Unit 4 My family说课设计

Unit 4 My family说课设计

Step 1 Sing a song (Finger family)
Step 2 Revision
T: This is Mike’s family.
He has a a a and a .
He has a father, a mother, a sister and a brother.
T: Mike’s family is happy.
If you are Mike, please introduce your happy family.
T: Please do it in four.
1. 四个人一起扮演Mike,介绍自己的家人。
2. This is my… He’s… She’s… 可以帮助你们更好的介绍家人哦!
3. 哇喔!这真是幸福的一家人哦!
Step 3 Presentation
(1)Learn grandpa and grangma
T: You did a very good job!
Mike has a very happy family.
T: Look, who’s he?
Is he Mike’s papa?(PPT出示papa=father)
S: No. He’s Mike’s grandpa?
T: You’re right.
T: and—rand—grand—grandpa(指导学生自己去拼读)
T: And this is Mike’s grandma.(grandma留白给学生说) 让学生自己读读这个单词
T: Mike has a big family.
He has a grand ,a grand , a ther, a ther,a ther and a er.
(2)Learn the song
T: Look, Mike’s family is big and happy.
They all live together.
They all love another.
学习They all live together.
They all love another.
T: They all live together.
Listen the song.
Learn the song.
(3)Learn the cartoon
T: 最后一边唱的时候将前面几个单元中Sam和Bobby家庭发生的事情配上刚学的歌曲让学生演唱。
T: This is Sam’s family. This is Bobby’s family.
They are so happy to live together.
T: And it is in the evening. 教授evening
Please guess what will Sam and Bobby say?
T: Let’s watch the cartoon.
T: Look, Bobby and Sam are very surprised.
Who do Bobby and Sam meet?(Tina, John, tadpole)
Let’s watch and choose.
T: Please open your books and read in four.
T: 小组活动给卡通片配音
(4)Point and say
T: Everyone has a family. (PPT出示班级成员的家庭照片)
Look, can you introduce your family.
Let’s point and say.
T: Tips
1. 四人小组按照顺序用自己家庭照片介绍自己的家人。
2. 你们可以用下面的句子进行介绍哦!
Hello! Hi!
This is….
She is….
He is….
3. 如果你想让你的介绍更加精彩,还可以使用下面的句子哦!
We all live together.
We all love another.
4. 仔细聆听,让你们的介绍更加精彩吧!
Step 4 Consolidation
T: Do you love your family?
Here’s a cartoon about family.
Let’s watch.(family的公益广告片)
T: So family means(让学生自己说说Father and mother, I love you.)
T: Love your father, love your mother and love your family.
Step 5 Homework
1. Introduce your family with the photos.
2. Act the cartoon.
3. Sing the song to your family. And tell them you love them.