四年级英语《How Much Is It?》教学设计

四年级英语《How Much Is It?》教学设计
Grade Four
How Much Is It?
The First Period
1. Pupils are able to master the 4 main words of this class: colorful, pretty, cheap, expensive.
2. Pupils are able to use "Look at that dress. It's colorful/
pretty/cheap/expensive." to eva luate color/style/price
of the clothes.
3. Pupils are able to use "How much is it?" to ask the price of the clothes.
4. Pupils are able to sing the song.

Key points
Mastering the 4 main words of this class: colorful, pretty, cheap, expensive.
Difficult points
Using main words and main structures of this period comprehensively to organize a dialogue or conversation.
Cards Recorder Tape

Unit5 How Much Is It?


Look at that dress. It's…
How much is it?

Step One: Warm up
Review words. Show word cards. Ask pupils to read together.
(including number cards and clothes cards.)
Step Two: Let's learn
(1) pretty and colorful
Ask pupils to look at the picture in the book, read what Amy says.
(Look at that dress. It's pretty.)
Ask pupils to replace "Pretty" with other words.
(For example: beautiful)
Ask pupils to imitate the structure which Amy uses create new sentences to eva luate the other three dresses.(Look at that dress. It 's colorful/cheap/expensive.)
"Colorful" 's meaning.(full of color.)
Add Amy's mom's words, ask pupils to do pair work to eva luate the dresses. For example:
S1:Look at that dress. It's pretty.
S2:Yes, it is.
(2) Cheap and expensive
Play a game--cheap or expensive.
Game rules: Divide the class into two groups. One group show clothes cards and say the price marked on it. The other group say "cheap" or "expensive". Rule that when the price is lower than ¥50, say "cheap"; when the price is more than ¥50, say "expensive". Take turns.
(3) How much is it?
The teacher give a example: How much is that colorful dress?
Ask pupils to raise questions use the structure "How much is…" to ask the price of the other dresses? (How much is that pretty/ cheap/
expensive dress? )
Add the price, ask pupils to do pair work to ask the price of the dresses. For example:
S1:How much is that colorful dress?
S2:It's ¥60.
(4) Organize a dialogue or conversation
Play a game--simulation store.
Game rules: Free group, one pupil acts assistant, other pupils act customers.Use main words and main structures of this period comprehensively to organize a dialogue or conversation. Use real clothes or clothes cards.
For example:
S1: Look at the skirt. It's colorful.
S2: Yes, it is.
S1: How much is it?
S3: It's ¥100.
S2: Oh, it's very expensive!
Choose some groups act in front of the class.
Step Three: Let's chant
(1) Read the lyrics repeatedly.
(2) Listen to the tape.
(3) Sing along with the tape.
(4) Do pair work to chant, one act A, the other act B.
Step Four: Homework
Ask pupils to sing the song to family.
Class is over.