
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1.Free Talk.
T: What date is it today? S: It's the ...
T: What's the weather like today?
S: It's ...
Step2. Teach snowy, windy, foggy, rainy,cloudy, sunny, cool, warm.
T: Look at the picture, it's snowy.让一排学生读。
T: Can you tell me which city is often snowy in China?
S:(引导学生说) ... is often snowy.
T: Look at these weather pictures and work in groups。
采取的步骤是,先是组内交流,后是组间交流,最后由组长提问把全班不知道的单词解决。Step3.Review the words in step
1. 小组内快速记忆,互相帮助。
2. 单词接龙,无错误的小组积分。
3. 知识竟猜,Which city is foggy city? Which city is snowycity?
Which city is windy city?( Answers: London, Mu Danjiang, Beijing)
3.See quickly.老师拿出两幅天气的图片,快速在学生眼前闪过,让学生猜。猜对小组积分。
4.Step4.Teach spring, summer, autumn, winter.
5. T: How many months are there in a year?
6. S: There are twelve.
7. T: How many days are there in a year? S: There are 365.
8. T: How many seasons are there in a year? 师自问自答,
9. There are four. 在学生理解season的含义后,问What seasons do you know? 让学生自由说,说对小组积分。
10.Step5. Review seasons.小组竞赛活动如下:
1. 一位学生先说季节,另一位学生说季节特征。如:spring和warm。
The house is white. The tree and grass are white. Everything is white.
3. 一位学生来到讲台上,老师拿出一幅图其他学生说出季节,这位学生做有关这个季节的动作。
Step6. Play a game.
拿出准备好的图片,每组出一人,组成一个新的小组,每人四张,第一个学生说出图的内容, Step6. 说说唱唱。
Spring,spring,spring,it's warm,warm,warm,
Summer,summer,summer,it's hot, hot, hot,
Autumn,autumn,autumn,it's cool,cool,cool,
Winter,winter,winter,it's snowy,snowy,snowy,
Windy,windy,windy,it's Beijing,windy city,
Step7. Teach "because"
T: I'm wearing three sweaters. Because it's cold.
I'm drinking some water. Because it's hot.
Step8. Teach I like ... best. Because it's... I can...
T: I like winter best. Because it's snowy. I can make a snowman.
Step9.Say it.
Which season do you like best?
I like..
Because it's ... I can...
T: Which season do you like best?
S: I like summer. Because it's hot. I can swim in the sea.
1, Copy the words
2, Recite the new words.
Unit5 The seasons
What's the weather like in summer in Beijing?
It's hot.
Period Two
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: Part A
Ⅱ. Teaching Aims:
2.Students can understand, read, say and write the new words and phrases:
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
What's the weather like...?
Which season do you like best? www.xkb1.com
I like...
Because it's ... I can...
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
11.Students can master the new words and phrases.
12.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, computer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1.Look and guess.
T: What's the weather like today?
S: ……
2.S1: What's the weather like in Chong Qing?
S2: It's sunny.
Step2.Look and answer:
Q1: What city is it?
Q2:What's the weather like in autumn in New York?
Q3: What do the Americans usually do in autumn?
Q4: What do the children usually do in winter in New York?
Step3. 听A部分,小组根据所听内容把下列句子排序并读出,同时解决countryside的意思
1. New York is very beautiful in spring.
2. Ben likes making snowmen in New York.
3. New York is usually very hot in summer.
4. Su Yang's father is going to New York. 新课标第一网
5. People in New York like to go to farms in the countryside.
Step5. 以小组为单位自己读课文,注意语法现象,读过后小组内讨论解决,解决不了的在自由提问时间由老师或其他学生解决。为帮助学生有一定的针对性,老师出示以下问题:
1.What's the difference between the two sentences?
a. Su Yang's dad is going to work in New York next week.
b. Su Yang's dad is going to New York soon.
2.Tell us the meanings of the following phrases:
in the countryside, pick pumpkins, make snowmen, snowball fights, as hot as Nanjing
3.Find the same rule of the following sentences
a. It's colder than in Nanjing.
b. Your dad needs some warmer clothes for the winter in New York.
Step6. 逐句模仿跟读课文一遍后,独立完成课后的填空练习。
Step7: Homework:
1, Listen to the tape.
2, Have a diction
Unit5 The seasons
What's the weather like ...?
Which season do you like best?
Period Three
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: Part D,E
Ⅱ. Teaching Aims:
3.Students can understand, read, say and write the new words and phrases:
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
What's the weather like...?
Which season do you like best?
I like...
Because it's ... I can...
3, Sound
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
13.Students can master the new words and phrases.
14.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, computer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Which one do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1 Look and spell.
2 Look and do.
把warm,cool,cloudy,rainy,windy,snowy,sunny,foggy,rowing,snowball fights,countryside写在卡片上,一个抽卡片并做动作,其他学生举手抢答,答对为小组积分。
3 Talk about the weathers of some cities.
A:What's the weather like in winter in Haerbin?
B: It's cold and windy. It's often snowy.
A: What do people usually do?
B: They usually go skiing and go skating.
4. Work in pairs
A. 采取两人对话式报告一城市的天气。
B. 采取两人聊天式谈论一城市的季节及活动。
Step2. 抽签朗读排序。几位学生到讲台抽签,读出签上内容,并根据课文顺序站好。
Step3.Look and learn PartD
Step6. 听第二遍,根据短文的发展填空。
Step7. 听第三遍,进一步理解短文,全力完成剩余的空。
Step8. 小组内汇总组员的错误,讨论错误的产生原因,该如何避免。
Step10. 听第四遍,小组讨论回答问题。
a. What does Ma Li usually do in spring's morning?
b. Does Guangzhou often rain in summer?
c. Did Ma Li go swimming in summer in Guangzhou before?
d. What does Ma Li usually do after school in winter?
Step12 Talk about the students' hometown, finish part E.
Step13 Play games about part F.
Step14: Homework
1, Ss read PartE,C,D
2, Ss have the diction.
Period Four
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: Part F,G, H WB
Ⅱ. Teaching Aims:
4.Students can understand, read, say and write the new words and phrases:
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
What's the weather like...?
Which season do you like best?
I like...
Because it's ... I can...
3, Sound
4, rhyme
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
15.Students can master the new words and phrases.
16.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, computer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Which one do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1. 根据A部分的对话,把小组自创的对话表演出来。
2. 看词连对话。老师给出一些单词让学生独立完成对话,写在课堂作业本上。小组间交流评比,无错误的小组积分。
1. Lian Yunguang , summer , go swimming
2. Nan Jing, autumn, go climbing
3. Shang Hai, spring, go walking
4. Su Zhou, spring, visit the gardens
1. in, best, which, New York, you, do, season,like,(?)
2. in, go, people, farms, countryside, to, the ,like,(.)
3. New York, is, soon, to, father, going, my
4. season, New York, autumn, best, the, is, in (.)
4. 每个小组把其中一个组员在步骤2中的对话变成填空给其他组做。
1. 学生听录音跟读brown, cow, how, now,四个单词,体会并发出ow组合发音。
2. 呈现G部分,启发学生用这四个单词编一句话,对能参与的学生给小组积分。
3. 利用李阳疯狂英语的办法操练G部分这句话。
A. 跟磁带慢读三遍,在自己中速读三遍,快速读三遍。
B. 试着一口气读这个句子,每组选读得最多的进行比赛。
C. 每组选一个代表看谁能最快速最清晰最大声读出这个句子。
Step3: Homework
1, Review Unit5