
petition will be ________ (公布) in June.
4.It is a(n) ________ (值得赞扬的) book, the first to tell the whole truth about the war.
5.She left the letter there ________ (故意地) so that you’d see it.
6.The school has just ________ (更新)all its computer equipment.
concentrate on; be delighted with; accuse ...of; inform...of;keep in mind; look forward to
1.The woman ________________ having beaten her four­year­old daughter.
2.Please ________ us ________ any change of address as soon as possible.
3.I can’t ________________ my studies with all that noise going on.
4.It must ________________ that we shall have to be here before eight tomorrow, or we will miss the flight.
5.He ________________the result of being admitted into the famous university.
1.(2011年瑞安高二检测)Japanese pop star Noriko Sakai(酒井法子),________drug abuse,may get an 18­month prison term.
A.defended against   B.accused of
C.charged by D.reminded of
2.(2011年海淀区期中练习)When I couldn’t avoid meeting him, I faced an embarrassing situation ________ I could only keep silent.
A.who B.which
C.when D.where
3.(2011年南通市高二调研测试)We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case ________from practice.
A.should theory separate
B.should theory be separated
C.theory should separate
D.theory should be separated
4.I think she hurt my feelings ________rather than by accident as she claimed.
A.actually B.deliberately
C.literally D.appropriately
5.________understand how the human body works,you need to have some knowledge of chemistry.
A.So as to B.In order that
C.So that D.In order to
6.―What a mess! You need to clean your bedroom ________ after school.
―But the final exam is approaching.
A.constantly B.mildly
C.thoroughly D.previously
7.―You ________ part in the party in time.
―Sorry,I was delayed by the accident.
A.are supposed to take
B.have supposed to take
C.are supposed to have taken
D.supposed to take
8.The chief editor demanded that the article ________immediately.
A.must be submitted B.would be submitted
C.submits D.be submitted
9.Once we ________some knowledge,things do not become more difficult,but comprehensible.
A.required B.acquired
C.inquired D.inspired
10.Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases ________ parents have much difficulty in communicating with their children.
A.which B.as
C.why D.where
The best reporters I know are bright,persistent,honest,curious and courageous.If you asked them to explain their success,this is what they might say:
Helen:A good reporter is a generalist,able to deal with a number of topics and talk with a variety of people.He or she can see the unusual,the ironic(讽刺的) in the everyday.She can think through all the possibilities and organize a large amount of information to find the important parts.
Jack:A good reporter is quick.Once he is assigned a story,he goes after it.He makes the calls and keeps trying if he doesn’t make contact.Besides,a good reporter is curious.He or she takes pleasure in the new,and in the old,in the history or previous examples that got us where we are.He enjoys reading and appreciates the details.
Susan:A good reporter is pleasant.She adopts a friendly nature with those she meets.She is a grateful guest,with a belief in the basic goodness of people.She conveys to those she meets that she is tolerant of them and their ideas,even though she doesn’t like them or what they stand for.
Tom:A good reporter is honest.He seeks the truth and acts independently.He does what he says he’s going to do,and doesn’t do something he promised to avoid.He returns his calls,and he’s willing to say no.He’s obsessed with accuracy and double checks his facts with call­backs.He sees both sides to every issue.
Richard:As Jon Franklin,reporter,author and teacher,said,“Back when I first started,I thought intelligence was the most important attribute a reporter could have.I have since changed my mind.You do have to be intelligent,but the big thing is courage.Courage to open your mind and let the whole damned confusing world in.Courage to always be the ignorant one,on somebody else’s turf.Courage to stand corrected.Courage to take criticism.Courage to grow with your experiences.Courage to accept what you don’t understand.Most of all,courage to see what is there and not what you want to think is there.”
1.What would be the best title of the text?
A.How a Reporter Makes Good News
B.What a Reporter Does
D.How to Be a Good Reporter
2.Who thinks a good reporter should find unusual news from daily life?
A.Helen. B.Jack.
C.Susan. D.Tom.
3.According to Susan,what should you do if you can’t agree with him?
A.Saying no. B.Being pleasant.
C.Getting angry. D.Walking away.
4.In the eyes of Tom,a good reporter should not ________.
A.seek the truth
B.check the facts
C.see every issue from different angles
D.be unwilling to say no to others
Today, we learn how to prepare dried fish. www.
First, clean the freshly caught fish. Remove everything inside. Then wash the fish in clean water and rub salt into them.
