
The king’s new clothes教学设计

1、Free talk
What day is it today? What date is it?(教月份September,拼读)How’s the weather today?(教天气sunny,hot等词)
What are you wearing today?(教wear,wearing)I like wearing new and pretty dresses. What about you? Now I’ll show you a story about a king who liked new clothes very much.(板书,教king)
2、放视频,问:Was the king clever or foolish? Ppt打出句子,标示中文“聪明”和“愚蠢”,教读两个新词。(目的,初步感知故事)
3、We all know this story, because this is an old story. It happened long long ago. Ppt: ‘long long ago’, 标中文,很久很久以前。

1、Now let’s listen to an easier one and try to fill in the blanks. 中文解释下要求:看逆读填空,听录音,填空。
3、问题:Some words are very special. Did you find them?
5、You are very clever.这么快就把这么难的新知识点掌握了,这样我们就能自己来读整个故事了。
1. What did the king like? ( )
A. Beautiful clothes. B. New clothes.
2. Who visited the king? ( )
A. Two men. B. Two women.
3. Clever people ( ) see the clothes. Foolish people ( ) see them. (clever和foolish再次教授)
A. can’t B. Can
4. The king walked through the ( ) (ppt教读walk through)
A. town B. City
5. ( ) pointed at the king and laughed.
A. A man B. A little boy
第一幅图:long long ago, king
第三幅图:walk through, 感叹句What beautiful clothes!
第四幅图:point at, wear
1、True or false(书上P8)
The king liked new clothes. ______
Two men showed the king some magic clothes. ______
The king was foolish. ______
People could see the king’s new clothes. ______
The boy was foolish because he could not see the king’s new clothes. ______
1. is, was, were, lived, live
Long long ago, there a mountain(山). There a house on the mountain. An old man and a little boy in the house.The old man told(tell的过去式) the boy a story.
2. picked, lived, were, was, give, shouted , walked
Long long ago,there __________ a lion.He __________ in the forest(森林). There __________ some flowers in front of the lion’s house.One day, an old man __________ by the house.He __________ a flower. The lion angry. He __________ at the old man,“You picked a flower.Now __________ me your child.” The old man’s child was a beautiful girl. She __________ with the lion. The lion nice to her.One day, the lion __________ sick. The girl looked after him. Then the lion turned into a prince(王子).