

  Good afternoon! Everyone! It’s my great honor to share my lesson plan here。 The lesson I’m going to talk about is from PEP Go For It, Book 8A Unit 1, with the title of “How often do you exercise?”。

  First of all, I want to give some analysis of the teaching material。 This unit focuses on the topic of “Free time activities”。 The function is talking about how often you do things。 I’ll focus on Period 1, which is a listening for speaking class。 There are two listening materials here。 The first one is conversations about different students’ free time activities。 The second listening matrial is an interview, which is mainly about Cheng’s free time activities。

  That’s my analysis of the teaching material。 And then I want to say something about the students。The students are from Grade two of junior school。 They have already mastered some words related to free time activities like shop, read, watch TV, etc。 Since most students have things they like to do when they are free, they will be interested in this topic and have a lot to say in the speaking task。

  According to the analysis of the teaching material and students, also on the basis of New English Curriculum, I set the learning objectives as follows。

  Firstly, language skills。

  By the end of the class, my Ss will be able to improve their skills of predicting and listening。 They will also be able to use the key structure of “what do……?”and “How often……” to talk about their free time activities。

  Secondly, language knowledge。

  Some useful words and expressions are to be grasped, such as exercise, Internet, program, once, twice, three times, etc。 And they will know how to use the adverbs of frequency。

  Thirdly, affects。

  They will be inspired to spend their free time on some interesting and healthy activities, instead of playing computer games or watching TV。

  Fourthly, learning strategy。

  They can learn better how to participate in the class activity autonomously and cooperatively。

  These are my teaching and learning objectives。 And the focuses lie on the key structures and key words I have mentioned above。 As to the anticipated difficulties, students may have difficulty in learning to use the adverb of frequency and uderstanding the second listening material。

  Then let me say something about the teaching methods。 In order to reach the objectives and solve the anticipated difficulties, I’ll design some pair works (and group works) to increase Ss talking time on the basis of the student-based teaching method。 And some tasks will be designed to help students use target language to solve problems, on the basis of task-based teaching method。 Besides, in order to make the lesson lively and interesting, I’ll try to use modern equipments。

  (Then let me say something about the teaching methods。 As is known, New English Curriculum advocates quality education and all-round learning which pays more attention to students’ comprehensive development of language skills, learning strategies and affects。 In order to improve students’ intonation, train their listening skills and cultivate their senses of language, situatioal and communicative teaching methods are to be followed。 Besides, in order to make the lesson lively and interesting, I’ll try to use modern equipments。 )

  So much for the teaching methods。 Next comes to my most important part, the learning procedures。 In order to achieve the above mentioned learning objectives, I design 6 steps in my teaching procedure。

  Stage one Warming up and leading in。 First, I’ll let students stand up and do as I say。 For example, I say run, and students act as they are running。 After that, I can conclude that they are doing sports, which also means, they are exercising。 After that, I’ll show a big calender to the class。 I point to Sunday and Saturday, and tell students they are weekend, and I usually exercise on weekends。 By doing this, I can bring fun to the class and make students concentrate on the lesson at the begining of the class, what’s more, I can lead in the word “exercise” naturally。

  Then come to stage two, presenting and practicing。 Three activities here。 Activity 1, students look at the picture in the book and make a list of the different weekend activities。 Here I will ask them the question “What do they do on weekends?” to check the answer。 The purpose is to help students review their learnt knowledge and get them prepared for the next stage。

  And in activity 2, I will write down the adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, never) on the blackboard and explain to them with the help of the calender。 For example, I point to the weekends on the calender and tell students that I exercise every weekend, that is, I always exercise on weekends。 I’ll also use the calender to present the words like “once, twice and three times”。 For example, I point to Monday, and tell students that I go shoping on Monday, so I shop once a week。 And I will make students ask me the question “How often do you shop?。” The purpose of this activity is to let students grasp these words and the sentences easily and quickly。

  In activity 3, I will present pictures of people’s free time activities with the times and let students answer the question “What does he/she do on weekends?” and “How often does he/she……?” This activity aims at helping students consolidate the words they have learnt and enhance target language。

  Now let’s focus on the third stage, listening and imitating。 Here are two activities。 Activity 1, students finish the task in 1b。 I will ask them to write down the letters on the lines in 1a first to reduce the difficulties。 Then I play the tape once and ask students to tell the answers。 Activity 2, imitating。 Students will read after the tape to imitate the pronunciation and intonation。 The purpose is to help students improve their spoken English。

  Then in Stage four, it is practicing。 It’s the pair work in 1c。 Instead of talking about the people in the picture, I’ll let students ask about the free time activities about their classmates。 For example, students work in pairs and ask each other the question “what do you do on weekends?” Then, another pair of students ask each other the question “What does he/she do on weekends” according to their former pair’s answer。 This activity will involve the whole class so that all the students can learn how to ask and answer the question about free time activities。 The purpose of this activity is to help students practice their spoken English in a real situation。

  Now let’s come to Stage five, Listening and imtating。 Students will listen to the second listening material。 First I’ll explain the picture to my students and tell them that this is an interview, the left boy is named Cheng。 And students will predict what the interview is about。 The explaination and prediction is to reduce the difficulties。 Then students will listen for the first time and number the activities in 2a。 After checking the answer, students will listen to the tape for the second time and match the activities with the number of times Cheng does them。 Then I’ll ask students questions like “How often does Cheng watch TV?” to check the answer, which can get them more familiar with the sentence structure。 After that students will read after the tape。

  Stage six is consolidating and enhancing。 I design a role playing activitiy here。 Students work in pairs。 One student act as an interviewer and the other interviewee。 The interviewer will ask questions they have learnt in this lesson, and interviewee answer accordingly。 Teacher will ask some students to performance before the class。 After students’ performance, teacher will conclude their answers and encourage them to spend time in meaningful and interesting activities。 The purpose of this activity is to improve students’ spoken English and to see whether they have mastered the words and sentences they have learnt in this class。

  At last, it’s homework。 Students will be asked to copy the key words for 3 times and ask at least 3 of their classmate about their free time activity。

  That’s my teaching procedures。 Next I’ll say something about the blackboard design。 As we know blackboard note is the miniature of the whole lesson。 It can display the procedures of the lesson and the language points learned in this lesson。 It’s good for Ss to get the clear idea of the whole lesson。 And teacher can use it to review。

  And this is my blackboard design。 I will write down the key sentences on the left, and some important words will be in red to make students pay attention to them。 The key words will be on the right。