
municate with others.
2. Be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: strawberry, grapes.
Focus Points & Difficult Points :
The pronunciation of “Certainly”

Teaching Preparation:
1. Food cards
2. VCD and tape.
Ss: A picture of fruit or foods.
Designing for the blackboard:
Certainly= Sure
Sorry, I don’t like bananas. (more polite)
Have some more?
No, thank you.

Teaching Steps:
Step1. Warming –up
1. Greetings.
2. Sing a song “An Apple a Day”
3. Free talk
T: Hello, S1. How are you?
S: Very well, thanks. How are you?
T: Fine, thank you. I have so many fruits. Do you like bananas?
S: Yes, I do.
T: Here you are.
S: Thank you.
T: You’re welcome.
T: Do you like strawberries?
T teaches strawberry and grapes.
Step2.Presentation and Practise.
1. Continue to the free talk.
T: Do you like …...?
S: No, I don’t.
T: What do you like?
S: I like ……
T leads to say: You can say “Can I have an apple, please?”
S: Can I have an apple, please?
T: Certainly.

T: Do you like……?
S: No, I don’t. Can I have ……, please?
T: Certainly. Here you are.
S: Thank you.
T: You’re welcome.
T writes down “certainly” : What’s the meaning of certainly?
S: 当然可以。
T: Certainly= Sure.
Run trains.
Practise in pairs.

2. T: Do you like bananas?
S: No, I don’t.
T: You also can say “ Sorry, I don’t like bananas./them.” It’s more polite.
S: Sorry, I don’t like bananas. Can I have an apple, please?
T: Certainly.

3. Continue with above dialogue.
T: Have some more?
S: No, thank you.

4. Text.
a. Watch the VCD.
b.Read after the tape.
c.Read after the T.
d.Act it.
e.Make a similar dialogue.

Step 3. Assessment.
1).T explains the meaning of the task.
2) Ss do it after the class.