

Ss learn the phrases.

Ss look and say

2) A:Can you tell me the way to the shopping centre ,please?

B:Go along this street,and then turn left at the fourth crossing.The shopping centre is on your left.That’s all right.

3)A:Can you tell me the way to the bus station,please?

B:Go along this street,and then turn left at the third crossing.The bus station is on your left.That’s all right.

A:Can you tell me the way to the WC,please?

B:Go along this street,and then turn right at the first crossing.The WC is on your right.That’s all right.

Ss try to say and play the game.




通过这一游戏来巩固句型,并比一比哪组能够最快最准确地找 小动物的家,既操练了句型又能够调动学生的积极性。

板书设计: Unit 3 Asking the way

Can you tell me the way to...?

Go along this street and then turn ...at the...crossing.

The...is on your...

That’s all right.

授后小记:本节课承接上节课内容继续学习了B部分的词组和D部分的句型,我先利用B部分的图片和andy的头像进行句型的复习,让学生熟悉运用句型,本单元C部分的句型多包含的词组较多,学生学起来有一定的难度。在结合上节课所学的地点复习句型以后,我补充了某某地点的表达方式,如Tinglin Park并且要学生注意当地点有名称的时候前面就不加the,为以后的学习做好了铺垫。C部分的操练过程中,学生在看平面图的时候容易出现左右不分的情况,所以在操练之前,我指导学生怎么转动图片帮助分清左右,这样学生在操练的过程中错误明显就少了。

授课日期: 3 月 17 日


Unit3 Asking the way



本课题教时数:6 本教时为第3教时 备课日期:3月11日



1 能听懂、会说、会读词组live in Nanjing,know the way,how to get there, along walk,take bus No.5,how many stops

2能听懂、会说、会读句子You can’t miss it.How far is it from here? It’s about a kilometer away.






1 能听懂、会说、会读词组live in Nanjing,know the way,how to get there, along walk,take bus No.5,how many stops

2能听懂、会说、会读句子You can’t miss it.How far is it from here? It’s about a kilometer away.

教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导 操练法

教学过程: 教师活动



Step 1 Free talk and revision与随班生进行对话。

1 Look at the map and say the phrases.

2 Ask and answer

T show a picture

Excuse me , can you tell me the way to…., please?

Step 2 Presentation

1) Lead in

T: (Show a picture of Tinglin Park)

Look! This is Tinglin Park.

Do you know the way to Tinglin Park?

Can you tell me how to get there?

Teach:know the way

how to get there

take bus No.9

T:How far is it from here?

Teach:It’s about ...away

How far is it from here?

T:Oh,it’s a long walk.But I can take bus No.9

Teach: away

It’s about … away.

You can take bus No….

2 )T: (Point to the bus stop on the map) Here is the bus stop.

How many stops are there? Let’s count.

Teach: stop

2) The text.

1. Listen and answer 鼓励随班生一起听录音回答。

a. Where does Mr Smith come from?

b. Where is he living now?

c. Where does he want to go?

d. Who is he asking now?

T:Can you say something about the first part of the text?

2. Read and underline the questions.

Questions:Can you tell me the way to the History Museum?

How far is it from here?

3. Listen and answer the questions

T write some key words on the blackboard.

T:Can you tell Mr Smith how to get there?

T:I think Mr Smith can’t miss it.

Teach:can’t miss it

4. Read the text.

a. Read after the tape.

b. Read together.

c. Act

Step 4 Homework.

6. Copy the new words and phrases.

7. Parcitse the sentence with your partners.

Ss ask and answer the questions.

S1:Yes,I do.

S1:You can take bus No.1

Ss learn the phrases.

S1:It’s about 1 kilometres away.

Ss learn the phrases.

S1:There are three stops.

Ss learn the word.

Ss answer the questions.

d. Mr Smith comes from Australia.

e. He is living in Nanjing.

f. He wants to visit the History Museum.

g. He is asking Yang Ling now.

Ss try to retell the first part of the text.

Ss underline the questions.

5. Ss listen and answer the questions.

Ss look at the words and try to say.

Ss learn the phrases.

