
munion parlance “Look at his /my /her shirt /blouse /jacket/sweater”、“It’s smart /pretty /nice ” or “ How nice!”课前准备录音机、磁带、挂图、图片、衣服实物。





Step1Free talk

andmotivation .

Step2 Presentation and practice .

Step 3

Play a game .

Step 4

Listen and sing.

Step5 Homework:

Greetings : Good morning /afternoon /How are you

Show a puppet.

The T introduces the puppet to the Ss.

T: Hello ,boys and girls ,This is Peter,Now I’m Peter ,Nice to meet you ,boys and girls .

Let’s learn to the new unit ,ok?

Learn to say :Look ,this ismyshirt/blouse/jacket/sweater.

Show the shirt .

T: Boys and girls .Look at shirt and listen to me carefully .This is a shirt .Say “a shirt ”T: Look at me and listen to me,please ,Look ,this is my shirt .Who is wearing a shirt ? Please stand up and say “Look ,this is my shirt .”

Learn to say :

Look ,this is my blouse /jacket /sweater.

The same method .?

T: This is SunTing’s jacket, You can say “Look ,this is her jacket”.

Guess whose shirt is this?

T:You can say :“Look ,this is his shirt ”

The T shows the puppet .

T: Peter and I are talking , what are wetalkingabout?Listen,listen,listen ,listen to me carefully .

The T shows two pencil-boxes .

Play a game .

Sing “Colour song”

Good morning /afternoon

Ss: Nice to meet you , Peter.

Sp:Ok .

Read after the T. Look ,this is my shirt .

Learn to sayLook ,this is her /his…The T shows some clothes. Guess . Whose jacket is this (A girl’s jacket.) (A boy’s shirt ?)

S1:This is Zhang Shuo’s shirt .

Practice in pairs . Learn to say :Look at … It’s smart /pretty /nice .

The Ss repeat .

Read after the T.

Passing game.(pass clothes and say it )

Guess (whose is this shirt)

Listen to the tape and repeat .

1、Read the dialogue after the taoe.

2、Make a new dialogue.



学习句子 This is her 、his、my….


学唱歌曲。说明:1、重点突出板块设计; 2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计) 3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。

课题: Unit7 It’s nice.


1. 教学目标:To understand and say the words : a dress , a skirt ,a T- shirt ,a coat . (能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物) 2.To understand what’s the difference between“this ” and “that ”。重点与难点:能准确区分并说“this ” and “that ”课前准备录音机、磁带、挂图、图片、衣服实物。





Step 1 Revision and motivation


Step2 Presentation and practice.

Greetings . Good morning/afternoon . How are you ?

Revision . a. T (指着自己的衬衫):Look at my blouse. T: Thank you .Now ,boys and girls .Show the puppet your pretty clothes .

c.T(指着一学生的衣服): Look at his /her blouse /shirt …

d. The T shows two clothes .
T:Look , this is my blouse .That’s her blouse .

1. The T shows a coat .
T: Look ,this is my coat ,coat ,my coat .
Puppet: Oh ,coat ,your coat .That’s your coat .

2. T: Oh ,your coat ,that’s your coat . 3. T(指着一男生的T-

Good morning/afternoon . How are you ? Sing a song《Colour song》:Who is wearing yellow/green /…today? 举起布偶:Oh,it’s pretty . b. (学生一个一个说):Look at my blouse/shirt /jacket /sweater . Puppet: Oh ,how nice .It’s smart /pretty /nice

Ss: Oh ,how nice .It’s smart /pretty /nice …

The Ss follow the T

The Ss follow the puppet : Coat ,your coat .That’s your coat . The Ss show their coats to the T and say : Look ,this is my coat .复习日常交际用语。

学习 a dress , a skirt ,a T- shirt ,a coat .

Step 3 . Consolidation

Step 4 Homework:shirt ): Look at his T-shirt .
Puppet : Oh, his T-shirt .It’s smart .

