
ing back from abroad.
B.To grate the coming of Han Han.
C.To celebrate Mary’s birthday.
8.Where are the two speakers?
A.On the Internet.B.On the phone.C.On the plane.
9.What did the man eat?
A.Noodles with sea food.B.Salad with sea food. C.Rice with sea food.
10.What may be the relationship between the two speakers?
A.Doctor and patient.B.Mother and son.C.Friends.
11.How did the man get the food?
A.The man bought it.B.The woman cooked it.C.The man cooked it.
12.What may be the relationship between the two speakers?
A.Employer and employee.B.Teacher and student.C.Clerk and customer.
13.What does the woman think of herself?
14.How long will the woman be trained?
A.A month.B.Half a year.C.A year.
15.What does the woman’s colleague advise?
A.The woman should manage the supermarket.
B.The woman should practice in the office of the hotel.
C.The woman should ask for a higher pay.
16.What does the woman study?
A.Hotel management.B.Clothing design.C.Marketing.
17.What can we infer from the conversation?
A.The woman hasn’t graduated.
B.The woman has graduated.
C.The woman will leave the company.

18.How long will the flight take?
A.Three hours and five minutes.
B.Three hours and fifteen minutes.
C.Three hours and fifty minutes.
19.What is the average speed?
20.What may the passengers do during the flight?
A.Use cell phones.B.Smoke.C.Use laptop computers.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.
21.The book is aimed globe travelers rather than the one-trip-a-year holiday ones.
22.I didn’t see the 3D film Hugo, or I you about it.
A.had toldB.would have toldC.must have toldD.told
23.By me that no good could come of staying, the policeman persuaded me to leave.
A.adopting B.attempting C.predicting D.convincing
24.______ was very_______ that little Tom wrote the letter.
A. It ; carefulB. It ; carefullyC. He ; carefulD. He ; carefully
25.There is not much I can say that the love I hold for Jay Chou, my favorite pop star.
A.conveysB.has conveyed
C.will convey D.conveyed
26.Some students believe that they must read every text slowly and carefully, every unknown word and stopping to worry about it.
A.underline B.underlining
C.underlined D.to underline
27.It was in the factory______ his friend worked_______ he picked up a lot of experience.
A. where ; whereB. that ; whereC. that ; thatD. where ; that
28.Frankly speaking, I really hate when I get a lot of junk e-mails.
29.John didn’t think he was getting what was coming to him, he stopped the job.
A.ifB.for C.soD.after
30.The teams decided to play game out in spite of the failing light.
A.the; aB.the; the C.the; 不填D.不填; 不填

31.According to the news, a(n) driver carelessly ran into and damaged a family car on a highway.
A.ashamed B.random C.opposed D.awkward
32.Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to_______ of her happiness.
A. making sureB. be sureC. being sureD. make sure
33.Could you tell me that that makes you never give up when you are working on the entertainment?
A.what it isB.what is itC.it is whatD.is it what
34.The manager was about to leave his secretary called him back.
35.Recently, more than three thousand students guaranteed they would be far away from net bars in Zhangjiajie city, Hunan Province.
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I was walking home from work on a busy city street with lots of people. At that time, I wasn’t
36 going home, because my friends was 37 with their own business and weren’t able to spend time lazily with me. It’s then when I 38 past a homeless person that I hadn’t 39 before. He was moving back and forth to stay 40 , and very gently asking for some 41 . His words for money were so quiet that I could 42 hear him.
Something made me stop, turn around, an d walk up to him. All the while 43 thoughts w hirled (回旋)around in my head like, “What do you think you’re doing?” “You’re 44 , it’s dark out and you’re a woman.” Before I knew what I was 45 I asked him if he had had dinner yet and would he like to 46 me at a nearby restaurant. He said he hadn’t eaten and he would like to. 47 , he walked with me a few yards to the restaurant and 48 the door open for me as we entered.
