
e or not ________(没关系).

答案:makes no difference

12.He couldn't________ (集中精力)his work.

答案:fix his attention on/concentrate on

13.I ________(感到内疚)for not giving her any help at that time.

答案:felt guilty

14.You should________(省去)these unlucky words.

答案:leave out

15.In the old days people________often ________ (受到威胁,暴露)some unknown diseases.

答案:were;exposed to 

16. The photos on the wall __________________ (使我想起)the happy days we spent on that island.

答案:reminded me of

17. Mary is a girl____________(多才多艺),especially she ____________(有天赋)singing and dancing.

答案:of many gifts;has a gift for

18. Many people in Africa have to____________(挨饿)and some of them even ________(饿死).

答案:go hungry;starve to death

19. Would you____________ (帮助)Professor Green in __________ (分析)these results of the experiment?


20.We gather here____________ (为了纪念)those who gave their lives for our happiness.

答案:in memory of/to honour


答案:①When arriving at home I told my mother about the good news.(分词用法)
②On my arrival at home I told my mother about the good news.
③Hardly had I entered the house when I told my mother about the good news(倒装句)
④No sooner had I entered the house than I told my mother about the good news.(倒装句)


答案:He came home very late,tired and upset.


答案:We were about to telephone the date for the meeting to him when he called up for it.


答案:①It was not until I checked the data three times that I felt I was really tired.
②Only when I have all the data checked for three times, I feel really tired.


答案:He has been studying very hard.No wonder he gets good marks in every examination.


答案:There is no need for you to worry about her so much.After all she is not a child any more.


答案:There is no doubt that I will spare no effort to help you.

答案:You will find it worthwhile to solve the problem with one million yuan.