
e to difficult and important points , It's about the great women, so we can learn a lot of good qualities of Jane Goodall, and the difficult point is to develop the students reading skills and communicate with each other fluently.

Part V. Teaching procedures:

Next part is the most important part, teaching procedures.

Step 1. Leading-in

At first, I will show some pictures about great women, and ask/encourage the students to guess who they are , and what makes them great. In the last picture , I will show some pictures about her work in the forest , According to the pictures, what did she do ? In this way , we will enter the passage.

Step 2.skimming.

43minutes to get the main idea of the passage, this step will train the students' fast reading ability. And grasp the key information of the passage.

Step 3 . Scanning

According to the main idea, we know Jane Goodall spent 40 years in the forest, .

1. Why did she go to Africa ?

2. What did she do there?

3. What did she achieve ?

According to these questions and a table , to complete the scanning .

Step 4 language points:

While they are reading , they may meet some new words , phrases, or even sentences, first they can underline it and then discuss it with your partner. And I will also show some useful expressions. Such as:

1. Worthwhile /worthy /worth

2.only after ...... Was she allowed ....

Step 5. Discussion .

Right now we know Jane Goodall devoted her most time to research, now what made her great ? And what did you learn from her ? 4 minutes to discuss in groups , and then some will present their opinions to us. This step will develop the students' ability of cooperation , communication and expression.

Step 6. Homework .

Finally , it is the homework , write a composition , try to introduce Jane Goodall , what did you learn from her? You can use words and phrases as many as you can you have learned in your passage.

Step 7 . The blackboard design.

A good design will have a better understanding. So here is the title , and on the left are the key words ,or phrases, on the right are some sentences.

Now a clear design will help them understand better.

So much for my teaching ideas. Thank you for your attention.