五年级《How do you like this one》说课稿

五年级《How do you like this one》说课稿


本节课为EEC小学英语教材第五册 Lesson6的第二课时,本节课要讲授句型:How do you like this one? 及答语I want a shirt with/without…本课时主要描述Billy给爸爸买生日礼物,在商场选购衬衫的情景,课文以购物为话题,贴近生活实际,同时多种多样的服装提高了学生的学习兴趣,也给了学生很大的交流空间。


1. 知识目标:能听、说和认读服装和服装各部分名称以及相关的句型,能进行书写,并用句型进行口语交际。

2. 能力目标:让学生了解如何买衣服,在课堂活动中学会自主学习。通过课堂活动把所学知识融入到生活中。

3. 情感目标:通过感恩节,圣诞节等节日,号召学生为父母买礼物,培养从小热爱父母的良好情感。



1. 运用with和without表达自己想要的服装样式。

2. 将所学句型运用到实际生活中。


五年级的学生已经有了一定的英语基础,在以往的学习中,学生们已经学会说I want to buy a …for….因此在本课时中可以直接在对话中体现,在前一课时中,学生们已经对本文有了初步的理解,并且能跟着chant读出本课时句型,因此在本课中应重点指导学生如何表达自己想要的服装样式,并运用到实际生活中。五年级的学生已经有了自己的主见,喜欢表达自己的意愿,因此在课堂中我注重让学生自由表达。


1. 组织教学:


Good afternoon, class. How are you today?

2)Warm up:

Sing a song(let’s sing a song- How do you like Sally’dress and shoes?


Today we’re going to learn Lesson6.2 How do you like this one?(板书课题)

Read the title together,one two.

What’s meaning of the sentence(你觉得这个怎么样?)


Last lesson we have learned Billy’s father’s birthday is coming. He wants to buy a present for his father. What does he want to buy? Guess.(shirt, birthday cake, sweater, jacket…)

4)Lead in:

Listen to tape and find the answer: What does he want to buy?(整体听课文)


2. 讲授新课:

1)Answer the question: Billy wants to buy a shirt for his father.板书


1Show two blue shirts, one is with long sleeves and another one is with short sleeves.(问学生what’s the difference between the two shirts)

引导学生说出long sleeves,short sleeves

齐读: long sleeves short sleeves

a shirt with long sleeves a shirt with short sleeves.板书

2Show two pictures, one is a button and another one is buttons

(问学生what’s the difference between them)


齐读:a button buttons

3Show two blue shirts, one is with buttons and another one is without buttons

(问学生what’s the difference between the two shirts)

引导学生说出with buttons, without buttons, a shirt with buttons, a shirt without buttons

齐读with buttons, without buttons, a shirt with buttons, a shirt without buttons

操练:Change the shirts to practice.

One students say the shirt that he or she wants, and another one find it.


1.Listen to the first part and find the answer

T:What’s his size?size(what’s meaning here?)

2.Listen to the second part and find the answer.

Show many shirts with different colors.

T: What color do you want, a blue/yellow/red shirt.

What color does Billy want?

3.T: Which one does Billy want?

Listen to the last two parts and find the answer. (He wants a shirt with long sleeves and without buttons.)

T: What style of shirt does Billy want? Ss: He wants a blue shirt with long sleeves and without buttons.


3. 巩固练习:

Listen to tape again and repeat.

Read it by themselves.


Let’s play a game .Do you want play with me?老师做裁判呈现六个背后藏有分值的笑脸,让同学们来选择。


Action2: 小组做对话。

T: Thanksgiving Day is coming. Let's buy some presents for our parents. Show some pictures of clothes. 六个小组分别要买一个老师指定的礼物,送给别人,练习用学过的知识描述衣服的特征。Act it in groups.

Practice the dialog in groups and act it.

渗透本课情感目标T: Our parents give us too much, so we must requite them. Please help your parents do some housework from now on.


4. 布置作业:

Write the new words and sentences.

Do "Let's study."

Every student design a kind of clothes and describe it to the others.