
e in? —Yes, come in.
A. Can B. May C. Am
(  )3. Mr ______ has a ______ car.
A. red B. black C. Black
(  )4. —How are you? — ______, thank you.
A. Very well B. Fine C. I'm OK
(  )5. —May I use your pencil?
— ______. Here you are.
A. Sure B. Certainly C. Yes
(  )6.—Let's play football. —______!
A. OK B. Great C. All right

III. 读对话,用适当的词填空,使其完整(每格一词):
Jack: Excuse me, Dick.  (1)  I use your bike?
Dick:  (2) . It isn't here. You can use Mark's  (3) .
Jack: That's  (4). I'll  (5) and ask him. Mark!
Mark: Yes?
Jack: Can  (6)  lend me your bike? I want to buy a tape.
Mark: Yes, (7) . Here's the key.
Jack: (8) !
Mark: You're welcome.


I. 找出划线部分读音与其它两个不同的单词:
(B)1. A. these B. leg C. he
(B)2. A. book B. room C. look
(A)3. A. ruler B. cup C. bus
(C)4. A. where B. what C. who

II. 趣味选择题(不定项):
(B)1. My father ______ a bike.
A. have B. has C. there is
(AB)2. — ______ I come in? —Yes, come in.
A. Can B. May C. Am
(C)3. Mr ______ has a ______ car.
A. red B. black C. Black
(AB)4. —How are you? — ______, thank you.
A. Very well B. Fine C. I'm OK
(ABC)5. —May I use your pencil?
— ______. Here you are.
A. Sure B. Certainly C. Yes
(ABC)6.—Let's play football. —______!
A. OK B. Great C. All right

III. 读对话,用适当的词填空,使其完整(每格一词):
Jack: Excuse me, Dick. Can(May) I use your bike?
Dick: Sorry. It isn't here. You can use Mark's bike.
Jack: That's OK. I'll go and ask him. Mark!
Mark: Yes?
Jack: Can you lend me your bike? I want to buy a tape.
Mark: Yes, please. Here's the key.
Jack: Thanks(答案不唯一)!
Mark: You're welcome.