 Making Supper

1.New Words: carrot onions peas cabbage dishes dirty clean wash

2. in the sink , in the refrigerator

3. 0n the store, on the table ,


a. I` m cooking meat and vegetables.

b. What are you doing?

c. I` m washing the dirty dishes.

5. This is cabbage.

These are cabbages.

Self-examination after class