
e from?
A. A bird-shooting trip. B. A visit to Europe. C. A television talk show.
15.When did Sir Hugh’s first book of records appear?
A. In 1875. B. In 1950. C. In 1955.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a short talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.
You will hear the short passage TWICE
The History of the Umbrella
●First, the umbrella was not invented as a 16__ against rain. It was first used as a shade against the sun.
●When it first appeared in Egypt, it was used only by the rich as a symbol of their __17 .
●In 18 , the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella.
●During the middle ages, it appeared again in Italy in the 19 century and later in France and in England.
●Now, umbrellas have not changed much in 20__ , but they do become much lighter.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Part II Language Knowledge(45 marks)
Section A (15 marks)
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
21. A study ________ in the U.S.A. in 1977 showed that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke.
A. carrying out B. carried out C. working out D. worked out
22.Penicillin was then produced ________ in order to meet the demands of the armies.
A. in large amounts B.in large plenty
C. in large quantities D.in large number
23.The little girl ________ a cry at the sight of a big snake.
A. let out B. gave out C. made outD. shouted out
24.Most of our dreams that used to be impossible have ________ true.
A. came B. come C. goneD. appeared
25.______ acupuncture developed, the simple “bian stones” were replaced first by stone and pottery needles, and ________ by metal needles.
A. As , eventually B. With, eventually
C. With, accidentally D. As, accidentally
26.Someone who lacks perseverance is unlikely to _______ a good researcher.
A. make B. turn C. get D. grow
27. The traffic lights ______ green and I pulled away.
A. came B. grew C. got D. went
28.―How about your journey to Mount Tai ?
―Everything was wonderful except that our car ____twice on the way.
A. slowed down B. broke down C. got down D. put down
29.― I’ve read another book this week.
― Well, maybe _____ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.
A. this B. that C. there D. it
30.It’s helpful to put children in a situation _____ they can see themselves differently.
A. that B. when C. which D. where
31. ― Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you .
― Thanks. You_______. I could manage it myself.
A.needn’t do B. needn’t have done C. mustn’t do D. shouldn’t have done
32. ________well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.
A. However B. Whatever C. No matter D. Although
33. He was busy writing a story, only _____once in a while to smoke a cigarette.
A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped
34. According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer
_____a woman.
A. than B. such C. so D. as
35. The price of pork has not been kept under control as expected, and _____ is more surprising is that the price has risen by 15% just in the past few months.
A.that B.which C.what D.it

Section B(18 marks)
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases
marked A,B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the
Are you a top student in your school, or at least a top one in your class? If not, you may learn something from my story.
Growing up in a poor family with uneducated parents, I was not good at my study. But a teacher changed my life. Without her, I couldn’t have 36 so much in my later career. I can still remember the very important day that has 37 my whole life.
I did so 38 in math that you may not imagine that I even couldn’t count from “ONE” to “TEN”, when I was in Grade Three.
Then the 39_ day came. My father was asked to come to school to 40_ with my teacher, Ms King. You can’t imagine how angry and 41_ my father was when he heard about my “excellent achievement”. He 42 at me:“since you can’t even count from ‘ONE ’to ‘TEN’, what are you able to be when you 43_ up? Now, tell me!”I was scared and 44_ and didn’t know what to say and tears came immediately into my eyes.
Then the most unforgettable time in my life came. “Maybe he can be a boxing referee one day. That 45 only needs him to count from ‘ONE’ to ‘NINE’, which may 46 him well.” Ms King looked into my eyes and firmly said.
Now, I am in my forties, and can you believe it that thanks to Ms King, I am really a well-known boxing 47 of WBO(World Boxing Organization),and that I do need to count only from “ONE” to “NINE”? So are still worried about your poor grades at school? Remember there will always be a place waiting for you!
36. A. lostB. rememberedC. achievedD. abandoned
37. A. transformedB. conveyedC. celebratedD. transported
38. A. wellB. badlyC. hopefullyD. doubtfully
39. A. wonderfulB. amazingC. boringD. terrible
40. A. meetB. comeC. dealD. cope
41. A. cheerfulB. ashamedC. delightedD. jealous
42. A. laughedB. smiledC. whisperedD. shouted
43. A. takeB. useC. growD. wash
44. A. embarrassedB. angryC. curiousD. unsatisfied
45. A. suggestionB. professionC. introductionD. instruction
46. A. teachB. trainC. educateD. suit
47. A. teacherB. coachC. refereeD. apprentice

