
PEP 3A Unit6 Happy Birthday! Part A Let’s learn


  1、 能听说、认读数字1到10。
  2、 能听懂所学的指令语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。
教学难点:数字的准确发音,尤其是3、5、9 三个数字的发音要到位。

Step1.Warm up

A. Listen to a song----Ten little candles dance (T: First time let’s listen. The second time if you can, let’s sing together.)

Step2.Greeting &Revision

A. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice too meet you! How are you?

B. Now let’s do Simon says:

Show me your book. (第一次教师示范)

Show me your pencil.

Show me your ruler.

Show me your bag.

Show me your leg. (稍加动作提示是身体部位了)

Show me your arm.

Show me your hand.

Show me your finger.

Step3. Appear

A. Show me this finger, this one and this one. (边说边做“非常6+1的手势”,做出的同学并给与鼓励,super/great/ good.)-----展示PPT“非常6+1”。

B. T: Look here. It’s a program.(引导学生说节目的名称)

Yes. It has the chance to break the golden eggs.

So today if you are well done, you have the chance to break the eggs too. Now let’s begin our class’s “非常6+1”, ok?

Step4. Presentation

A. six & one & two

a. This is six and one(分解6和1的手势动作,做两次,说两次,让学生跟着做和说)

b. six (Read after T several times单词卡片贴墙上, then ask Ss to do and say)

c. one (T: Yes, this is six. And this is… one手势. Show me one finger and one finger.两只手展示one的手势. One finger, one finger, go, go, go. One finger, one finger, go, go, go.在PPT上展示,并且引导学生边说边做T: Ok, can you do now? Look carefully.变手指的小魔术---two)

d. two (跟读)

e. Practice: I can say

Look, I have one/ two_______. (男女分开比赛,并奖励 动物贴纸)

B.three & four

a. appear

T: Look, I have two legs. But … (听声音Look, I have three legs. 吃惊的表情,加上手势和动作 three legs? What is it? Guessing)

b. three

1. 跟读,注意 “th” 的发音。

2. practice:three______(6个礼盒猜动物)

c. four

1. appear: 第6个礼盒是4只动物

2. 跟读,并练口令:T: one two three. Ss: four, four four.

C. practice (听和认读):

Let’s do and say: Turtle dancing

Turtle, turtle, one head.

Turtle, turtle, four legs.

Turtle, turtle, short tail.

D. five

T: Wow, wonderful! It’ s a smart turtle(竖起大拇指).It is a little mathematician. (小小数学家)

One and one is two. ____and___is____

1+1=2 2+1=3 3+1=4 4+1=5(引出five: 跟读,抽查,give me five)

E. seven

1. ____and___is____5+1=6 6+1=7(seven)

F. eight

1. PPT动画的巧妙运用,两个7的图片相结合—8(eight)。

G.Let’s chant

Five, six, touch your case.

Case, case, touch your case.

Seven, eight, touch your book.

Book, book, touch your book

Nine, ten, touch your pen.

Pen, pen, touch your pen.

H. nine & ten跟读操练

Step5 Practice

A. Let’s count 1--10, 10—1

B. Let’s do: Show me one and two…

C. Look and match

Step6 Consolidation

1. 介绍动物园:Look,this is my bag. I have…

Step7 Homework




PEP1 Part A Let’s learn

One two three four

Five six seven eight

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