
五年级英语Unit 7 After school说课
教学内容:《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语》5A第七单元第一教时
1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语a newspaper, chess, after school, a picture book, play with.
1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语a newspaper, chess, after school, a picture book, play with.
一、 Greetings and free talk
1.T: Can you sing the song <>?
Do you like to sing it ?
OK. Now let’s sing it together!
Who is that speaking ?
What is Mike doing now? Is Mike reading ?
2. Look at some pictures. Ask some questions:
What is he/she doing? He/She is …….
2. (手执小卡片)Read the words (Page 46)
V---- Ving and spell the words together
二.Presentation 、drills and practice
1. T: You like sports very much, for example, jumping , running and so on . I often listen to music /play the piano after school/class/work. What do you often do after school?
S: I often ……..
2. Some of you like reading . I also like reading very much.
(图片)Look , what is he doing ?
He is reading a newspaper/magazine after class.
3. Learn to say : read a newspaper/magazine
T: What is he/she doing ? S: He/She is ……..
4. T: Look , is he/she reading a newspaper/magazine?
S: Yes, he/she is No, he/she isn’t.
(图片)T: He/She is reading a picture book.
Yes, a picture book.
5. Learn to say : read a picture book
6. In our sparetime , we all like reading. Reading is interesting. But we also like playing .Yes or no ?
7. (图片) T:What is he/she doing?
Look, is he/she playing the violin/piano/guitar?
8. Look, sometimes we play chess/cards.
9. Learn to say : play chess/ cards
10. (图片) T:Look, what are they doing ?
11. Sometimes we also play with a yo-yo/marbles.
12. Learn to say : play with a yo-yo/marbles
13. (图片) T:Look , what is he doing ?
Is he playing with a yo-yo/marbles?
14. Revise seven phrases in Part B
words------phrases ------sentences
newspaper------read a newspaper
What is he/she doing ? He/She is reading a newspaper.
15. Look at the pictures, then fill in the blanks.(Part D)
16. Play a game “骰子游戏 play a dice”
Guess what is he/she doing ?
Is he/she ………. ?
Are they ……… ?
17.Part C Work in pairs.
Picture 1 T: What is he doing ? Is he sitting ?
S: Yes, he is .
T: Is he sitting on a volleyball?
S: No, he isn’t. He’s sitting on a basketball.
18. Write the sentences on your books.
1. Listen to the tape of Part B , repeat phrase by phrase
2. Read the phrases together .
3. Homework
Unit 7 After school 说课
本单元由课题After school这一放学后的话题说开去,在第六单元的基础上继续进一步学习现在进行时及其一般疑问句的形式与回答。此节课为第七单元第一课时,学习七个动词词组的基础上,复习现在进行时,学习一般疑问句及其回答的运用。这七个词组都很生活化,来源于日常生活之中,来源于放学后的课题之中,学生们学起来也较为有兴趣,至于现在进行时句型的学习则是第六单元基础上的一个延伸,一般疑问句的转换还是较容易的,这是一个自然衔接、顺理成章的过程。
词组的学习进一步复习现在进行时,Part D部分的填空就显得水到渠成,重点在现在进行时一般疑问句形式,创设较为真实的语言环境,尽量避免明知故问式的机械操练,图片转动的猜图游戏与骰子游戏营造了真实的氛围,做到学有所用。