Section C (12 marks)
Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.
In China, Mother’s Day is becoming more popular, and carnations(康乃馨)are a very popular gift. In 1997 48 was set as the day to help poor mothers, specially to remind people 49_ the poor mothers in rural areas. In the People’s Daily, 50_ article explained that “despite originating in the United States, people in China take the holiday 51 it goes in line with(符合) the country’s traditional ethics(道德标准)―respect to the elderly and filial piety(子女的孝顺)to parents.” In recent years many people began 52 advocate for the official adoption of Mother’s Day 53 memory of Meng Mu, the mother of Meng Zi, and some officials even formed a non-governmental organization called Chinese Mothers’ Festival Promotion Society, with the support 100 Confucian scholars and lecturers of ethics. They also ask to replace the Western gift of carnations with lilies(百合花), 54_, were planted by Chinese mothers 55 children left home in ancient times.

Part III Reading Comprehension(30 marks)
Directions: Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


Bugs Bunny's Hoping Carrot Hunt
In this game you are Bugs Bunny.and your goal is to reach the finish line.A carrot truck has spilled its cargo! Gather as many carrots as you can, and when you get the big carrot, you'll be able to jump even higher!
Instructions: Use the mouse to move Bugs left and right, and click to jump a gap while gathering carrots.
Category: Action

Mushroom Madness
You are in charge of protecting several farms.It's up to you to make sure the mushrooms there reach maturity before the animals in the forest get their hands on them.Use your swatter(苍蝇拍)to fight off anything that comes near them; use heavier weapons if necessary.
Instructions:Slap any creature that conies near your mushrooms.Use the mouse to control the swatter.If you see a "power up", click to use it.Collect coins to buy upgrades after each level.
Category: Action

Rudolph's Kick and Fly
Santa's little helpers have worked all year preparing for Christmas.When Santa finally leaves to deliver his presents, the elves(精灵)head down to the snowfields with Rudolph, the reindeer, to play their favorite game: Kick and Fly!
Instructions: 1.Use the mouse to aim, and click to launch an elf.
2.While in the air, click again to catch, and to gain extra height.
3.The goal is to collect as many Christmas ornaments(装饰物)possible, and get 10 points for each one.
Tips: If you're heading towards an obstacle(障碍), be sure to avoid it!
Category: Action

Click Flick
Your mission is to save chicks falling from the sky.Use your trampoline (蹦床) to bounce them up and direct them into a nest.But hurry―if you don't, many chicks will fall and lose their lives.There will be falling bombs, worms, nuts and eggs and you can get extra points by collecting the worms and nuts.Save the amount of chicks shown to unlock the next level!
Instructions: Move the chicks left and right using keys or the mouse.
Category: Adventure

56. The main purpose of the passage is to ___________.
A.tell us different categories of games
B.ask us to decide which game is the best
C. introduce several interesting computer games
D. let us eva luate whether we are interested in the games
57.If a player has collected some worms and nuts, he ____________.
A. is playing Mushroom Madness B. will lose the game quite soon
C. will get 10 points for each one D. will get extra points and get ahead
58.Which of the following statements about the games is TRUE according to the
A. Bugs Bunny needs to be fast to win.
B. All four games are in the same category.
C. Players can only use the mouse to control the targets.
D. The number of elves decides whether a player wins in Rudolph's' Kick and Fly.
59.If a player wants to become stronger to drive animals away, he should try to _____.
A. find a "power up" or use heavier weapons
B. collect falling bombs as quickly as possible
C. click the elf while it's in the air
D. get the big carrot while running
60.In which game are there obstacles you must avoid?
A. Bugs Bunny's Hopping Carrot Hunt. B. Mushroom Madness.
C. Rudolph's Kick and Fly. D. Click Flick.
Chinese star Yao Ming has retired. Yao made it official Wednesday, telling a news conference that a series of foot and leg injuries forced him to end his playing career at the age of 30.
“I will formally end my career,’’ said Yao, who became a household name in China before starting his NBA career with the Houston Rockets in 2002. Yao played eight seasons in the NBA.
“Today is an important day for me and holds a special meaning for both my basketball career and my future,’’ Yao said. “I had to leave the court since I suffered a stress fracture(断裂) in my left foot for the third time at the end of last year. My past six months were a painful wait. I have been thinking about my future over and over. Today I am announcing a personal decision, ending my career as a basketball player and officially retire. But one door is closing and another one is opening.’’
Yao said he would return to work with his former Chinese team, the Shanghai Sharks, with the possibility of becoming general manager. He already owns the club and wants to contribute more. “My playing career started with the club. I hope I can do something for it,’’ Yao said.
He later appeared with his family on the stage to the applause and cheers of the crowd. He thanked a lot of people ― his family, former coaches, even players like Shaquille O’Neal ― “for making me a better player.’’
Rockets general manager Daryl Morey was among those attending the farewell(告别) conference Wednesday. Morey made the long trip from Houston. Morey said 20 hours on planes was tiring but “I would be sorry if I wasn’t here.” “It’s a big moment,’’ Morey added. “Yao had a sense of humor, a great attitude and sense of responsibility. I hope we can continue his culture in the NBA.’’
61. Yao Ming has retired from basketball because of _____.
A. his age B. his bad conducts on the court
C. his foot and leg injuries D. his poor health
62. Yao Ming was _____ before he decided to end his career as a basketball player.
A. peacefulB. upsetC. confidentD. proud
63. Yao Ming started his playing career in _____.
A. ShanghaiB. HoustonC. BeijingD. New York
64. According to the passage, which of the following words can’t be used to describe
Yao Ming?
A. Talented.B. Responsible. C. Humorous. D. Cautious.
65. What do you know about Daryl Morey?
A. Daryl Morey thinks highly of Yao Ming.
B. Daryl Morey was Yao Ming’s coach.
C. Daryl Morey is a basketball player in the Houston Rockets.
D. Daryl Morey is not satisfied with Yao Ming’s retirement from basketball.