He asked for the smallest thing on the 49 but I ordered a larger meal and I explained that the
50 wasn’t worth worrying about. We had a good dinner and a pleasant 51 about everyday things like where we grew up and what kind of music we liked. All the time I just hoped to say the
52 thing and to give him the 53 everyone deserves. I didn’t want to be like the case that I was better than anybody.
I was so grateful for this experience. I may not have met my friends that evening but I met an unexpected friend and the experience 54 my life. It will make me think twice i n future before I
55 about something I think I lack.
36.A.keeping away fromB.putting offC.insisting on D.looking forward to
37.A.easyB.busy C.carefulD.satisfied
38.A.walked B.lookedC.cameD.turned
39.A.felt B.knownC.seen D.heard
40.A.warm B.coldC.coolD.hot
42.A.happilyB.hopefully C.hardly D.sadly
43.A.merryB.anxious C.boring D.touching
44.A.alone B.lonelyC.kindD.excellent
45.A.askingB.thinking C.saying D.finding
46.A.join B.inviteC.takeD.bring
48.A.knocked B.pushedC.held D.threw
49.A.tableB.dishC.menu D.plate
50.A.incomeB.price C.tipD.service
52.A.wrongB.right C.goodD.bad
53.A.respect B.moneyC.helpD.worry
54.A.destroyedB.keptC.changed D.made

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Immigrants to the coast of southern Appalachian Mountains of North America brought the music and instruments of the Old World along with them for nearly 300 years. They brought some of their most important valuables with them. To most of them this was an instrument. Early Scottish settlers enjoyed the violin because it could be played to sound sad or li vely. The Irish violin, the German dulcimer, the Italian mandolin, the Spanish guitar, and the West African banjo were the most common musical instruments.
The communication among musicians fr om different ethnic groups(族群)produ ced music unique to this region of North America. Appalachian string bands(弦乐队)of the early 20th century primarily consisted of the violin, guitar, and banjo. This early country music along with early recorded country m usic is often referred to as old-time music.
According to Bill Malone in Country Music U.S.A, country music was “introduced to the world as a southern phenomenon.” In the South, folk music was a combination of cultural types, combining musical traditions of a variety of ethnic groups in the region. For example, some instrumental pieces from Anglo-Celtic immigrants were the basis of folk songs and ballads that form what is now known as old time music, from which country music descended. It is commonly thought that British and Irish folk music influenced the development of old time music. British and Irish arrivals to the Southern U.S. included immigrants from Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and England.
When many people think or hear country music, they think of it as a creation of European-Americans. However, a great deal of style-and of course, the banjo, a major instrument in most early American folk songs-came from African Americans. One of the reasons country music was created by African-Americans, as well as European-Americans, is that blacks and whites in rural communities in the south often worked and played together.
56.Where might the immigrants live 300 years ago according to the first paragraph?
A.In the mountains.B.Near the sea.
C.Along the lakes.D.By the rives.
57.Why did early Scottish settlers like to play the violin?
A.Because the violin could produce sound sad or cheerful.
B.Because the settlers al ways had nothing to do.
C.Because the settlers wanted to win the competitions among themselves.
D.Because the violin could bring about happy feelings in the settlers’ life.
58.What can we infer from the se cond paragraph?
A.Different kinds of instruments made the music unique.
B.Musicians from different ethnic groups liked to exchange ideas with each other.
C.Musicians never gave their own music to others.
D.Old-time music was played by the violin, guitar, and mandolin in the beginning.
59.What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Where and How Early Immigrants to the US Lived
B.African Instruments Influenced American Country Music
C.Why Early Immigrants Produced Folk Songs
D.The Early History of American Country Music
Rio (often promoted as Rio: The Movie) is a 2011 American 3D computer-animated musical comedy film and Blue Sky Studios’ sixth feature film(故事片). The title refers to the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, in which the film is set. The film was released in the United States on April 15, 2011, which was directed by Carlos Saldanha.