Next, put the fish in a container with a solution(溶液) of three hundred grams of salt and one liter of water. This will remove the blood from the meat.
Keep the fish in the salt water for about thirty minutes. Then remove them and wash them in clean water. Now, put the fish in a solution that has more salt in the water. It should be salty enough so that the fish float to the top. If the fish sink to the bottom, add more salt to the water in the container.
Cover the container with a clean piece of wood. Hold the wood down with a heavy stone. Leave the fish there for about six hours. After that, remove them from the salt water and place them on a clean surface. Cover the fish with a clean piece of white cloth and let them dry. Don’t let them be too dry or they will not taste good.
Another method of preparing fish is called dry salting. Wooden boxes or baskets are used for dry salting.
After cleaning the fish, put them on the bottom of the box or basket. Cover them with salt. Put more fish on top. Cover them with salt too. Continue putting fish and salt in the container until it is full.
Do not use too much salt when using the dry salting method. You should use one part salt to three parts fish. For example, if you have three kilograms of fish, you should use one kilogram of salt.
Remove the fish after a week or ten days. Wash them in a mixture of water and a small amount of salt and let them dry.
Title:Ways to prepare dried 1.________

Wet saltingfish,salt,water,a container,a piece of white cloth,a piece of clean
4.________Clean the 5.________→rub salt into them→put fish in a container with salt water→remove them and wash them→put the fish in the water with more salt→cover the 6.________and leave the fish there for about six hours→remove them from the salt water and place them on a clean surface→cover the fish and let them dry.Don’t let them be too 7.______.
Dry 8.
______fish,salt,water,wooden boxes/basketsClean the fish→put them in the 9.______
→cover them with salt→put fish and salt until the container is full→remove fish after a week or ten days→10.________them and let them dry.Don’t use too much salt.

Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language

1.He removed his glasses and began ________(擦亮)them with his handkerchief.
2.She made a(n) ________(约会) for her son to see the doctor.
3.She’s ________(年长的) to me,so I have to do what she tells me.
4.It was said that Ellison was head of the ________(部)of Education at that time.
5.She was able to give the police a(n) ________(精确的) description of her attacker.
1.I tried to think about all the problems that were ahead ________me.
2.I’m afraid he is not happy ________ your work this term.
3.Pass the book on ________ me when you’ve finished it.
4.It was difficult to sort ________ the lies from the truth.
5.The reporter was still excited after an interview ________ the President.
1.(2011年浙江嘉兴一中高二上学期测验)Occasions are quite rare ________I have time to spend a day with my kids.
A.who       B.which
C.why D.when
2.(2009年高考天津卷)―We’re organizing a party next Saturday,and I’d like you to come.
―________! I have another one that day.Thank you just the same.
A.Good luck B.What a pity
C.Never do it again D.Well done
3.If my plan isn’t ________of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted.
A.approved B.consented
C.agreed D.admitted
4.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once ________ with each other.
A.they had quarreled B.they’ve quarreled
C.have they quarreled D.had they quarreled
5.In space technology, there is no doubt that the US is ________ China.
A.in return for B.ahead of
C.in exchange for D.in case of
6.In the north of our town ________, which dates back to the Ming Dynasty.
A.an old temple stands
B.an old temple does stand
C.does an old temple stand
D.stands an old temple
7.―You ________ have finished your composition.
―I had meant to,but before I could,the bell rang and we had to hand in our test papers.
A.were supposed to B.were able to
C.bad to D.were determined to
8.President said he hopes to get Congress to ________ the free trade agreement.
A.settle B.reach
C.approve D.agree
9.-Could I ask you a rather personal question?
A.pardon me B.go ahead
C.good idea D.forget it
10.________in thought,he did not notice me come into the room.
A.Deep B.Lost
C.Absorbed D.All the above
This was my grandmother’s first Christmas without Grandfather. When we reached her house, it did seem a little __1__without Grandfather.
Grandfather had always said the Christmas __2__was the most important. So we set to work assembling(组装) the beautiful __3__tree that was stored in Grandfather’ s closet(储藏室). After we finished, we stepped back to __4__our work. It looked wonderful. But something was __5__.
“Where’s the star?” I asked. It was my grandmother’s __6__. As we emptied box after box and found no star, my grandmother’s eyes__7__with tears. Grandfather had given it to Grandmother fifty years ago. Now, on her first Christmas without __8__, the star was gone, too.
