
munication skills?
4) Enthusiasm for the job is the key to success, do you agree? Why or why not?
4.Group work(分组活动) 在这部分我叫两个学生为一组,一个学生扮演采访者,另一个扮演被采访者,进行关于选择未来职业的采访。考虑到学生的英语水平,我给他们展示了一个模版:
Patient, imaginative, well-organized, polite, curious, technically good, concise thorough, creative, careful, gifted, professional.
Interviewer: Which occupation will you choose in future?
Interviewee: I want to be a teacher
Interviewer: Why?
Interviewee: A teacher needs to be patient.
I think I would become a good teacher.
Because I am very patient.
此部分的设计是为了提高学生的口语而设计的,内容简单,绝大多数学生都能够参与其中,在锻炼口语的同时,又使他们熟悉了pre-reading部分提过的描述优秀品质的相关单词,并且学习了本课时一个重要的句型“Which occupation will you choose in future?”
Everyone has unforgettable moments in his / her life. Think about your first day at school, being far away from home, your first day abroad...... Discuss after class what the first day would be like, and how you would feel if you were to work for China Daily.