In a jungle near Rio de Janeiro, a baby Spix parrot who is unable to fly and several other birds are captured by smugglers(走私者)and taken to Moose Lake, Minnesota. The box containing the parrot falls to the street and is found by a girl named Linda, who names him “Blu”. Fifteen years later, Linda lives in a bookstore with Blu. Túlio, a scientist, tells Linda that Blu is the last male of his species, and he needs to marry a female to preserve it.
Linda takes Blu to Brazil, where Blu meets a female parrot named Jewel whom he falls for, but she cares about escaping. The shelter is attacked by smugglers, who are let in by the lead smuggler’s Cockatoo(美冠鹦鹉), Nigel. Among them is Fernando, a poor, orphaned boy who helps the smugglers to earn money. Blu and Jewel are captured and Nigel explains that he used to be a performing bird on a television program, but was replaced by a parrot. Out of hatred(恨), Nigel assists smugglers in capturing foreign birds. After he leaves, Blu and Jewel escape from limit. As they flee, Nigel chases them through Rio, and Blu and Jewel get lost in the jungle.
They meet a family of toucans(犀鸟), whose father, Rafael, offers to take them to see his friend Luiz in removing the chain. Rafael attempts to teach Blu to fly, but Blu fails. Meanwhile, Nigel gets the aid of a group of thieving monkeys, to find Blu and Jewel. Linda and Tulio also try to find Blu…
60.How many feature films did Blue Sky Studios produce before Rio?
A. Four feature films.B.Five feature films.
C.Six feature films.D.Seven feature films.
61.Why can the Spix parrot meet Linda?
A.Because Linda buys the Spix parrot from the smugglers.
B.Because the smugglers presents the Spix parrot to Linda.
C.Because Linda rescues the Spix parrot with the scientist’s help.
D.Because Linda find the left box containing the Spix parrot.
62.The Spix parrot Blu is carried to Brazil in order to .
A.have a good holiday with Linda
B.find his missing family
C.look for a female to produce young generation
D.find the smuggler who caught him
63.What can we think of Rafael according to the last paragraph?
A Charlotte, North’Carolina, lawyer bought a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured (投保)them against fire among other things. Having smoke d all his great cigars within a month, the lawyer filed claim(索赔)against the insurance company.
In his claim, the lawyer said the cigars were lost “in the series of small fires”. Of course, the insurance company refused to pay, giving the obvious reason that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.
The lawyer brought the case to the court and out of everybody’s expectation, he actually won! At the end of the trial, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was somewhat crazy. But the judge said that the lawyer held a policy(保险单)from the company in which it had promised the cigars could be insured and that it would insure them against fire. Because the company didn’t say what is considered to be unacceptable fire, it had to pay the claim.
Rather than put up with long and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the punishment and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the rare cigars lost in the “fires”.
After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested and accused him of arson(纵火罪)! With his own insurance claim from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was charged with burning his insured possessions on purpose and was sentenced to 24 months in prison and a $24,000 fine.
This is a true story and was the first place winner in the recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest. It is thought to be the best lawyer story of the year, decade, and probably the century.
64.The lawyer had smoked all the cigars .
A.by designB.by mistake
C.by accidentD.by contract
65.The proper order of the lawyer’s activities is .
a.having the company pay his claimb.having himself put in prison and fined
c.having smoked all the cigarsd.bringing the company to the court
e.insuring the box of cigars
66.The underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refers to .
A.the box of cigarsB.the insurance company
C.the policyD.the claim
67.Which of the following proverbs is best suitable for the lawyer?
A.Who spits against heaven, it falls in his face.
B.Even the wise make mistakes sometimes.
C.Accidents will happen.
D.An honest man doesn’t do anything underhand.
Forest schools are a type of outdoor education in which children (or adults) visit forests, learning personal, social and technical skills. It has been defined as “an inspirational process that offers children, young people and adults regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment”.