A new report says the number of foreign students at colleges and universities in the United States increased by three percent last year. This has been the first obvious increase since 2001.
American schools last fall had 583,000 foreign students. The record is 586,000. That was set in 2002 after many years of gains. But after that the numbers fell. The terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 led to more visa (签证) requirements. Now stronger efforts are being made to get more foreign students to study in the United States.
China remained in second place in front of South Korea but behind India, which sent almost 84,000 students last fall. The number of Japanese fell sharply by nine percent, although it remained in fourth place.
There were three percent drops from Indonesia and Kenya, the only African country in the top twenty last year. But there were obvious increases from Saudi Arabia, Nepal and Vietnam. The number of Saudi students more than doubled, rising to nearly eight thousand.
For a sixth year, the University of Southern California in Los Angeles had the most foreign students. Columbia University in New York was second. Other schools in the top five were New York University, the University of Illinois and Purdue University.
Unlike American students in other countries, who often choose history and language study, the leading area of study in the USA was business and management. Second was engineering.
The new report also says more than 220,000 Americans studied in other countries. That was during the 2005-2006 school year. It was a record number, and an increase of eight and a half percent from the year before. But only five percent of them stayed for a full year.
66. After 2002, the number of foreign students in the USA fell mainly because ____.
A. Americans were worried that foreign students might attack them
B. few American universities welcomed students from abroad
C. their own countries could offer them a better education
D. it was harder for foreign students to get permission to study in the USA
67.Which of the following Asian countries has the largest number of students studying
in the USA?
A. China. B. Japan. C. South Korea. D. India.
68.Which subject is the most attractive to foreign students in the USA?
A. Business and management. B. History.
C. Engineering. D. Language.
69. We can learn from the passage that ____ .
A. Kenya is the only African country that has students in the USA
B. now foreign students are encouraged to study in the USA
C. the number of students studying in America always increases
D. the number of foreign students in the USA will keep increasing in the future
70. In which section of a newspaper could you most probably read this passage?
A. Culture. B. Science. C. Education. D. Business.
Part IV Writing (45 marks)
Section A (10 marks)
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
A bicycle helmet is a helmet intended to be worn while riding a bicycle.They are designed to reduce impacts to the skull(头颅骨) of a cyclist in falls.However, there is a debate on whether helmets are useful for road cyclists.
The World Health Organization promotes the use of helmets as a strategy for preventing people' s heads from being injured by bicycle crashes or falls.Use of cycling helmets is supported by numerous groups in the United States. US-based cycling activist John Forester suggests that helmet wearing could prevent 300 deaths a year in the United States out of a total of 1530 preventable deaths.Public Health Law Research reports that there is enough evidence to establish that bicycle helmet laws are an effective public health intervention(干涉)aimed to reduce the number of head-related deaths.Received opinion in some countries is that bicycle helmets are useful and that every cyclist should wear one. Professional bodies elsewhere have agreed, such as the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention.
Mayer Hillman, a transport and road safety analyst from the UK, does not support the use of helmets, reasoning that they are of very limited value in the event of a collision(碰撞) with a car. He compares it to drawing conclusions on whether it is worthwhile to buy lottery tickets. Cyclists' representative groups complain that focus on helmets diverts(转移) attention from other issues which are much more important for improving bicycle safety, such as road danger reduction.The UK's largest cyclists' organization, the CTC, believes that the "overall health effects of compulsory helmets are negative.'' The same report estimated(估计) that universal helmet use would save the life of one child aged 0 to 15 each year.
Up to now, the debate is with no consensus(共识), but an organization has published a review of studies in 2011, saying there is a good deal of evidence that those wearing a helmet are more likely to crash than bareheaded cyclists.