4. Look and say the other words .
The same method .

1. Listen to the tape . B Look and learn . 2. Workbook .A . Listen find and circle .
B. Listen find and colour

Listen to the tape and repeat . DESIGN: B Look and learn

1、Listen to the tape ,read after the tape. 2、Makea new dialogue with the parteners. .

Practice in pairs .

Listen to the tape . B Look and learn . Workbook .A . Listen find and circle .
B. Listen find and colour


说明:1、重点突出板块设计; 2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计) 3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。

课题: Unit7 It’s nice.


教学目标:C Look and say : Look at his /her … Look , this is … That’s … (能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物) .Work book : C Listen and judge .重点与难点:1. Enable the Ss to make dialogues .2. The Ss can talk in English ,课前准备wall pictures , recorder ,cassette .





Step1 .Warm-up

Step2 Presentation and practice .

1.Greetings :Look at his /her, Look, this is …That’s …

2. Play a game .

3. Let’s talk in English.
T: Please show me your pretty clothes and say “Look at my …”
Ss(一个一个说):Look at my shirt /coat /sweater /…
T:It’s smart /pretty /nice /…
Exchange . Show the wall pictures . a . (1) Is there a jacket or a coat in the picture? (2)Whose is this jacket ? (3)What ‘s the monkey saying? b. Discuss .
Make a dialogue like this : 2.Sing a song :《Hello !How are you ?》

Look at the T’s mouth and guess .(a shirt /dress …)

4. Listen to the tape and try to imitate

Sa :Look at his jacket . Sb: It’s smart /pretty /nice 复习所学的日常交际用语。


Step3 Do the workbook

Step4 Consolidation.

Step5 Homework

T—S Group work . d.Check . Show another pictures .
a. Look at the picture .
Q:1) How many people are there in the picture ?
5.T: Who’d like to make a dialogue with me ?
e.g T: You are Nancy.I’m another girl .You can say : Look ,this is my skirt ,I say :That’s my blouse .
The same method ..

Page 23 C Listen and judge .
Listen to the tape and look at the pictures ,then mark .If it’s true ,please draw a smiling face .If it’s false ,please draw a crying face .

1. Listen to the tape (Part A Part B) 2. Read after the tape Sing a song :《 Goodbye 》 : Read Unir 7 Part A and B.


2) How many clothes are there in the picture ?

S1: Look ,this is my skirt .
S2: That’s my blouse .
b.Look at the other pictures and make dialogues .

Key :
1.J 2.J 3.L 4. J

Listen to the tape (Part A Part B) Read after the tape

Listen to the tape and repeat .


听录音朗读。说明:1、重点突出板块设计; 2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计) 3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。

课题: Unit7 It’s nice.


教学目标:D Funhouse : Listen and number Sing a song 《Colour song》(能唱简单的英语歌曲)重点与难点:Go on learning the new words and the new sentences The Ss can sing a song “ Colour song”. 新课 标 第一 网课前准备录音机、磁带、挂图、图片、衣服实物





Step1:Warm up

Step2 Presentation and practice .
Step 3. Sing a song

Step4Draw and guess

Step 5 Homework:

Greetings . Sing a song 《Hello!How are you ?》 Say a rhyme 《They are all very good 》 Show the cards ( clothes)
Q: a. What’s this ?
b. What colour is it?
e.g a 、a brown jacket b 、 a white skirt …

《Colour song 》 1. Listen to the tape . 2. Action . .

1. T: Look at the blackboard and guess what I am drawing .
2. Practice in pairs .

Listen to the tape and repeat . Sing a song 《Hello!How are you ?》 Say a rhyme 《They are all very good

S1: Look ,this is a brown jacket .
S2: It’s smart /pretty/nice (How nice !) Practice

Listen to the tape and number. KEY. 2.Sing after the tape

Practice in pairs .复习所学的日常交际用语。


学唱歌曲《Colour song 》

说明:1、重点突出板块设计; 2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计) 3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。