“Let’s __9__in the closet where the tree was,” my sister Donna said. We __10__under beds and over shelves, inside and outside __11__we had exhausted every possibility. We could see Grandmother was __12__, although she tried not to show it. By now, it was __13__outside, and time for bed, as Santa would soon be here.
The next morning, my sisters and I __14__early to see what Santa had left under the tree. After breakfast, the family sat together to __15__presents. “The last gift is to Grandmother from Grandfather.” Father said, in a puzzled voice.
“From who?” There was __16__in my grandmother’s voice.
“I found that __17__in the closet when we got the tree down,” Mother explained.
My grandmother opened it. Her face lit up when she pulled out a(n)__18__golden star. There was a note attached. Her voice trembled (颤抖) as she read it:
Don’t be __19__with me, dear. I broke your star while putting away the tree. Thought it was time for a new one.I hope it brings you as much __20__as the first one. Merry Christmas.
1.A.empty      B.cold
C.slow D.absent
2.A.wish B.tree
C.spirit D.work
3.A.unique B.artificial
C.super D.alive
4.A.follow B.show
C.judge D.admire
5.A.losing B.happening
C.missing D.falling
6.A.doubt B.reward
C.honour D.treasure
7.A.filled B.covered
C.put D.burst
8.A.them B.it
C.her D.him
9.A.stop B.move
C.start D.stay
10.A.hid B.searched
C.lay D.found
11.A.as B.until
C.because D.though
12.A.disappointed B.amazed
C.excited D.shocked
13.A.snowing B.raining
C.blowing D.darkening
14.A.cheered up B.came up
C.woke up D.looked up
15.A.pack B.open
C.pick D.exchange
16.A.happiness B.fright
C.surprise D.hope
17.A.gift B.book
C.note D.letter
18.A.big B.old
C.shining D.broken
19.A.generous B.angry
C.strict D.impatient
20.A.sadness B.concern
C.peace D.joy
(2011年临沂高二期中测试)IQUIQUE, Chile (Reuters)― Rescue workers at the San Jose gold and copper mine in northern Chile had reason to sing this week. A small hole drilled into the earth became a passage to freedom for 33 trapped miners, who spent 69 days underground. “Never have people been trapped for so long so deeply,” says a doctor at NASA, the American space agency, which helped in the rescue.
But the chief medical officer for the miners said most are in good enough health to leave the hospital within a day or so. The first three recovered and went home Thursday night.
For much of the day the miners relaxed with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. The 32 Chileans and I Bolivian still wore special sunglasses to protect their eyes.
A partial mine collapse on 5th August trapped them more than half a kilometer underground. They had to stretch a two­day food supply. For two weeks no one knew if they were alive or dead. Later, they received supplies.
The first miner rescued on Wednesday was Florencio Avalos. The second was Mario Sepulveda, who talked about how the experience tested his faith. The last miner up was Luis Urzua, who was the shift leader when his crew became trapped.
Rescuers used a metal cage to pull the miners to safety in less than 24 hours-faster than expected. The rescue capsule was a half­meter wide and known as the Phoenix, an imaginary bird from ancient stories. It bursts into flames but is continually reborn and rises from the ashes.
Chile’s Navy built the capsule with advice from mining experts and NASA engineers. It worked like an elevator, traveling up and down on a cable through a shaft(竖井)drilled 622 meters into the rocks.
Millions of people around the world watched the rescue. More than one thousand journalists traveled to the mine in the Atacama Desert to report on the rescue. They joined family members of the miners and rescue crews housed in an area of tents known as Camp Hope.
1.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Rescued miners speak out
B.Miners’ life deep underground
C.A rebirth for 33 rescued miners in Chile
D.Chilean president honors rescued miners
2.How many rescued miners are still in hospital?
A.3.      B.30.
C.33. D.69.
3.We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.all the trapped miners are Chileans
B.the Chileans rescued the miners alone
C.the rescue caught the world’s attention
D.the trapped miners lived easily underground
4.Which of the following is true of the Phoenix?
A.It was a wooden cage like a capsule.
B.It worked efficiently in the rescue.
C.It was named after a real Chilean bird.
D.It was built by NASA engineers.
5.The rescue is great for the reason that ________.
A.33 trapped miners were saved
B.the American space agency took part
C.Chilean President was on the rescuing spot
D.it lasted so long and the miners were trapped so