Section B (10 marks)
Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.
I've seen people do all kinds of things to relieve anxiety. Some have a glass of wine at dinner. Others shop or eat.But these are troubling times with hurricanes, tsunamis, war, and acts of terrorism ―and if drinking, eating, or hitting the mall is your way offending off anxiety over the state of the world, you should know that the bill will eventually come due.And I don't mean just the credit card statement.Such coping methods do nothing to build your inner strength and resilience(弹性).Fortunately, there are ways to nurture(培养)true inner peace when outer peace isn't an option.
A few months ago, a woman called Nancy attended one of my seminars.Nancy had been through hard times. Three years earlier her house had burned down; then her husband's National Guard unit shipped out to Iraq, and when he returned he was angry, depressed, and shocked.The couple got treatment yet grew further apart until, finally, her husband asked for a divorce.Nancy realized she had a choice: She could drown in self-pity or move forward.After seeing how the trauma(心灵创伤)of war had torn up her husband, she wanted to make a difference with her life.So, at 35, she enrolled (注册学习)in a nursing school.
I think even Nancy was surprised by her resilience.But her leap into a life of greater meaning came from a simple change in outlook.She shifted her focus from her own problems to the difficulties of others.And that one change brought her clarity and peace.
This time of global uncertainty challenges each of us to create our own sense of security.That doesn't mean you need to follow Nancy's lead into a nursing career, but keeping an eye on what really matters will help you maintain your balance when things around you seem to fall apart.
81.List at least three common coping methods when people come down with anxiety.(No more than 7 words)
82.How did Nancy's husband feel when he returned? (No more than 6 words)

83.What choice did Nancy make after her husband asked for a divorce? (No more than 13 words)
84.How should we relieve our anxiety according to the writer? (No more than 15 words)

Section C (25 marks)
Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
内容包括 ※建设绿色校园的重要性……
注意 1、词数100左右2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3、开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。wwW.x kB 1.c Om
Recently, our school is aiming at building a green campus. What is a green school? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

浏阳一中 2013 高二下学期第一次阶段性测试英语
一.听力1-5. CBBBB 6-10. CCABB 11-15.ACACA
16.protection 17.power 18.Europe 19.16th 20.style
二.单选 21-25 BCABA 26-30 ADBDD 31-35 BABDC
三. 完形填空36-40 CABDA 41-45 BDCAB 46-47DC
48.it 49.of 50.an 51.because/as
52.to 53.in 54.which 55.when/whose
56-60CDAAC 61-65 CBADA 66-70DDABC
71. Wearing Bicycle Helmets/Bicycle Helmets 72. supporters
73. preventing head injuries 74. head-related death number
75. useless 76. not being valuable/having little value/having limited value
77. to be diverted 78.few children
79. published 80. possibility/chance

81.Drinking,eating and shopping/hitting the mall.
82.He felt angry , depressed and shocked.
83.She didn't drown in self-pity, but she chose to enroll in a nursing school.
84.We should nurture true inner peace when outer space isn't an option.//.We should shift our focus from our own problems to the difficulties of others.// We should maintain our balance when things seem to fall apart.

One possible version:
Recently, our school is aiming at building a green campus. What is a green school? It means not only a green campus, but a "green" atmosphere for our study and life.
For one thing, a green campus means more plants, less pollution and no waste. Each of us can do something, such as planting trees and flowers or just saving electricity and water in our daily life. It will make a big difference. For another thing, it is necessary for us students to make great efforts to create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between teachers and students. Besides, it is important to keep a friendly
and supportive attitude towards each other.
Accordingly, if everyone does one thing for our school, we'll surely turn our school into a better one.