Ss read the text.




板书设计: Unit 3 Asking the way

know the way right

how to get there third

You can’t miss it left

How far is it from here?

a kilometre away

a long walk

take bus No....


授后小记:本课的主要内容是Part A前半部分,在正式学习课文部分之前,通过询问亭林公园怎么走导入到课文的学习中去,并在此新授了一部分课文中的内容,帮助学生对课文部分的理解。在学习课文部分时我充分创设的情景,引导学生结合话题和语言功能回顾与相应话题有关的语言表达,说说,读读,做做,演演,在运用语言的过程中进行知识的回顾和梳理,及时查漏补缺。大部分学生乐于参与与表演,口语表达得到了进一步的操练,但由于时间的限制,很多学生仍没有机会表演。在表演之后,让学生看着黑板上的提示的词,对课文部分进行复述,大部分学生都能复述,但是还不够流利,需要在课后再花时间。

授课日期: 3 月 21 日


Unit3 Asking the way



本课题教时数:6 本教时为第4教时 备课日期:3月11日



1 能听懂、会说、会读词组bus stop,every five minutes,on Zhongshan Road,at the third stop

2能听懂、会说、会读句子How can I get to the...?






1 能听懂、会说、会读词组bus stop,every five minutes,on Zhongshan Road,at the third stop

2能听懂、会说、会读句子How can I get to the...?

教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导 操练法

教学过程: 教师活动



Step 1 Free talk and revision与随班生进行对话。

1 Look at the map and say the phrases.

2 Ask and answer

T show a picture

Excuse me , can you tell me the way to…., please?

3.Review the text

Step 2 Presentation

3) Lead in

T:Look at the map and tell me the way.

Can you tell me the way to ...?

T:How can I get to the ...?

Teach:How can I get to the...?

比较 Can you tell me the way to ...?

How can I get to the...?

T: Mr Smith wants to get to the History Museum.And he can take bus No.5.But Does he know the way to the bus stop?Let’s listen and answer the questions.

4) The text.

6. Listen and answer

Does he know the way to the bus stop?指导随班生回答。

Teach:bus stop

every five minutes

7. Read the text and try to answer.

a. Where does Mr Smith also want to go?

b. Where is the post office?

c. Can you tell Mr Smith the way to the post office,please?

Teach: on Zhongshan Road.

at the third stop

8. Read the text.

a. Read after the tape.

b. Read together.

c. Try to draw a map and act the dialogue out.

9. Summary and retell

I met Mr Smith in Shanghai Street.He wanted to go to _____ ______ ______ by bus.I told him to ____ _____ No.5 and get off at the ____ stop.Then he asked me how to get to ___ _____ ____.I told him to _____ _____ No.9 in front of ____ _____ ______.

比较on Zhongshan Road

in Shanghai Street

Ss try to retell.

Step 4 Homework.

8. Copy the new words and phrases.

9. Parcitse the sentence with your partners.

Ss ask and answer the questions.

Ss try to say something about Mr Smith.

S1:Go along this street and then ...

S1:No,he doesn’t.

S1:He wants to go to the post office,too.

S2:It’s on Zhongshan Road.

S3:Yes,he can take bus No.9 in front of the History Museum and get off at the third stop.

Ss learn the phrases.

Ss read the text.

Ss do the exercise and try to retell.



从free talk的句子 Can you tell me the way to ...?

过渡到 How can I get to the ...?并让学生比较这两个句子,在含义上进行区分。


在总结之后,让学生比较两个词组的用法 on Zhongshan Road

in Shanghai Street可以避免学生在练习中出错。

板书设计: Unit 3 Asking the way

bus stop

every five minutes

on Zhongshan Road

in Shanghai Street

at the third stop


授课日期: 3 月 22 日


Unit3 Asking the way



本课题教时数:6 本教时为第5教时 备课日期:3月11日



1 能听懂、会说、会读单词a book about animals,stole,out of...shout,stop thief,get back

2 复习句型Turn…at the…crossing.

