
munication food personal relationships work hobbies
Sport money government health homes agriculture
Step 2 Dicussion
Ask students how useful it is to read the title of a text or a newspaper headline. In pairs, students discuss which topics will be in this text.
Step 3 Read to learn
Students read the text quickly and check their guesses.
Students read the text again,finding the key words and working out the definitions.
Checking answers by having students read out the sentences in the text cintaining the key word and then substitute the definition in the sentence.
Ask students to fill in the blanks to compare two opposite attitudes about the future.
There are two different opinions about cyberspace in the text
about the future of Internet
_2._________ can get into_3.______________

in the future
_4._________ may attack computers, _5.____________,
and make planes and trains 6._______
8.___________about the future of the Internet

People can use the Internet to
in the next few years
Many more people will 9._____on line
in the future
①We get 10.______________ from the Net.
②_11._________ and 12.____________ may 13.___________.
1. pessimistic 2. Hackers 3. the computers 4. Terrorists
5. cause chaos 6. crash 7. buy books, find out holiday offers, book tickets
and get all sorts of information. 8. optimistic 9. shop
10. entertainment 11.Television 12. mail service 13. disappear
Step 4 After reading
Voice your opinion
Ask the students to speak up their opinions about Ex.6
Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the Internet And how do you use cyberspace properly At the same time ,I'll give them some suggestions.
1.In my opinion…/Personally…/I think ….
2.we are optimistic/ pessimistic about the future of the Internet. Because…
Step 5.Summary
As a class ,summarize the text together.
1.This class we have learned some vocabulary about cyberspace.
2.Besides,we have learned about the different attitudes towards cyberspace and We have own opinions about cyberspace.
That's all. Thank you!