Forest schools use the woods and forests as a means to build independence and self-esteem in school-age children. Topics are broad including the natural environment, for example the role of trees in society, the complex ecosystem supported by a wilderness, and recognition of specific plants and animals. However, the personal skills are considered highly valuable, such as teamwork and problem solving. The woodland environment may be used to learn about more abstract concepts such as mathematics and communication. Forest schools are also called nature schools.
Schedules within forest schools vary, but a typical approach is to take school children to woodland for once a week, with 6 week observation period at first. Often a baseline(基线)is produced for each child in terms of areas of their overall development, with particular emphasis on their social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL). Once the baseline assessment has been produced the Forest Schools teachers will then continue with the long term programme over the course of the academic year in order to support the child in their development and learning. The teachers will provide opportunities for each child to develop in areas that have been identified as requiring interventions(介入)or support of any kind. The time and frequency of visits influences the degree of outcome most; more time spent in forest schools brings greater benefits. Visits should continue throughout the year, allowing children to experience all weathers and the changing seasons.
Forest schools are often “led by the child’s interests” by comparison to other outdoor education which “starts with a problem for the children to investigate”.
68.Who can benefit from Forest schools?
A.People who are not suitable for the p ublic school system.
B.People of different countries learn the same language.
C.People who are dismissed by the public schools.
D.People of all ages who hope to learn knowledge.
69.What personal skills are considered highly valuable in Forest schools?
A.The ability of inventing something of great valuable.
B.The power of making himself stronger in character.
C.The ability of joining teamwork and solving problems.
D.The skills of making friends with some strange people.
70.What is the common way to be used in Forest schools?
A.Letting children themselves make study plans.
B.Guiding students to carry out experiments in labs.
C.Teaching children to learn to observe in fixed time.
D.Introducing contents beyon d the requirements of textbooks.
My stepmother did work very far away. After about an hour of walking, my little brother got tired. 71 He started getting really heavy, that’s when I noticed that he had fallen asleep. I then looked down and saw that he had lost a shoe while sleeping. I knew we needed to find that shoe. My stepmother would not be able to afford new shoes for my brother.
72 So I told him to stay where he was and I would run and find the shoe and comeback for him. A man overheard and stopped me right before I walked off. He asked me, “You are leaving your brother here to go find the shoe? What if he is not here when you return?” 73
He asked where we were headed and I told him my little brother wanted his mother. I remember him looking at me and smiling really big. He took both me and my brother and put us in a taxi and sent us to our destination. 74 When we got home, I received a spanking(打屁股). She said it was because I did not consider mine and my brother’s safety.
During my entire life I have got much kindness from strangers. 75 But he taught me a lesson that I cherish and value to this day-that people are more important than things.
A.I did not know how to answer that question.
B.I walked with him on my back for what seemed to be endless.
C.When my mother saw us, she was very surprised and glad.
D.Once we got there, my mother was not too happy to hear the story.
E.My only regret is that I do not remember what the gentleman’s face looked like.
F.Because my brother wanted to see his mother, I decided to carry him to the place.
G.But it would take too long to do it while carrying my brother.
第 二 卷
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
When I was six years old, I went to school and became a pupil. My first teacher is Mrs. Zheng. She was an old teacher. Her eyes were kind but bright. She treated us as her child and loved us heart and soul. One day in afternoon, we were having our handwriting lesson. I was so careful that I got the ink bottle broken and ink ran out of it. I was anxious and frightened. Tears came into my eyes. Just at that time, in comes my dear teacher-Mrs. Zheng, with a sweet smile on my kind face. “Don’t worry about it. You are a pupil now. You must face the difficulty on life brave.” Then she helped me clean the ground. This happened when I was in the Grade One. I will remember her words for ever.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
姓名Steve Jobs
出生地美国 加州 旧金山市
毕业院校Homestead High School
参考词汇:旧金山市 San Francisco;教父 godfather;企业家 entrepreneur