3 复习一般过去时,以及规则动词与不规则动词的过去式。






1、能听懂、会说、会读单词a book about animals,stole,out of...shout,stop thief,get back


教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导 操练法

教学过程: 教师活动



Step 1 Free talk and revision与随班生进行对话。

1 Look at the map and say the phrases.

2 Ask and answer

T show a picture

Excuse me , can you tell me the way to…., please?

3.Review the text

Step 2 Read and number

1 T: Last Sunday afternoon, I went to a book shop and bought some English books. What did you do on last Sunday?

T: Last Sunday morning, something was happened to Nancy.

Do you know what happened? Now Nancy is telling Yang Ling and Andy her story. Let’s listen to her story and answer the question.

What happened to Nancy?


2 Read and complete the table.

My actions

Thief’s actions

The policeman’s actions

buy a book about animals

See a thief


Stole the purse

Ran out of the shop

Ran along the street and turn left and the first crossing

Start to run

Stop the thief

Get the purse back

Teach: a book about animals

out of



stop thief

get back

3Look at the pictures and describe them.

4 Learn the past tense

规则want wanted

follow followed

shout shouted

turn turned

不规则 am was

see saw

steal stole

run ran

hear heard

come came

say said

begin began

catch caught

get got

5 Read again and number the pictures from 1 to 6.

6 Read the story.

Step 3 Homework

1 Read the story.

2 Copy the new phrases

Ss ask and answer the questions.

Ss try to say something about the text.

S: I…

Ss listen to the story.

S1:Nancy met a thief.

Ss read the text by themselves and try to complete the table.

Ss learn the phrases.

Ss learn the past tense.

Do the exercise.

Ss read the story.






板书设计: Unit 3 Asking the way

My actions

Thief’s actions

The policeman’s actions

buy a book about animals

See a thief


Stole the purse

Ran out of the shop

Ran along the street and turn left and the first crossing

Start to run

Stop the thief

Get the purse back


授课日期: 3 月 24 日


Unit3 Asking the way



本课题教时数:6 本教时为第6教时 备课日期:3月11日



1 了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音。

2 会唱歌曲Excuse me.

3 能够熟练运用所学知识。






3、能听懂、会说、会读单词a book about animals,stole,out of...shout,stop thief,get back


教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导 操练法

教学过程: 教师活动



Step 1 Free talk与随班生进行对话。

T: Excuse me , can you tell me the way to Tinglin Park, please?

T: How far is it from here?

T: How many stops are there?

T show a picture of a city

Step 2 Revision

1 Review the past tense of the verbs.

2 Read Part E.

3 Retell the story.

Step 3 Play a game

1 事先布置学生制作与游戏部分相关的卡片带进教室。

2 教师示范,说明游戏的做法与规则。

T:I’m at the hotel.I’m going along Guangzhou Road,turning right at Nanjing Road.Then I’m going along Nanjing Road.The place is on my left.Where am I now?

T:Yes,you’re right.

3 Do group-work: Play the game

Step 4 Listen and repeat

1 Read the words and discuss the pronunciation of ‘ou’.

2 Read after the tape.

3 Comprehend the sentence.

4 Read the sentence and have a competition.

5 Supplement other words: mouth, shout

Step 5 Sing a song

1 Read and comprehend the words.

2 Sing after the tape.

3 Sing and act.

Step 6 Exercise.



Can you _________ __________ the _________ to Nan Menjie Primary School? __________.


________ _______ this_______, and then ______ _______ ______the _______crossing.


The history museum is _______ your ______.You ______ ______it.


______ can ______ _______ _______ the Guang Hua Middle School ?


_______ _________ is the bus stop ________ here ?

________ about _________ kilometers _________.

Step 7 Homework.

1、Recite the sentence in Part G

2、Review Unit 3.

Ss ask and answer the questions.

Ss try to ask and answer.

Ss try to say something about the text.

S:You are at...

Ss play the game.

Ss discuss the pronunciation of ‘ou’.

Ss read the sentence.

Ss say the words.

Ss learn the song.

Ss sing the song.

Ss do the exercise.





板书设计: Unit 3 Asking the way

blouse Get the mouse on my blouse out of the house.





授课日期: 3 月 28 日